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Oleh :
Wisnu Putra Pamungkas
Hukum Kelas C

1. Are the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in a democratic state limited?
Explain your answer.
Answer : No. Because the democratic system is a system that is not limited to the
obligation of citizens to be similar to the rights of citizens, it is also
limited by the nationality of that person. Rights and obligations
are also regulated in Article 27
paragraph 2, which states that all citizens with their position in law
and governm ent are obliged to uphold the law and government.

2. What is meant by freedom of speech and press?

Answer : Freedom of speech is freedom which refers to a right to speak freely without
any act of attack, censorship, or lawsuits, but in this case it is n ot included
in matters of spreading hatred.

3. What is the central idea of paragraph 4?

Answer : Sovereignty is the heart of democracy. It means that the people are
supreme, not kings, not a leader, not a clique of despots, but the

4. What is m eant by the motto "the people are supreme"

Answer : The purpose of the people is the highest, the people gave power to the
people's representatives who occupied the legislative and executive
institutions to implement the wishes of the people, protecting the rights of
the people and ruled according to the people's conscience .

5. In which articie of the 1945 constitution do we find the ideas of paragraph 4

Answer : After the amendment of the 1945 Constitution Article 1 paragraph 2
states that sover eignty is in the hands of the people and is exercised
according to the constitution. This formula, if interpreted,
implies that the meaning of the
highest power is held or in the will of the people.

6. What are the civil right according to the text?

Answer : Civil rights include the right to vote, to hold office, to have a fair trial
to enjoy the privileges of full citizenship.

7. They may argue, pass resolution. (par 3) what does the word "they" refer to?
Answer : Citizen or People.

8. What is the m eaning of sentence: they have no heredaty right in their jobs?
Answer : Hereditary rights or hereditary rights are inherited or socially through
inheritance of titles, or social status.
9. What are the right of Indonesia citizens according to the 1945
Answer : As stipulated in the 1945 Constitution in article 28, which tipulates that
the rights of citizens and residents to associate and assemble, express
their thoughts orally, and so on, the conditions will be regulated in

10. What are the responsibilities of Indonesian citizens according to the 1945
Answer :
▪ Obliged to obey law and government. Article 27 paragraph (1) of the
1945 Constitution reads "All citizens shall have equal standing before
the law and government and are obliged to uphold the law and
government without exception".
▪ Must participate in efforts to defend the state. Article 27
paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which reads, "Every citizen has
the right and obligatio n to participate in efforts to defend the state".
▪ Obliged to respect the human rights of others. Where is stated in Article
28J paragraph 1 which reads, "Everyone is obliged to respect the human
rights of others".
▪ Must comply wi th the restrictions established by law. It is stated in
Article 28J paragraph 2 which states, "In exercising his rights and
freedoms, every person is obliged to comply with the
restrictions established by law with a view to guaranteeing recognition
and res pect for the rights of freedom of others and to fulfill fair demands
in accordance with considerations. morals, religious values, security, and
public order in a democratic society ".
▪ Must participate in national defense and security efforts. It is stat ed
in Article 30 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution which states, "every
citizen has the right and obligation to participate in the defense and
security of the country" .

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