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My Teaching Philosophy

The nature of knowledge should be relative. Each student is different, and their
education should fit their needs. Education should help the child grow both mentally
and emotionally. Students should be given the right to think on their own. They do
not need a teacher who will take their free will away. Students should not have to
conform to something in which they do not believe. They should have their own
thought processes. The best philosophical approach toward a
child’s education is progressivism.

Progressivism allows the child to be a free-thinking individual. My teaching method

will let the students become critical thinkers who can use their knowledge in the
“outside world”. To accomplish this …show more content…
The area of curricula that I have chosen is English-Language Arts. This subject area
is important because it teaches students to think critically and accomplish problem
solving tasks. The reading and writing of literature will help them think and interpret
on a higher educational level.

Instead of being a strict teacher, I will be a facilitator. My classroom will be one of

control, and not one with a strict code of order. I feel that if a teacher orders students
around they will be given less respect. If you keep them in line without being too
controlling, they will be more effective listeners. I will create a type of democracy in
which everyone will have a voice in their educational curriculum. Students should be
allowed to have some sort of input into the type of education they are receiving. If
they do not like something you are doing, you should take the time and listen to their
ideas. I will not act like I am more intelligent than they are. I believe that teachers
should operate on the same level, and receive as much as they give.

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