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Hi love!,

Thank you so much for showing up to do business with

integrity, ethics and care.

Aligning your personal and spiritual values to the way

you do business is an incredible gift, and surprisingly,
an abundant move!

I hope this lesson is illuminating and immediately

helpful to you!

Please share the playback of this webinar with anyone

and everyone you love at

With lots of care and trust.


The Cultural Context

There's the culture we've been living in, the one we've been born out of...
and the culture we're here to co-create.

The culture we've been living in tells us...

override your body to make the cash you need
rush your progress and growth
fear your spiritual and embodied wisdom
dismiss your sensitivity and instincts towards togetherness

others need to be convinced that they're worth their healing
people won't pay for healing
if you wait until they've experienced your full magic, then they
won't have "sticker shock" and they'll give you a chance

competition = security
winning is the way
there isn't enough to go around
The culture we're here to co-create looks and sounds like...

honoring your body's limits and curiosities leads to stable,
sustainable offerings
long-term learning leads to seasoned wisdom and cultivated
your spiritual and embodied wisdom are essential to the health
of our human family and planet
your cooperative instincts are valuable and precious

all living things natural impulse is to heal – give them coherent
opportunities and they will take them
people will pay (even high prices) for super-aligned offerings
(when they can feel the groundedness of that offering)
if you cleanly share the prices of your work, then embody the
value, people will cleanly decide if the price/value is what they
need/want right now

cooperation with Life = security
Life wants all the allies it can get in its cause to grow, heal and
Life feeds that which helps cultivate and sustain more Life –
your business will get fed the more you cooperate with Life
The Whole Holy Point
The Whole Holy Point of ConSensual Sales is for both people to
experience CHOICE... and then ultimately choosing what's whole-bodied
and whole-hearted.

When you both arrive on a YES, you want that YES to be inclusive of
both parties needs, capacities, limits and desires.

Scope-of-practice, resonance, time, energy and money – all of these

things are essential to explore and feel out before signing up to do
intense interpersonal healing work with someone. 

When you begin a healing relationship on the grounds of

compassionate, safety-oriented transparency, that relationship can
do what’s it’s actually intended to do: empower the person who’s
come for healing to make informed choices about what’s best for
them. Empower the coach or guide to do the same.
Non-ConSensual Sales
Non-ConSensual Sales is when either person withholds information
about what they need for the therapeutic relationship to be safe,
ideal and doable.

When you begin a healing relationship on the grounds of scarcity,

manipulation, coercion or withholding of the full truth as a way to
amplify graspy desire from your client, that relationship will always
have those energetics laced throughout the work you do together.
Your client will always feel disempowered and dependent on your
recognition, approval or direction.

ConSensual Sales is healing in and of itself. Even if you don’t end up

being a match to work together, you’ve just imprinted each other
with reverence and respect for the truth. Hallelu.
Sales Pages
The magic of a great "sales page" has little to do with design or
even copy – and everything to do with coherence, alignment and
right-offer to right-audience.
What to offer

What expertise or wisdom have I cultivated over time?

In what ways do I feel REALLY ALIVE sharing it?
What do people thank me for the most?
How can I offer my gifts in consent with my body, energy, pleasure
and Life Force?
Who am I most SPECIFICALLY qualified to serve? (Who's my
minimal viable audience? h/t Seth Godin)
Who does my medicine work BEST on?

How to price
What does this offering COST YOU to give? (h/t Profit First by
Mike Michalowicz)
Hourly - 50% of price
Taxes - 15% of price
Operating Expenses - 30% of price
Profit - 5% of price
Put another way, what do I need to receive in order to keep
regenerating my Life Force, my Medicine? (So I'm not self-
extracting, so I'm not hoarding)
Cost Objections
So often, sales advice centers around how to deal with "cost
objections" on the customer side. The reality is, if you're getting
cost objections over and over again from prospective clients, it's
likely best dealt with on the provider side (that'd be you).

The magic question...

How can I DOUBLE the value for HALF the effort/cost?

This is a MAGIC question that puts you in super-creativity mode!

It generates money coherence!
It leads to awesome-amazing-incredible service!
It allows you to give superb quality and also regenerate, contain and
reserve your Life Force energy...
So you can receive your own medicine, so you have extra to give, too.

The Confidence of Sales Coherence

Once you land on what to offer and what to charge in a way that's
super-aligned, creating your sales page or talking about your offer
on social media becomes EASY. You have little FEAR about sharing
your prices when you know that you're delivering epic value in a way
that refills your tank to keep serving.
ConSensual Sales Calls
When you're about to work with someone in a long-term healing
container, you want BOTH parties to tune into 3 big things...

Is it SAFE?
Is it IDEAL?

What kind of services does this human need the most in order to
get the healing they’re seeking?
Am I skilled and experienced with those services?
Am I excited and turned on about offering those services?

What kind of coach or guide would be best suited for this person
to feel most safe, comfortable, held and supported?
Is my personality naturally aligned to what they might need?
Do I feel drawn to this human emotionally, energetically,
Do we both seem comfortable and in the flow as we connect in
this conversation?
ConSensual Sales Calls
How much energy might this person's healing process take once
they really enter into it? (How many naps will they need to take?!)
Do they seem like they’d have the ability to self-regulate
themselves, so long as you also guide them with a doable pace?
Is this person’s life set up to support the kind of healing process
they’re about to undergo? (Do they have enough friend, family or
other therapeutic support? Do they have enough free time?)
What’s this person’s financial situation? Is this program doable
for them in terms of money, or will it only cause further
emergency for them to invest in this moment in time?
Is there a doable way of negotiating money that feels great,
wholehearted and aligned for you both, if need be?

If you begin your coaching relationship by exploring each of these

things with transparency, compassion and grace, you’ll be building
the foundation of an epically healthy experience for you both.
ConSensual Sales Call Structure
Friendly welcome –
 "How are you feeling about this call? How's your day going?"

Setting the container –

 "Before we dive in, I'd like to share some things to make this a safe
and awesome experience for you... Then I'll give context for how the
call goes"

Confidential & Anonymous

You can be authentic (this is not an interview)
Be mindful about how much you share since we're not yet in a
therapeutic container... 
We're both here to check for three things: Is it safe? Is it ideal? Is
If the answer ends up being no, I'll help you find someone else.
I'll ask you a bunch of questions about what brought you here,
what you're wanting, where you're stuck
You can ask me questions about how I work
We'll feel into it by the end of the call
I'll ask you to take 24 hours to sit with it and then let me know for
ConSensual Sales Call Structure
Feeler coaching –
It should be experienced like an actual coaching call by your
prospective client, but this can be the internal structure you flow

Starter question: "What's bringing you here?" (Or speak to a

specific question based off their application)
Mid-way inquiry: "What do you want the most and where do
you get stuck with that?" (Coach them!)
Mid-way share: "This is how I would work with what you're
needing support around... How's that land?"
Ending inquiry: "Imagine yourself totally transformed by the
end of our time together... how would it look and feel?"

Closing the container –

Let's talk about those three things again. (Review them.) If it feels
like a fit, tell them that. If they're into it too, talk about payment
plans. If it doesn't, offer ways you can help refer out.

Follow-up e-mail –
Send an email ASAP (by the end of the day) championing them and
their vision, thanking them for their vulnerability. Review in
writing the payment plan you talked about. Tell them what will
happen once they say yes.
About Rachael
Rachael Maddox is a trauma resolution
educator, coach and guide who’s helped
hundreds of humans move from sexual,
complex or developmental trauma into
pleasure, power and trust-filled

Author of Secret Bad Girl: A Sexual Trauma

Memoir and Resolution Guide, and the
upcoming book ReBloom: A Soulful System
for Post-Traumatic Growth in Sex, Love
and Society – Rachael uses stories and
metaphor to weave together healing
methods that are accessible, safe, fun and

Known as a leader in the industry,

Rachael teaches and mentors other
coaches, healers and therapists who are
devoted to trauma-informed, radically
inclusive, pleasure-positive approaches to
changing lives and culture.

The ReBloom Coach Training – a trauma resolution coaching program for

experienced coaches – begins September 13, 2019 and is open for applicants

Learn more at

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