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Atticus and His Wish

Written by Prisca Amematsro

Illustrated by Freya White
Atticus and His Wish
Written by Prisca Amematsro
Illustrated by Freya White

K-3 Reading Audience

Teacher Leader: Carrie Strecker Academy
for Math, Engineering, & Science
5715 S 1300 E Murray, Utah 84121
Atticus always loved playing with his mom.
They caught fish,

poked the ants,

and rolled in mud

together all day long.
That was until Daisy, Atticus' little sister, was born.
Ever since Daisy was born, Atticus and his mom stopped
playing together.
Atticus caught the fish,

poked the ants,

and rolled in the mud... all by

Atticus thought Daisy was keeping Mom all to
herself. This made him upset.
Atticus began to walk himself to bed,

but was too sad and tired to notice the

wishing star right above his head.
As he climbed onto his rock, he whispered to himself,

"I wish Mom and Daisy would just leave me alone,"

not knowing about the star above his head.

The night settled in while Atticus slowly drifted into the
world of dreams that lived inside his head.
Then with a sudden burst of light and jolt of
energy, the wishing star beamed and flew
across the sky to land atop Atticus' head.

And just like that, the star was

gone, and the night went on.
The next morning, Atticus woke up feeling
better than ever! It was as if he'd been asleep for
He ran eagerly to his mother's kitchen where breakfast
had always awaited him on the table.
But when he opened the door, he found it empty...

... as if no one had been there. He

wondered if his mom had slept
in, so he made his way to her
He peered inside his mother's cave and was
shocked to see the bed still made. Even Daisy
was nowhere to be found!
Atticus began to worry. He asked around and
wondered if anyone had seen his family.
He asked the scurry of squirrels
in a nearby tree if they'd seen
his family.

"Sorry, kid," they replied, "we

haven't seen 'em."
He asked the loveliness of ladybugs hidden under a big
if they'd seen his family.

"Eeeee!" They shrieked, "we have not seen your family!"

He even asked a school of fish in a nearby stream if they
had seen his family.

The only answer he got from

them was the splashing of their
fins hitting the water.
Atticus began to give up. "Where could they
be?" he asked himself.
Atticus, tired and confused, had no choice but to call
it a night. He slouched on his rock and dwelled,
missing his family.
He must have fallen asleep because it was almost
like he could see a figure of his mom and sister
coming closer and closer.
"Mom! Daisy!" Atticus shouted
as he nearly tackled the two
while swarming them with hugs.
"Daisy and I went out to prepare for hibernation," Atticus'
mom explained.

"We didn't want to wake you from

your deep sleep."
Atticus told his mom about his time alone,
and how he missed them oh so dearly! He
understood now that Daisy wasn't trying to
take his mom away.
Atticus made his mother promise not to
leave him again. "Never ever again," she
replied reassuringly.

Then Atticus, Daisy, and their mom walked

home all together.

The End

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