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Problem solving

Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
My target audience doesn’t suit my production – I will create surveys aimed at my target
audience to find out what they want to see and what would appeal to them

My production doesn’t fit my genre – look into different genres and what they mean and
the different things they include and figure out which one mine is and stick to how it
should be

Surveys not taken seriously – make sure it is sent to multiple people and make sure they
are sent to people who will take it seriously

Not being able to find a suitable location - look at the locations available to me when
scripting and planning

Not enough information on the topic – Ask people who have looked into the topic before
e.g. film makers or professionals on the subject

Responses are not what I expected – I would ask them why they chose the opinion they did
or had they opinion they did and improve and adjust around them.
Planning for practical and technical problems
Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
Not having enough shots – leave enough time to go back and film any shots that are
missing or need improving. More detailed storyboards could help make I get the shot

Weather issues – make sure to check weather beforehand to see if its suitable for filming
and plan as to what days are suitable for different scenes. For example, on a miserable day
I would film any indoor scenes first.

Battery’s not charged - Double check that they are charged before leave bring power bank
in case. If a location has power ensure that it can be available when filming

Not being able to get the people I need for the day of recording - Plan out and organise
everything ahead of time and have backups just in case they end up being unavailable

Actors don’t fit role - Try our best to make them work and if we have enough time we can

Forgetting props and equipment - Make a list of all the items that we need on each day so
that we can go through beforehand what we need for filming

Actors not having the right clothes for the day - Tell them the day before or before they

Mid project check-up (After research)

- camera lost charge – I knew it would be dark by the time that I managed to get it
charged I used another camera which means that the shots came out different but in
order to fix’s this I played around with the colour editor in order to match the shots
- When filming Scene 1 I planned for it to be during the sunset so that it would be
dark but light enough to see everything, I quickly saw that when filming I didn’t
have enough time before it got dark to film and where this happened I tried to rush
it and I missed a lot of the key information. I decided to reshoot this scene but
instead film during the day so that I could get everything included and visible
- One of the ‘Stranger’ had family issues so could only be there for the interrogation
scene (scene 2) so to show why he wasn’t there after ‘Charlie’ escapes in the car I
had the other ‘stranger’ answer a call saying that he had to go back.

End project review

- Cars in the background made the cuts between shots noticeable so I found some
audio of cars going past and took the audio and put it underneath the whole of the
interrogation so that it would be less noticeable and for it to flow well
- I felt that after filming the story line was hard to understand to I used voice overs
for ‘Charlie’ to help explain a little bit of why he’s in this mess and to help the
audience understand he has a twin brother. I also used the silence when ‘Charlie’
has just escaped and is driving to include a broadcast over the radio explaining that
someone has been killed by the gang and is there to foreshadow his brother.
- All the driving scenes had a lot of background noise coming from the car, so to get
rid of this I changed the frequency of the audio in order to cut out a lot of the noise.

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