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Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the BEST answer from the given options. Write your answer from the
blank before the test item number.

_____1. Justine wants to investigate why most of his classmates failed in Mathematics. What research
definition was exhibited by Justine based on Coryn (2007)?
A. Research is truth-seeking C. conduct research
B. Research describes and explains causes D. Both A and B
_____2. What is research?
A. Experts did an investigation to draw solutions of problems.
B. A compilation of historical accounts about developments of a certain product.
C. A systematic investigation aimed to extend the knowledge of what is already known and what
is yet to be known.
D.A step by step investigation in attempt to explain why things happen in a certain way.
_____3. Below are the definitions of research based on Coryn (2007) except one:
A. Research is a truth-seeking investigation.
B. Research is to produce knowledge through inquiry and discovery.
C. Research is conducted by those people who have requisite proficiency.
D. Research describes and explains why a certain phenomenon happens.
_____4. Why do you think Coryn (2007) stated that research is conducted and governed by those who
have the requisite proficiency or expertise?
A. Research is an investigation; therefore, it should be done by experts.
B. Research is a formal academic paper; thus, only experts should be involved.
C. It is due to its complexities.
D. Research is a systematic process that requires researchers to be equipped with the
necessary knowledge to accomplish the desired goal.
_____5. How many types of research were introduced by Patton (1990)?
A.2 B. 4 C. 6 D.8
_____6. While watching the news last night about people who are on strike and are against certain
government programs, Joseph suggested that his groupmates venture into research that
would improve these programs. What importance of research is exhibited in the situation?
A. Describes what is happening. C. Evaluates what happens.
B. Predicts what will happen. D. Helps us solve problems.
_____7. Jenna got caution herself in doing or not doing things through reading existing relevant
researches. What importance of research is described above?
A. Describes what is happening. C. Evaluates what happens.
B. Predicts what will happen. D. Helps us solve problems.
_____8. Given are the importance of research in our daily lives except one.
A. It influences our decision. C. It helps us solve problems.
B. It explains why certain things happen. D. It provides solutions.
_____9. Liam has difficulty deciding what course he wants to take; thus, his friend Jamie has
shown him some latest research results as to the most in-demand course five years from
now. What importance of research is shown above?
A. It influences our decision. C. It helps us solve problems.
B. It explains why certain things happen. D. It provides solutions.
_____10. Research helps us solve our problems.
A. TRUE, because it gives us some options. C. FALSE, it just brings more problems because it is
B. TRUE, it can provide us solutions. D. FALSE, because it only gives us more workload.
_____11. Ethical problems can arise when researching the Internet because:
A. Everyone has access to digital media. C. Researchers may fake their identities.
B. Respondents may fake their identities. D. Internet research has to be covert.
_____12. Which of the following characterizes qualitative research?
A. It is sequential process beginning with the review of the literature and ending with a report.
B. It is sequential process in which each step is completed before moving to the next step.
C. It is an emerging process beginning with the identification of a topic and moving back and
forth across steps as the phenomenon under study become understood.
D. It is a haphazard, undisciplined process with no true beginning or end.
______13. Which of the following is not ethical practice in research with humans?
A. Maintaining participants’ anonymity.
B. Gaining informed consent.
C. Informing participants that they are free to withdraw at any time.
D. Requiring participants to continue until the study has been completed.
______14. The researcher designs an experiment to test how variables interact to influence job-seeking behaviors.
main purpose of the study is:
A. Description C. Exploration
B. Prediction D. Explanation
______15. A qualitative research design seeking to describe and analyze all or part of the culture of a
community is known as:
A. Historical study C. Ethnographic study
B. Action Research D. Grounded Theory
______16. In “phenomenology”, a well-written report will be highly descriptive of the participants’ experiences. It will
often elicit in the reader a feeling that they feel as though they are experiencing the phenomenon
A. A phenomenal experience. C. A significant experience.
B. A Vicarious experience. D. A dream.
______17. Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research?
A. Data are often words and pictures. C. Ends with a statistical report.
B. Uses the inductive scientific method. D. Involves direct and personal contact with
______18. It relies on a large sample size to make it more valid.
A. Quantitative C. Mixed Method
B. Qualitative D. None of the Above.
______19. It uses table and graphs, statistics, analysis and comparison with data obtained in the presentation of data.
A. Quantitative C. Mixed Method
B. Qualitative D. None of the Above.
______ 20. This can be done by way of generating numerical data using statistics tools analyze and interpret
the data.
A. Quantitative B. Qualitative C. Mixed Method D. None of the Above.
______ 21. A type of research that deals with the examination of primary documents to correct
the past and presents.
A. Case Study C. Ethnography
B. Content Analysis D. Historical Analysis
______22. Which of the following types of research has the goal to make people understand their experience about
the death of their loved ones?
A. Case Study C. Ethnography
B. Ethnography D. Historical Analysis
______23. Which approach to research uses qualitative data that deals on how people behave in the surroundings?
A. Naturalistic C. Scientific
B. Positive D. Triangulation
______24. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of qualitative research?
A. Active, powerful, and forceful C. Diversified data in real-life situation
B. Contextualization D. Internal Analysis
______25. The use of new technology is considered in doing research nowadays.
A. Accuracy C. Objective
B. Clarity D. Timeless
______26. Researchers wishing to study categorical variables would use which of the following research
A. Narrative C. Qualitative
B. Phenomenological D. Quantitative
______27. What research method is used by researchers who study a simple individual who is in-depth, to uncover
general principles of thinking and behavior?
A. Experimentation C. Naturalistic Observation
B. Correlational study D. Case study
______28. Which research approach is based on the epistemological viewpoint of pragmatism?
A. Quantitative Research C. Mixed-Method Research
B. Qualitative Research D. All of the above
______29. Research that uses qualitative methods for one place and quantitative methods for the next phase
known as-
A. Action Research C. Quantitative Research
B. Mixed-Method Research D. Pragmatic research
______30. Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature before data collection is not recommended by:
A. Ethnomethodology C. Symbolic Interactionism
B. Grounded Theory D. Feminist Theory
______31. Which of the following is the best topic to be taken by a TVL-EIM student as a research project?
A. Usage of Contraceptives
B. Linesmen's Personal Protective Device Compliance
C. Coping Mechanism of SHS students to stress.
D. Reading Ability of Grade 6 students.
______32. An example to this source of research topic is the symposium on drug addiction.
A. Replication C. Wide Reading/Critical Film Viewing
B. Social Networking D. Lectures, Talks, Seminars
_______33. Controversial topic should be avoided because it _______________.
A. lacks focus in along the process. C. requires thorough and extensive reading.
B. is prone to opinions of the subject. D. has no available materials to support it.
_______34. Choose a clear thesis statement from the following: Research Topic: Vegetarianism and its benefits
A. People practice vegetarianism for five major benefits it provides them.
B. The reasons why people practice vegetarianism are varied.
C. Vegetarianism is an essential practice.
D. Vegetarianism as a healthy lifestyle.
______35. A broad research topic should be :
A. narrowed down C. supported with extensive reading and investigation.
B. converted into a broader topic. D. challenging to the researcher as it needs more
_______36. It is a chapter of your research paper wherein it is focused on giving an overview of all the writings relative
to your specific topics.
A. Introduction C. Methodology
B. Review of related Literature D. Results and Discussion
_______37. What is the important and purpose of related literature?
A. To determine the similarities and differences of the findings between the past and present studies.
B. To gain insight into the aspects of the problem that re critical and controversial.
C. To collect background information about a topic.
D. All of the above
_______38. Which option reveals what should not be integrated in the references?
A. Author’s Name C. The dates your copies were published
B. Titles of the Article D. Age of the author
_______39. Which of the following is the correct paraphrase of:
“Horses like grasses and hay, and they can munch through 90 kilos of food a day”.
A. A horse can eat up to 90 kilos of grass and hay each day.
B. Grasses is the food of horses.
C. Cows eat grasses.
D. Hay must be 90 pounds for horses to consume it.
_______40.The most frequently used citation and referencing styles in social sciences?
A.MLA C. Chicago Manual

Good Luck!

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