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It includes the biological factors of sexual behaviors that include the reproductive system and
the sex characteristics that differentiate between man and woman. It affects not only on how individuals
view themselves but also their sexuality and sexual relationships.

Development of sex characteristic and the human reproductive system

Primary Sex Characteristic- are physical characteristics present at birth. These are the
characteristics that distinguish male from female. In female these characteristics include the vagina,
uterus and ovaries, and in male, the characteristics include the penis, testes or testicles, scrotum, and
prostate gland.

Primary sex characteristics develop as the embryo grows in the womb as a result of the chromosome
contained with the embryonic cell as well as hormonal influences. About 5 weeks of pregnancy, two
organs called gonads (male- testosterone and other androgens, female- ovaries produce estrogen and
progesterone as well as a small amount of testosterone), form in the embryo.

Secondary Sex Characteristics- developed during the onset of puberty. For women, the earliest
evidence of puberty are enlargement of the breast, menstruation(usually occurs at around 10 to 12
years of age), widening of the hips, enlargement of the buttocks, and growth of the pubic hair. In men
are the Testicular growth, sperm production, appearance of facial pubic, and other body hair, and
deepening of voice.

Female sex hormone are not produced consistently, their production follows a cyclical pattern,
approximately 28 day month cycle, ovulation period occur 14 days after the beginning of the menstrual

The Reproductive system is a system of Sex organs designed for reproduction and sexual function.

Female Reproductive system

Clitoris- made of erectile tissue swells with the blood and hardens when a woman is sexually aroused.

Vagina- is a muscular tube that serves as the receptacle for the penis and carrier of the sperm to the
uterus. It is also the birth canal where the fetus passes out of a mother’s body.

Uterus- is a hallow organ where the fertilized embryo grows to become a fetus.

Cervix- a passage way between uterus and the vagina that expands during childbirth.

Fallopian Tube- carries the fertilized egg from the ovary to the uterus.

Pregnancy- starts from fertilization and end at birth, 260 days of duration.
Male Reproductive System

Penis- organ through which male urinate and deliver the sperm cells into the vagina during sexual
intercourse. Made up of sensitive tissue and nerve ending.

Prostate gland and seminal vessels- sperm cells travels to this

Testes or testicle- located in a loose pouch- like sac of skin called scrotum, responsible for the
production of sperm cell and male sex hormones.

Vas Deferens- transport the sperm contains fluid called semen. Produce semen and nourish the sperm

Epididymis- is a set of coiled ducts connected to vas deferens where the sperm cells are stored.

Ejaculation- is the release of sperm cells from the penis, contains 300 to 500 million sperm cells.

Sperm can live up to 48 hours inside the uterus.

Erogenous Zone- are areas of the body which are highly sensitive and produce sexual responses
when stimulated. These includes the genitals, mouth, breast, ears anus, and to a lesser degree, the
entire surface of the body. One of the basic forms of sexual stimulation is masturbation or self-
stimulation that causes sexual pleasure or orgasm.

It involves the rubbing or fondling of the genital areas and provides a good index of sexual desire
because it is not constrained by the availability of a partner. Other sexual activities such as intimate
kissing, cuddling, necking, petting, or touching the erogenous zones may be uniquely important to sexual
In many species, sexual arousal is closely tied to variation in hormonal level. In humans, hormones plays
less of a role. The brain is where sexual desire originates and where sexual behaviour is controlled.
( Atkinson, Atkinson, Smith, Bem, Nolen-Hoeksema, 2009)

Cognitive factors play an important role in sexual arousal in humans, some individuals become sexually
aroused by creating or fantasizing erotic images, sexual fantasies play a significant role in sexual arousal
(Feldman, 2010)

Women and men have equal potential for sexual arousal and women are no less physically responsive
than men (Peplau, 2003)


William Masters and Virginia Johnson found that the biological responses of males and females to
sexual stimulation are quite similar. The divided the sexual-response cycle into four phases:

Excitement Phase- beginning of sexual arousal and can last from one minute to several hours. During
this phase, pulse rate increase, blood pressure rises, breathing quickness, and the skin shows a rosy
flush particularly on the chest and breast areas.

Plateau Phase- the changes in the body continues, breathing becomes more rapid, heart rate increases,
body temperature rises, blood pressure increases during this stage.

Orgasmic Phase- contractions of the muscles in and around the penis stimulate the release of the
semen which contains sperm cell

Resolution phase- the body returns to its normal state after orgasm.


Romantic Love includes a complex combination of different emotions such as fear, anger, sexual desire,
joy, and jealousy.

In context of interpersonal relationship, psychologist Robert Sternberg that suggests that there are
three components of love:

Intimacy- refers to the feeling of closeness, connectedness, and bondedness.

Passion- refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, and sexual consummation.

Commitment- refers to the decision to love and the commitment to maintain that love.

Love is classified based on the combination of any of the three components.

Romantic love has strong components of sexual attraction and infatuation, and is often experienced in
the early stage of a love relationship(Santorock, 2002)
Helen Fisher- biological anthropologist and expert in the science of human attraction suggest the
important ingredients of romantic love: lust, attraction and attachment.

Lust- is driven desire for sexual gratification

Attraction- is often associated with sexual attraction.

Attachment- occurs when an individual’s desire to connect with another person intimately. It may also
be called affectionate and companionate love.


It refers to a person’s sexual identity anchored on what gender they are attracted to.

Heterosexuality- sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex

Homosexuality- orientation of one who is sexually attracted to the same sex.

Bisexuality- is an orientation where one is attracted to both opposite and same sex.


STI- Sexually transmitted infections and STD- Sexually transmitted disease are contracted primarily
through sexual contract in vaginal, oral or anal sex). It may affect the sex organs themselves while others
have broader and more life-threatening effects.

It is treatable with antibiotics, but HIV/AIDS are more difficult to treat.

STI commonly include human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV/

HIV/AIDS infection- are caused by direct contact with body fluids such as through blood transfusion,
breast feeding, and sexual intercourse. It attacks immune system and the infected person eventually

Gonorrhea- caused by gonococcal bacteria which attack the lining of the mucous membrane such as
mouth, throat, vagina, and urethra. It can be treated by penicillin or other antibiotics.

Syphilis- infects the genital areas and other parts of the body including the brain can use paralysis even
death when left untreated.

Chlamydia- caused by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis In men, can cause swollen testicles and a
burning sensation during urination. It can result in sterility among women if left untreated because it
damages the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Genital herpes- can cause itching and tingling sensation, abscesses, and blisters in the genital area.
There is no cure for herpes.
Genital warts- are caused by the human papillomavirus, abscesses, and blisters in the genital area. There
is no cure for herpes.

Genital warts- are caused by the human papillomavirus and women with human papillomavirus are
prone to cervical cancer. The warts can be removed, they may recur.

Anyone who is sexually active is at risks of STI and STD and should practice sex. It is important to
remember that not having sex can be the safest sex method to avoid all forms of STI and STD as well as
other problems such as early pregnancy.


Contraception- refers to methods that are used to prevent pregnancy.

Methods of contraception are:


(IUD) Intrauterine Device- a tiny device made of flexible plastic that is inserted in the uterus to prevent

Birth control Injectable- given every three months

Oral contraceptive pills- taken everyday

Withdrawal method

Calendar Method-the number of days in each menstrual cycle is recorded and the couple of avoid sex
during fertile period.

Cervical mucus method- also called the billings ovulation method is a type of natural family planning
method based on careful observation of mucus patterns during the course of the menstrual cycle.

Abstaining sexual inter course/ Abstinence- best method in preventing pregnancy and sexually
transmitted infections or disease.

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