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Reviews and Overviews

The Neural Basis of Addiction:

A Pathology of Motivation and Choice

Peter W. Kalivas, Ph.D. Objective: A primary behavioral pathol- physiological plasticity in excitatory trans-
ogy in drug addiction is the overpowering mission reduces the capacity of the
motivational strength and decreased abil- prefrontal cortex to initiate behaviors in
Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
ity to control the desire to obtain drugs. In response to biological rewards and to pro-
this review the authors explore how ad- vide executive control over drug seeking.
vances in neurobiology are approaching Simultaneously, the prefrontal cortex is
an understanding of the cellular and cir- hyperresponsive to stimuli predicting
cuitry underpinnings of addiction, and drug availability, resulting in supraphysio-
they describe the novel pharmacothera- logical glutamatergic drive in the nucleus
peutic targets emerging from this under- accumbens, where excitatory synapses
standing. have a reduced capacity to regulate neu-
Method: Findings from neuroimaging of rotransmission.
addicts are integrated with cellular stud- Conclusions: Cellular adaptations in pre-
ies in animal models of drug seeking. frontal glutamatergic innervation of the
Results: While dopamine is critical for accumbens promote the compulsive
acute reward and initiation of addiction, character of drug seeking in addicts by
end-stage addiction results primarily from decreasing the value of natural rewards,
cellular adaptations in anterior cingulate diminishing cognitive control (choice),
and orbitofrontal glutamatergic projec- and enhancing glutamatergic drive in re-
tions to the nucleus accumbens. Patho- sponse to drug-associated stimuli.

(Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162:1403–1413)

A mong the most insidious characteristics of drug ad-

diction is the recurring desire to take drugs even after many
nisms of enduring neuroplasticity. Accordingly, this review
begins with an overview of the neural circuitry and mecha-
years of abstinence. Equally sinister is the compromised nisms of neuroplasticity that underlie the generation of
ability of addicts to suppress drug seeking in response to adaptive behavioral responses to motivationally relevant
that desire even when confronted with seriously adverse events.
consequences, such as incarceration. The enduring vul- After outlining the neurobiology of motivated behavior,
nerability to relapse is a primary feature of the addiction we will describe the pathological dysregulation of cellular
disorder and has been identified as a point where pharma- and circuitry functions produced by addiction. As early as
cotherapeutic intervention may be most effectively em- the 1970s it became clear that the acute administration of
ployed (1). In order to fashion rational pharmacotherapies most drugs of abuse increases dopamine transmission in
it is necessary to understand the neurobiological under- the basal ganglia (2), which is essential for these drugs to
pinnings of craving, relapse, choice, and control, and the reinforce behavior, and thereby promote addiction (3, 4).
last decade has seen significant advances toward achieving Therefore, dopamine projections to the basal ganglia and
this goal. However, as the pursuit for the neural basis of ad- cortex are important in facilitating the encoding of learned
diction advances, it is clear that the search intimately in- associations necessary for the development of addiction
volves understanding the neurobiological basis of motiva- (5). In contrast, once a person is addicted the uncontrol-
tion and choice for biological rewards, such as food and lable urge to obtain drugs and relapse arises from a patho-
sex, as well as more cognitively and experientially based re- logical form of the plasticity in excitatory transmission (6–
wards, such as friendship, family, and social status. More- 9). Alterations in excitatory transmission occur physio-
over, the fact that vulnerability to relapse in addicts can logically when learned associations with motivationally
persist after years of abstinence implies that addiction is relevant events are formed. Similarly, addicts’ extreme dif-
caused by long-lasting changes in brain function as a result ficulty in resisting the desire to use drugs of abuse is en-
of pharmacological insult (repeated drug use), genetic dis- coded by changes in excitatory synapses, and it will be pro-
position, and environmental associations made with drug posed that the molecular underpinnings of dysregulated
use (learning). Therefore, comprehending the basis of ad- excitatory transmission may be fruitful pharmacothera-
diction also requires understanding physiological mecha- peutic targets in ameliorating addiction.

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1403


FIGURE 1. Neural Circuitry Mediating the Activation of Goal- intensity of behavioral responding (13, 14). More recent
Directed Behavior studies have blurred the linkage between positive and
negative emotional valence in the amygdala and nucleus
Medial accumbens, and they have revealed a neuronal circuit con-
dorsal sisting of glutamatergic interconnections among the amyg-
dala, nucleus accumbens, and prefrontal cortex and dopa-
minergic afferents to all three regions (15, 16). Figure 1
Ventral Nucleus Prefrontal
illustrates this circuit and includes three additional com-
pallidum accumbens cortex ponents. The accumbens has dense projections carrying γ-
aminobutyric acid (GABA) and neuropeptides to the ven-
tral pallidum that are critical for the expression of moti-
vated behaviors (17). Another GABA/neuropeptide com-
ponent of the circuit is the extended amygdala, which is a
cluster of interconnected nuclei, including the central
amygdala nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and
shell of the nucleus accumbens, that is in part a conduit for
Enter basal environmental and interoceptive stressors (18). It is im-
ganglia motor
portant to note that while the shell of the accumbens pos-
generator Basolateral sesses some functional and anatomical characteristics of
tegmental amygdala
area the extended amygdala (especially in terms of the neuro-
Dopamine Extended amygdala circuitry of addiction), it is also anatomically distinct from
Glutamate Central amygdala the other nuclei in terms of some aspects of connectivity
nucleus, bed nucleus and histochemistry (19). Finally, there is a series subcircuit
GABA of the stria terminalis,
nucleus accumbens shell consisting of GABA-ergic projections from the ventral pal-
lidum to the mediodorsal thalamus and a reciprocal gluta-
matergic projection between the thalamus and prefrontal
cortex that mediates reintegration of information exiting
The Neurobiology the circuit back into the prefrontal cortex (20).
of Adaptive Behavior
Dopamine and the ventral tegmental area. Projec-
Seeking food and companionship and avoiding physical tions from the ventral tegmental area release dopamine
and psychological discomfort are examples of motivated throughout the circuit in response to a motivationally rel-
adaptive behaviors. Motivated behavior classically implies evant event (21, 22). The release of dopamine signals the
both an activation of the organism by environmental or circuit to initiate adaptive behavioral responses to the
interoceptive stimuli and a directed behavioral output motivational event, and in doing so it facilitates cellular
(10). Thus, the neurobiological search for the antecedents changes that establish learned associations with the event
of motivated behavior involves defining the neural sub- (5). In this way the organism can more effectively emit an
strates that 1) attach sufficient importance (salience) to an adaptive behavioral response should the event reoccur.
integrated stimulus that behavior is “activated” and 2) “di- However, in contrast to repeated drug administration, as
rect” this state of activation toward a specific behavioral a motivational event becomes familiar by repeated expo-
response. While we have made substantial progress to- sure, dopamine release is no longer induced by that par-
ward identifying the neural circuits and cellular founda- ticular event (23). In this case, although the behavioral
tions responsible for activating behavior, we have been response remains goal directed, it is well learned and fur-
only marginally effective at understanding the substrates ther dopamine-induced neuroplastic changes are not
that cause one behavior to be favored over another behav- necessary. However, it is important to note that condi-
ior (direction of behavior). tioned stimuli predicting the event continue to trigger re-
lease of dopamine (23–25). Therefore, in most natural
Activation of Behavior situations where learned associations accompany a re-
Neurobiology has focused on three brain regions in the peatedly encountered motivational event, dopamine will
activation of behavior: the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, likely be released as part of the overall experience. In sum,
and nucleus accumbens. The amygdala emerged from dopamine can be seen as serving two functions in the cir-
studies showing involvement in fear-motivated behaviors cuit: 1) to alert the organism to the appearance of novel
(11), while the nucleus accumbens was identified from a salient stimuli, and thereby promote neuroplasticity
connection with reward-motivated behaviors (12). The (learning), and 2) to alert the organism to the pending ap-
prefrontal cortex is less involved in establishing whether a pearance of a familiar motivationally relevant event, on
stimulus is positive or negative (valence); rather, it regu- the basis of learned associations made with environmen-
lates the overall motivational salience and determines the tal stimuli predicting the event (23, 26).

1404 Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005


Amygdala. The amygdala is especially critical in estab- FIGURE 2. Neural Circuitry Mediating Drug Seekinga
lishing learned associations between motivationally rele-
vant events and otherwise neutral stimuli that become
predictors of the event (27). Interactions between the ba- Ventral Prefrontal
pallidum accumbens cortex
solateral and central amygdala nucleus involve autonomic core
and endocrine associations by means of projections from
the central nucleus to the brainstem, the hypothalamus,
and dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area (28,
29). In contrast, the glutamatergic projections from the
Ventral Basolateral
basolateral amygdala to the prefrontal cortex and accum- tegmental amygdala
bens are required for learned associations to influence area
more complex behavioral responses (16, 20). The func- Extended amygdala
tional integration between the amygdala and prefrontal Final common pathway Central amygdala
cortex has been demonstrated in many neuroimaging nucleus, bed nucleus
Cue of the stria terminalis,
studies in which healthy subjects were exposed to stimuli nucleus accumbens shell
associated with motivationally relevant events, ranging
from food and sex to social cooperation (30–32). a The series projection from the prefrontal cortex to the nucleus ac-
Prefrontal cortex. The anterior cingulate and ventral cumbens core to the ventral pallidum is a final common pathway for
orbital cortices in the prefrontal cortex are recruited by drug seeking initiated by stress, a drug-associated cue, or the drug it-
self (which increases dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex).
motivationally relevant events, as well as stimuli that pre-
dict such events, and contribute to whether a behavioral
response will be emitted and the relative intensity of that prefrontal cortex precedes behavior (33, 43, 44). Gluta-
response (14, 33). Consistent with involvement of dopa- matergic efferents from the prefrontal cortex stimulate be-
minergic afferents, the activation of the prefrontal cortex havioral output by accessing accumbens-thalamocortical
by rewarding stimuli is strongly influenced by the predict- circuitry (45, 46). It has long been proposed that distinct
ability of the reward (34, 35). neuronal ensembles within the accumbens encode the re-
lationship between discrete stimuli and behavioral re-
Nucleus accumbens. The accumbens contains two
sponses (47). However, only recently was it demonstrated
functionally distinct subcompartments, termed the shell
that different subsets of neurons in the accumbens re-
and core (36). The shell is strongly interconnected with the
spond differentially to cues associated with distinct moti-
hypothalamus and ventral tegmental area and is corre-
vationally relevant stimuli, such as water versus cocaine
spondingly important in regulating ingestive behaviors
(48). How these ensembles are formed and organized is
(21, 36). Reciprocal dopamine innervation from the ven-
unclear. However, the intensity and quality of behavioral
tral tegmental area to the accumbens shell is important in
output are strongly influenced by both dopaminergic and
modulating motivational salience and contributes to es-
glutamatergic input to the accumbens, and activity at
tablishing learned associations between motivational
these synapses produces morphological changes in the
events and concurrent environmental perceptions (37,
dendrites of accumbens spiny cells (49). Changes in den-
38). In contrast, the core compartment is anatomically as-
dritic spine density occur in cellular and in vivo models of
sociated with the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cor-
learning, and they correlate roughly with excitatory syn-
tex and appears to be a primary site mediating the expres-
aptic contacts (50). In addition to morphological changes,
sion of learned behaviors in response to stimuli predicting
in vitro models of neuroplasticity reveal intracellular
motivationally relevant events (36, 39). Moreover, the
changes that can augment or diminish excitatory trans-
obligatory involvement of the accumbens core in express-
mission (51, 52). Recent studies demonstrate that addic-
ing adaptive behavior depends not on dopaminergic affer-
tion is associated with neuroplasticity in these cellular
ents but, rather, on glutamatergic afferents from the pre-
mechanisms of synaptic organization, and we will discuss
frontal cortex (40). Although not an obligatory event,
them in detail.
dopamine is released into the core in response to stimuli
predicting a rewarding event and likely modulates the ex-
pression of adaptive behaviors (41, 42). Addiction: Dysregulation
Direction of Behavior
in the Motive Circuit
While our understanding of brain mechanisms respon- Repeated use of addictive drugs induces reorganization
sible for activating goal-directed behavior is considerable, in the circuit shown in Figure 1 to establish behaviors char-
the mechanisms by which the circuit in Figure 1 deter- acteristic of addiction, and Figure 2 illustrates connections
mines or “chooses” the direction of behavior are less clear. in the circuit that are particularly critical for craving and
Choice is initiated in part by means of the prefrontal cor- drug seeking. In preclinical studies the most widely used
tex, as some studies have shown that activation of the animal model is training rodents to self-administer a drug

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1405


FIGURE 3. PET Brain Images Showing the Effects of Intravenous Methylphenidate on Extracellular Dopamine in the
Striatum and on Regional Glucose Metabolism in Cocaine-Addicted Subjectsa

Increases in Dopamine in Striatum Increases in Metabolism in Orbitofrontal Cortex

Placebo Methylphenidate Placebo Methylphenidate

10 10

Self-Report of "Craving"
Self-Report of "High"

6 4

4 2


0 –4
–10 0 10 20 30 40 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
Change in Dopamine in Striatum Change in Relative Metabolism
(% change Bmax/Kd) in Orbitofrontal Cortex

a Extracellular dopamine in the striatum was assessed by measuring [11C]raclopride binding. Regional brain glucose metabolism was assessed
by measuring [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose metabolism. Increases with methylphenidate were determined by calculating the difference between
methylphenidate and placebo conditions. As shown in the scattergrams, although methylphenidate’s increases in dopamine in the striatum
are associated with the “high,” the activation of the orbitofrontal cortex is associated with drug craving.

(18). The behavior is extinguished, making it possible to re- cue-induced reinstatement (40, 56, 57). Moreover, in-
instate drug seeking by exposing the animals to stimuli creased release of glutamate in the nucleus accumbens
similar to those that elicit craving in human addicts, such occurs following drug- and stress-primed reinstatement,
as a cue previously associated with drug delivery, a mild and treatments that prevent the release of glutamate also
stressor, or a single dose of the drug (18). In great measure prevent drug seeking (29, 58). Within the accumbens the
the circuit in Figure 2 was assembled by inactivating spe- region most strongly associated with drug seeking is the
cific nuclei in animals tested for reinstatement of drug core subcompartment, consistent with the role of this re-
seeking, as well as using cerebral blood flow or blood-oxy- gion in emitting learned behavioral responses (see the
genation-level-dependent responses in addicts elicited by preceding). Neuroimaging studies support a strong link-
the presentation of cues previously associated with drug
age between the prefrontal cortex and drug seeking. The
use (15). Three general principles emerge from the circuit
magnitude of change in metabolic activity in both the or-
in Figure 2.
bitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortices statistically cor-
Final Common Pathway relates with the intensity of the self-reported cue-induced
First, this glutamatergic projection is a final common craving (33, 35, 59, 60). It is interesting that the craving-as-
pathway for initiation of drug seeking. Inactivation of the sociated increase in prefrontal activity is on a drug-free
prefrontal cortex in rats prevents the reinstatement of background of reduced activity (13, 15, 61, 62). Moreover,
drug seeking by all three modalities of reinstating stimuli activation of the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cor-
(29, 53–55). Further supporting an obligatory role of this tex in addicts is inhibited in experimental situations of
projection in drug seeking, AMPA glutamate receptor an- decision making (63, 64) and in response to biologically
tagonists in the nucleus accumbens prevent drug- and relevant rewards, such as sexually evocative cues (30). To-

1406 Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005


gether, these data indicate that dysregulation in the ante- FIGURE 4. The Three Stages of Addictiona
rior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex is critically involved
in the prepotent motivation by stimuli predicting drug Daily
Drug Use Withdrawal
availability relative to stimuli associated with biological
rewards, as well as the difficulty experienced by addicts in Stage 1: acute drug effects

Change in Gene Expression

cognitive control over drug seeking. Indeed, just as hyper- Stage 2: transition to addiction
activity of the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex
Stage 3: end-stage addiction
contributes to compulsive behaviors in patients with ob-
sessive-compulsive disorders, the relative hypermetabo-
lism in response to drug-related stimuli could trigger com-
pulsive drug intake (65).

Modality-Dependent Subcircuits
The second principle in the circuitry of drug seeking is
that different modes of stimuli inducing drug seeking in- a Acute drug effects occur widely in dopamine terminal fields in the
volve distinct components of the circuit. In contrast to the circuit shown in Figure 1. Neuroadaptations mediating the transi-
obligatory role of the glutamate projection from the pre- tion from recreational drug use to addiction endure for a finite pe-
frontal cortex to the accumbens core in drug seeking, dis- riod after discontinuation of repeated drug administration and ini-
tiate the changes in protein expression and function that emerge
tinct nuclei in Figure 2 regulate reinstatement in response during withdrawal and underlie the behavioral characteristics of
to selective stimuli. For example, cue-primed drug seeking end-stage addiction, such as craving, relapse, and reduced ability to
requires involvement of the basolateral amygdala (66–68), suppress drug seeking.
while stress- and drug-primed drug seeking do not (29, 55,
69). Also, stress-induced drug seeking selectively engages have corroborated in humans that increases in dopamine
nuclei in the extended amygdala (29, 70). Consistent with in the striatum are associated with the reinforcing effects
a role for the amygdala in recognition of cue association of stimulants (as evidenced by self-reported “high”) (Fig-
with drug use and not in determining cue salience or the ure 3). However, in relation to comparison subjects, co-
intensity of the behavioral responding, neuroimaging caine-addicted subjects showed less dopamine release in
studies reveal that the amygdala is not consistently corre- parallel with fewer self-reports of a methylphenidate-in-
lated with the reported intensity of craving (33, 59, 71). duced “high” (74). In contrast, an intense methylpheni-
date-induced cocaine craving in cocaine abusers but not
Requirement for Dopamine Transmission
in comparison subjects indicates that addiction is associ-
The last principle is that all three modalities of drug- ated not with either enhanced drug-induced dopamine
seeking stimuli require dopamine transmission. Since release in the striatum or an augmented pleasurable re-
drug seeking is inhibited by inactivation of the ventral teg- sponse to the drug but, rather, with enhanced motivation
mental area regardless of the stimulus modality employed,
to procure the drug. As predicted by the animal studies,
the mesocorticolimbic dopamine projection is obligatory
methylphenidate-induced craving in cocaine-addicted
for reinstatement (29, 55, 72). However, while the reward-
subjects is not associated with dopamine increases in the
ing effects accompanying the acute administration of
striatum but with increased activity in the orbitofrontal
most drugs of abuse depend on increased dopamine re-
cortex (Figure 3). In addition, further contributing to the
lease in the accumbens (2, 3), the reinstatement of drug
hypofunction of striatal dopamine is low D 2 receptor
seeking requires dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex
availability in the striatum of addicted subjects (65). Given
and amygdala (29, 53, 55, 73), not in the nucleus accum-
bens core (40, 55, 57). Dopamine release in the prefrontal the role we have described for dopamine transmission in
cortex is antecedent to activation of the projection from the accumbens, to signal the salience of novel motiva-
the prefrontal cortex to the accumbens core since prevent- tional events, the decrease in dopamine release and recep-
ing cortical dopamine release prevents glutamate release tion combined with the reduced activation of the prefron-
in the nucleus accumbens by a stress or drug prime (29, tal cortex in response to biologically relevant stimuli (see
58). Also, reinstatement elicited by dopamine release in the preceding) may explain the reduced sensitivity of ad-
the prefrontal cortex is blocked by glutamate antagonists dicted subjects to “natural” reinforcers.
in the accumbens core (56). Data from imaging studies
support the idea that once a person is addicted, dopamine Stages of Addiction
release into the accumbens is not critical for craving. By
using positron emission tomography and the D2/3 dopa- The portrait of addiction drawn by the studies we have
mine receptor ligand [11C]raclopride in combination with discussed indicates that dopamine release in the accum-
a dopamine reuptake inhibitor such as methylphenidate, bens is required for the drug high and for the initiation of
it is possible to estimate dopamine release. These studies addiction but that repeated use of a drug causes gradual

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1407


recruitment of the prefrontal cortex and its glutamatergic stops; these proteins include tyrosine hydroxylase, dopa-
efferents to the accumbens. mine transporters, RGS9-2, and D2 autoreceptors (83, 84).
The switch from dopamine- to glutamate-based behav- However, these changes in dopamine transmission appear
ior reveals that the development of addiction occurs in a to be compensatory and may not directly mediate the
chronological sequence during which different parts of transition to addiction.
the circuit are preeminent. Similarly, cellular adaptations
Stage 3: End-Stage Addiction
occur in a chronological sequence. Three temporally se-
quenced stages of addiction are illustrated in Figure 4: Vulnerability to relapse in end-stage addiction endures
1) acute drug effects, 2) transition from recreational use for years and results from equally enduring cellular
to patterns of use characteristic of addiction, and 3) end- changes. It is interesting that, like the locomotor sensitiza-
stage addiction, which is characterized by an overwhelm- tion and drug-seeking behaviors associated with addic-
ing desire to obtain the drug, a diminished ability to con- tion (85, 86), changes in protein content and/or function
trol drug seeking, and reduced pleasure from biological in this category often become greater with increasing peri-
rewards. ods of withdrawal (87–89). This temporal characteristic is
consistent with the possibility that the more temporary
Stage 1: Acute Drug Effects changes in protein expression that mediate the transition
The acute rewarding effects of drugs involve supraphys- to addiction (see the preceding) may induce changes in
iological dopamine release throughout the motive circuit, protein expression that convert vulnerability to relapse
which induces changes in cell signaling. The prototype from temporary and reversible into permanent features of
signaling cascade in this regard is D1 dopamine receptor addiction.
stimulation resulting in the activation of cAMP-dependent
protein kinase (PKA), PKA-induced phosphorylation of Cellular Adaptations in Glutamatergic
the transcriptional regulator cAMP response element Projection From Prefrontal Cortex to
binding protein (CREB), and the induction of immediate
Accumbens That Mediate Drug Seeking
early gene products, such as cFos (75, 76). The induction
of Fos and other immediate early genes promotes short- The involvement of the glutamate projection from the
term neuroplastic changes in response to the acute drug prefrontal cortex to the accumbens core as a final com-
injection that persist for a few hours or days after drug ad- mon pathway for initiating drug seeking poses molecular
ministration (77). Thus, these molecular consequences of changes in the projection as potential mediators of the un-
acute drug administration are widely distributed in the controllable desire to take drugs that characterizes ad-
motive circuit and initiate cellular events leading up to ad- diction. Moreover, the search for cellular changes in the
diction, but they do not mediate the enduring behavioral projection from the prefrontal cortex to the accumbens
consequences of addiction. that are involved in the recruitment of this pathway by re-
peated drug use may reveal pharmacological targets for
Stage 2: Transition to Addiction ameliorating craving and relapse.
The transition from recreational drug use to addiction is
associated with changes in neuron function that accumu- Prefrontal Cortex
late with repeated administration and diminish over days Withdrawal from repeated administration of psycho-
or weeks after discontinuation of drug use. The most well- stimulants or opioids results in dysmorphisms in the den-
studied molecular adaptation in this category is D1-recep- dritic tree of pyramidal cells in the prefrontal cortex (49,
tor-mediated stimulation of proteins with long half-lives, 90). The enduring drug-induced morphological plasticity
such as ∆FosB (78). ∆FosB is a transcriptional regulator indicates long-lasting alterations in neurotransmission
that modulates the synthesis of certain AMPA glutamate (91). Accordingly, there is reduced cell signaling through
receptor subunits and cell-signaling enzymes (79, 80). Re- transmitter receptors coupled to Gi (a G protein subtype)
cently, the pattern of gene expression induced by long- (92, 93) that is mediated in part by an elevation in the G
term induction of ∆FosB was shown to overlap consider- protein binding protein AGS3 (87). It is important that an
ably with the pattern of changes induced in the accum- elevated AGS3 level increases the activity of prefrontal
bens by chronic cocaine administration, strongly impli- glutamatergic projections to the nucleus accumbens and
cating ∆FosB in mediating the transition to addiction (81). that normalizing the level of AGS3 in cocaine-addicted
In addition to the effects of ∆FosB, elevation of the GluR1 rats prevents the reinstatement of drug seeking (87). Re-
glutamate receptor subunit in the ventral tegmental area cently, it was postulated that the increased excitability of
for a few days after discontinuation of cocaine administra- pyramidal cells may result from AGS3 inhibition of D2 re-
tion may contribute to the development of addiction (82). ceptor signaling and a corresponding relative increase in
Also, there are alterations in the content and function of D1 signaling (94). Supporting this possibility are the find-
various proteins directly involved in dopamine transmis- ings that D1 receptor blockade in the prefrontal cortex
sion that endure for a few days after drug administration prevents the reinstatement of drug seeking (53) and that

1408 Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005


FIGURE 5. Potential Pharmacotherapeutic Targets for Normalizing Dysregulated Glutamate Release and Postsynaptic
Responsiveness in the Nucleus Accumbens to Ameliorate Cocaine Craving and Relapsea

Dendritic Spine

Ionotropic glutamate
AMPA receptors (including
antagonist AMPA receptors)
AGS3 Restore
inhibitor Presynaptic Terminal
AGS3 Glu
Glu PSD-95
Homer Promote
mGluR2/3 Homer
Glu mGluR5 multimers

N-Acetylcysteine mGluR2/3
Cys mGluR5 antagonist

Cys/Glu exchanger



a Glu=glutamate, Cys=cystine.

withdrawal from repeated amphetamine administration tations in postsynaptic receptor associated proteins (post-
renders pyramidal cells more excitable (95). synaptic density) that can alter glutamate receptor intrac-
ellular signaling and trafficking to the membrane. This
Nucleus Accumbens: Presynaptic Adaptations includes reductions in scaffolding proteins such as PSD-
In the nucleus accumbens there are two categories of 95 (104) and Homer (89, 105). Together, these changes in
adaptation in glutamate transmission, those that promote postsynaptic density proteins may account for the den-
presynaptic glutamate release and those altering postsyn- dritic dysmorphisms produced in the accumbens by with-
aptic responsiveness to released glutamate. Increased re- drawal from psychostimulants or morphine (49, 90). The
lease of glutamate in response to a stimulus that induces cellular ramifications of changes in postsynaptic density
drug seeking arises in part from adaptations that reduce induced by cocaine withdrawal remain to be fully investi-
inhibitory presynaptic regulation by metabotropic gluta- gated. However, animals with constitutive Homer2 gene
mate (mGluR2/3) inhibitory autoreceptors (96, 97), and deletion show remarkable similarities to animals with-
perhaps from alterations in the organization of vesicles in drawn from chronic cocaine, including reduced cystine-
presynaptic terminals (98–100). There is a reduction in glutamate exchange, increased AGS3 levels, increased re-
basal extracellular glutamate in the nucleus accumbens leasability of glutamate, as well as augmented behavioral
after withdrawal from cocaine that results from reduced responsiveness to cocaine (106). Moreover, many of the
glial cystine-glutamate exchange (96). The cystine-gluta- effects of Homer2 gene deletion are normalized when
mate exchanger is the rate-limiting step in glutathione Homer2 is restored to the accumbens by viral transfection.
synthesis (101) and is responsible for the majority of extra- Similarly, the deletion of the PSD-95 gene augments the
cellular glutamate outside the synaptic cleft (102). Thus, acute behavioral response to cocaine (104).
the exchanger is the primary contributor to maintenance
of tone on mGluR2/3 inhibitory autoreceptors and thereby Potential New Targets
inhibits the release of synaptic glutamate (103). It is note- for Pharmacotherapeutic Amelioration
worthy that activation of cystine-glutamate exchange by
procysteine drugs prevents the reinstatement of drug
of Addiction
seeking by restoring extrasynaptic glutamate and stimu- The enduring changes in proteins regulating excitatory
lating inhibitory presynaptic mGluR2/3 (96, 103). transmission in the projection from the prefrontal cortex
to accumbens core point to a number of novel targets for
Nucleus Accumbens: Postsynaptic Adaptations treating addiction. However, it is important to remember
Postsynaptic responses to glutamate in the accumbens that additional pharmacotherapies could target other
of animals withdrawn from cocaine reveal enduring adap- components of the circuit shown in Figure 2 that pertain

Am J Psychiatry 162:8, August 2005 1409


selectively to stress- or cue-induced relapse. These in- drug and reduced capacity to control that desire. Addic-
clude drugs that 1) decrease the motivational value of the tion can be viewed as a pathology in how importance is at-
drug, 2) increase the salience and motivational value of tached to stimuli that predict drug availability and how the
nondrug reinforcers, or 3) inhibit conditioned responses brain regulates (chooses) behavioral output in response to
to stimuli predicting drug availability. Most advanced in those stimuli. Thus, end-stage addiction is characterized
this regard are drugs that restore inhibitory presynaptic by the excessive motivational importance of drug seeking.
regulation of excitatory transmission as a means to in- The glutamatergic projection from the prefrontal cortex to
terfere with the enhanced salience of the drug or drug- the accumbens is a final common pathway for eliciting
related cues. Figure 5 illustrates that this has been ap- drug seeking. This anatomical locus of pathology is con-
proached by three different mechanisms, all of which have sistent with behavioral dysregulation in addiction, since
been shown to reduce drug seeking in the reinstatement the prefrontal-accumbens projection is credited with pro-
model of relapse. Procysteine drugs such as N-acetyl- viding the properties of motivational salience and direc-
cysteine have been used clinically to stimulate cystine- tion to normal goal-directed behavior. Recently, some of
glutamate exchange and restore glutathione following ac- the cellular mediators of the pathology in the prefrontal-
etaminophen overdose (107). N-Acetylcysteine adminis- accumbens glutamate projection have been identified.
tration to rats withdrawn from cocaine self-administra- These include 1) alterations in G protein signaling in the
tion restores glutamatergic tone on mGluR2/3 inhibitory prefrontal cortex that increase the excitability of neurons
presynaptic receptors and abolishes cocaine-induced re- projecting to the accumbens, 2) augmented presynaptic
instatement of drug seeking (96). It is noteworthy that in glutamate release in the accumbens due to reduced inhib-
animal models it is effective only in cocaine-trained sub- itory presynaptic regulation and increased releasability of
jects and is without effect on control animals or animals synaptic vesicles, and 3) alterations in postsynaptic pro-
trained in a food-seeking paradigm (96). Direct stimula- teins that result in rigid dendritic morphology and signal-
tion of mGluR2/3 with systemically active agonists also re- ing. These findings combined with functional imaging
duces the reinstatement of drug seeking (108). Finally, a studies in addicts reveal a situation whereby prefrontal
portion of decreased mGluR2/3 inhibitory tone on pre- regulation of behavior is reduced in basal conditions,
synaptic glutamate release arises from the increased levels thereby contributing to the reduced salience of nondrug
of AGS3 produced by withdrawal from repeated cocaine, motivational stimuli and reduced decision-making ability.
and restoring AGS3 levels to normal in the prefrontal cor- However, when stimuli predicting drug availability are
tex blocks cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug seeking presented, there is profound activation of the prefrontal
(87). Unfortunately, the pharmacological techniques for cortex and glutamatergic drive to the nucleus accumbens.
manipulating AGS3 levels in vivo require intracellular Combined with the cellular neuroadaptations in the ac-
transduction of active protein, and the currently available cumbens that render excitatory synapses relatively im-
technologies to accomplish this (e.g., Tat fusion proteins, mune to regulation, the increased prefrontal drive con-
viral transfection, or oligonucleotide/iRNA infusions) are tributes overpowering motivational salience to drug-
not available for clinical use. associated stimuli and correspondingly impels craving
The changes in postsynaptic proteins induced by cocaine and drug seeking. The combined functional and cellular
withdrawal also point to potential pharmacotherapeutic evidence predicts that pharmacotherapeutic agents regu-
interventions. Notably, blockade of AMPA glutamate recep- lating prefrontal glutamatergic drive to the nucleus ac-
tors in the nucleus accumbens prevents cocaine- or cue- cumbens have the potential to ameliorate both the exces-
primed reinstatement of drug seeking in animal models sive motivational importance given to stimuli that predict
(40, 56, 57). In addition, while tests in the reinstatement drug availability and the reduced capacity of addicts to in-
model have not yet been conducted, restoration of the scaf- hibit drug intake.
folding proteins Homer and PSD-95 may also inhibit drug
Presented at the 157th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric
seeking (104, 106). Unfortunately, akin to AGS3, reagents
Association, New York, May 1–6, 2004. Received July 7, 2004; revision
to manipulate scaffolding proteins are not yet available for received Aug. 26, 2004; accepted Sept. 9, 2004. From the Depart-
use in humans. A final promising discovery is that mice ment of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina; and the
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, Md. Address correspon-
with a deletion of the mGluR5 gene show reduced respon-
dence and reprint requests to Dr. Kalivas, Department of Neuro-
siveness to cocaine (109), and systemic administration of sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, 173 Ashley Ave., BSB-
an mGluR5 antagonist reduces cocaine and nicotine self- 403, Charleston, SC 29425; (e-mail).
Supported in part by National Institute on Drug Abuse grants DA-
administration (110).
12513, DA-05369, and DA-03906.

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