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Name: KI Nisai (0005496)

Major: Business IT


1) Match the heading in the box to the data processing steps a-f.
a) Data Collection: Gather the raw data which you want to process.
b) Data Sorting: Arrange and systemize the data.
c) Data Validation: Clean the data and double check for faults and inconsistencies.
d) Data Entry: Enter the data into a system.
e) Data Tabulation: Arrange the data into table format so that it can be analyzed.
f) Data Coding: Create categories to organize the data into relevant groups.

2) Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

a) What's the difference between a database and a spreadsheet?
b) A database is for storing data.
c) The school has information about students.
d) Can people access the system at the same time?
e) A database is a collection of records.
f) You retrieve information from the database.
g) You enter the data into the system.
h) Which software do you use for your work?

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