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This Bible Seeker object lesson is designed to help us see God and know Him

through connecting His Word with our everyday surroundings.  It's a short &
simple Bible lesson that begins with a photo of an everyday object that can
remind us of God's truth and His presence throughout our day.

God has placed His identifying marks all over our world and lives to point us to
Him!  These simple object lessons are hands-on applicable Bible teaching that
help connect God's Word to our everyday lives in a real and personal way.  They
may be used for personal or family devotions or to use with small groups for a
children's sermon or Sunday school lesson.

"For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things
have been created through Him and for Him."

The object for this lesson is almost limitless of options.  Take a photo of
something God created that causes you to think about Him.  It's even better if
you choose something you will see often throughout your day or just carry the
photo with you on your phone!

I chose to use a photo of clouds for God's creation.  Clouds are probably one of
my favorite things to photograph because they cause me to think of the majesty
of God...and they are just so beautiful ... and they are everywhere!

Today keep your eyes open for all the creations of God all around you!  Be
creative in what you take a photo of because God has certainly been creative! 
Notice the colors, the uniqueness of individuals, the sounds His creation makes,
etc.  Don’t limit yourself because God sure didn’t limit Himself. Be reminded of all
the things He created for us to enjoy, for us to praise Him for, to reveal Himself

This Bible verse says everything was created by Him, through Him and for Him,
and each of His creations bear His fingerprint.  Look for His identifying marks. 

Look to the heavens – see the clouds, the birds, the stars, the sun, the moon,
etc.  He is there. 

Look to the earth – the flowers, water, animals, people.  He is here.  He reveals
Himself in so many ways if we will but look for Him. 

Today as you look at all His creations, be reminded that you are His creation
too.  He created you unique and special, and He loves you just the way you are! 
You see…this verse speaks of Jesus.  At Christmas we celebrate His earthly
entrance, but He has always existed as God, with God the Father.  He became
“Immanuel”, God with us, but He has always been God even at creation!  May
this simple object lesson cause us to be in awe of Him for all He is and give Him

Object Lesson Extensions:

I spy

Play a game of I SPY beginning with "I spy something God created that is
_________."  Take time to talk about how creative God was in making so many
things so many different colors, sizes, textures, etc.

Scavenger Hunt
This can be done inside or outside depending on your setting.  Challenge
everyone to find something God made that is a certain color or texture or unique
in what it does.

Examples:  Locate something God made that -

 is smooth  can smell  can be eaten
 is cold  can walk  can be petted
 is green  is above your head  you can stand on

Play 5 Things

Call out a topic and have each person jot down 5 things God created that fit into
the category.


 5 things that are green

 5 things that can fly
 5 things that grow
 5 things that begin with the letter "S"
 5 things that you can eat

Take time to discuss how creative God is and we can learn something about Him
through what He has made.

Playdough or clay Challenge

Give each person a ball of playdough or clay.  Call out an item for everyone to
make within a one minute time limit.  Discuss how different & unique each one is
and how God did not make us clones, but made us unique also.  Discuss how
amazing it is that God created so much in just a little time, and He created it all
out of NOTHING!  Only God could do that!

A Christian Object Lesson - "Image of God"

Use this Christian object lesson to teach how we are not only created in God's
image, but our lives should also reflect His image each and every day.

This is an easy Bible children's talk that can be used in Children's Church, as a
children's sermon, or for any children's ministry purpose. I used it for a devotion
for our Upward Basketball games. It could also be used during Awana council

Also, try these other great Bible object lessons!

Object Lesson:

Object: Digital camera or photo and a small mirror

Scriptures:   Genesis 1:27 - "So God created man in His own image, in the
image of God He created Him; male and female He created them."

2 Cor. 3:18 tells us: "And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be
mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord
works within us,we become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even

The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 - "So God created man in his own image, in
the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

Ask if anyone knows what an "image" is. Accept varied answers and comment
positively on them so kids will continue to participate.

Have the following definition to summarize and clarify the meaning of "image."

The dictionary gives this definition: "a physical likeness or representation of a

person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made

Take a picture of someone in the group with a digital camera or bring a photo of
someone most everyone will recognize like a famous person.

Ask them if the photo or "image" is actually that person. Of course it's not. The
image can't speak, think, etc., but it does show a lot about the person and what
they are like.

In the same way, we are created in the "image of God." We are NOT God, but
created to be like Him and reflect what He is like.

God created us in His image to be perfect, but just like a computer can "warp" or
change an image until you can't recognize the person in the photo, so sin warped
the image of God in us.

God, however, sent His perfect image, Jesus Christ, to restore God's image in us
as we accept Him as our Savior and Lord.

The dictionary gives this definition: "a physical likeness or representation of a

person, animal, or thing, photographed, painted, sculptured, or otherwise made

Take a picture of someone in the group with a digital camera or bring a photo of
someone most everyone will recognize like a famous person.

Describe the person in the photo to them and ask them to guess who it is from
your description. Be vague in your description such as "this person has brown
hair, is a girl, & looks friendly."

When I used this Christian object lesson for a children's devotional for our
Upward Basketball games, I used my digital camera to take a picture of someone
actually in the room.

Then show them the photo & have them point out or name the person in the
picture. Ask them how they were able to recognize them so quickly when you
showed them the photo.

Point 1: We can use words to describe Jesus, but if we can show others His
image in us, they will be able to recognize Him more easily.

Point 2: How can we do this? We can be mirrors!

Hold the mirror in three different ways while asking them if they can see their

1) Hold the mirror facing away from them. -> When we are not looking to God
and learning about Him, we won't be reflecting His image either.

2) Hold the mirror facing them but covered with a piece of paper. -> There can't
be anything between the mirror and our eyes. Others won't see the image of God
in us either if there is something between us and Him.

3) Move the mirror all around as they try to look at their image. -> We need to
take time to "be still and know that He is God." We need to daily spend time with
Him in prayer & Bible study so that we will become more like Him.

2 Cor. 3:18 tells us:

"And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly
reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we
become more and more like Him and reflect His glory even more."

By us reflecting God's image, others will be able to recognize Him. We can use
words to describe Jesus, but if others can see an image of Him in us, they will be
able to recognize Him more easily. This Christian object lesson can also be
easily divided into two smaller children's Bible talks. Really it's two Christian
object lessons in one - one using a digital camera or photo to teach what it
means to be created in the image of God and the other using a mirror to teach
how we can reflect His image through our Christian lives.

Separately, they were each about five to ten minute short children's talks.
Together they could easily be a twenty to thirty minute children's sermon.

Either way, this Christian object lesson takes little or no preparation and the kids
(whether they're preschoolers or teens) enjoy it and are better able to understand
these Biblical truths.
Object Lesson on Gifts and Talents - Gift
Use this object lesson on gifts and talents to teach kids why God made them
each special.
Object Needed: Wrapped Gift
Bible Verse: Colossians 3:23-24
Big Idea: God gave you special gifts for a reason.

Gifts and Talents Object Lesson Script

See what this is? It's a gift. You know if you get something covered in pretty
paper or the big bow, you're getting something pretty special.
We give each other gifts on birthdays and holidays, because we care for that
person. They may be a family member or a friend. We love gifts. They're usually
something we want. Your family member specifically picks out that gift with you in
mind, because they want you to like it.
Well when you were born, you were given gifts specifically picked out for you.
These gifts were given to you by God. We also like to call them talents. The
talents God has given you can be whatever you're good at. Sometimes it involves
a sport, maybe you have a musical talent, or maybe you're good at science and
math, or maybe you are more artistic and can draw really well. Whatever the
case, God made you good at something for a reason. He wants you to serve Him
with your talents.
The Bible says in Colossians 3:23-24, “whatever you do work at it with all your
heart as working for the Lord not for men since you know that you will receive an
inheritance from the Lord as a reward it is the Lord Christ you are serving.” What
that verse says is that with your gift you can serve the Lord.
It doesn't matter what other people think of you, as long as you're doing what
God wants you to do. So don't be ashamed of your gift, or try to use a different
gift that's not yours. Use the talent God gave you and you can bless others with
your talent just as if you're giving them a wrapped gift.

Object Lesson on Stewardship - French Fries

Use this object lesson on stewardship to teach kids what God wants us to do
with the things he gives us.
Object Needed: French Fries
Big Idea: Money isn't really ours, it's God's.
Stewardship Object Lesson Script 

I don’t think there’s a person alive who doesn’t like french fries. When they’re hot
and fresh and crisp and golden like these, they’re pretty hard for anyone to resist.
How many of you get french fries any time you go out to eat?
Now let me ask you this: Have any of you ever had to pay the french fry tax? The
french fry tax is not a government tax. It’s a Mom and Dad tax. It’s what happens
when Mom or Dad reaches over across the table and takes a french fry out of
your box! Some people might consider this stealing. The french fry was in the
box that came with your Happy Meal! But let me ask you another question: Who
paid for the french fry? Who paid for you to have french fries with your
meal? Unless you already own your own business or unless Grandma grabbed
the bill first, the answer is probably Mom and Dad. It was Mom and Dad who
earned the money to buy your french fries. So when you think about it, is it your
french fry or is it Mom and Dad’s fries that they allow you to enjoy?
The french fry tax is a good reminder that the blessings we enjoy are not ours but
are gifts from the Lord. That goes not only for our possessions, but also for our
money. Yes, we work hard to earn money, but the Lord gives us money—along
with everything else he gives—to manage for him. He wants us to use our
money, our talents, and our possessions for him. And a big part of using our
money for him is giving!
Does anyone know what a tithe is? A tithe is 10 percent of the money you make,
and in the Bible, we are told that we should give a tithe—10 percent—back to the
Lord. That means for every dollar you make, you should give a dime to the
Most people don’t give even close to that. We like to use money for ourselves,
and we don’t like to give it away. But remember the lesson of the french fries:
The money is not really ours. It belongs to God. Is it too much to ask that we give
back at least 10 percent to God?

Bible Object Lesson Using a Magnifying Glass -

Zoom In! - Psalm 34:3
This Bible object lesson uses a magnifying glass and/or binoculars to
demonstrate how when we "Zoom In" on God, it not only brings us peace and
encouragement, but also helps others see how BIG and wonderful He is!

Object Lesson Overview:

Lesson Title:  Zoom In!

Object:  Magnifying glass and/or Binoculars

Primary Scriptures:  Psalm 34:3, Psalm 63:30-32, Romans 1:20

Main Point:  When we magnify God (tell of His greatness), it encourages us and
helps other see God all around us.

Object Lesson:

Demonstrate the object lesson Inside & Outside

Demonstrate how the magnifying glass (or magnifier on your phone) can help
you see small things when you ZOOM in.  Magnify words in the Bible along with
other small objects.  Talk about how God's Words along with His creation helps
us see how amazing He is which leads us to "magnify" and praise Him!

You may also want to go outside and use binoculars (or again your camera on
your smart phone) to demonstrate how when things are far away they may seem
small, but when we ZOOM in, we see how actually they are very large!  Talk
about how sometimes it may seem like God is far away, but again His Word
along with His creation reminds us just how BIG, how close and how amazing He
really is!

Zoom In!
A Bible Object Lesson

Introduce both Psalm 34 and Psalm 69 as Psalms written by David. Give

students a chance to brainstorm all they remember about David - both good and
bad.  David's life was not always easy, but he learned that when He focused on
the bigness of God, it made his problems seem much smaller in comparison.

Look up & read Psalm 34:3 and Psalm 69:30-34

"Oh, magnify the Lord with me,

    and let us exalt His name together!"

Psalm 34:3 ESV

"I will praise the name of God with a song;

    I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.

 This will please the Lord more than an ox

    or a bull with horns and hoofs.

 When the humble see it they will be glad;

    you who seek God, let your hearts revive."

Psalm 69:30-32 ESV

Ask students to listen for or locate the word that is contained in both.  When
someone says "magnify," stop and talk about what this word means.

Webster's Dictionary defines magnify as - 

Definition of magnify

1. a: EXTOL, LAUD  b: to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect

2. a: to increase in significance b: EXAGGERATE
3.  to enlarge in fact or in appearance

Other Bible translations may read - "exalt", "tell of His greatness", or 

To magnify or "zoom in" causes us to take a closer look, to bring into focus. 
That's what these verses encourage us to do.  David tells us to take a closer
look of how big God really is; focus on His greatness and tell others about

He has revealed Himself through nature, through His Word and ultimately
through His Son, Jesus Christ.  God wants to be seen and known!

"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has
shown it to them.  For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and
divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the
world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

Romans 1:19-20

"The heavens declare the glory of God,

    and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech,

    and night to night reveals knowledge."

Psalm 19:1-2 (Another Psalm of David)

Object Lesson Activity - A Closer Look

Use the following Bible verses for students to look up and then "zoom in" to take
a closer look at objects in nature reminding them that God reveals Himself
through both His Word and His world.  Take time to discuss how each can point
to God's greatness and magnify Him.

1. Job 35:11 (animals/birds)

2. Deuteronomy 33:26 (clouds)
3. John 7:37-39 (water)
4. 1 Corinthians 15:7 (seed/plant)
5. Luke 12:27 (flowers)
6. 1 Kings 12:10 (fingers)
7. Luke 12:7 (hair)

Zoom in and Magnify the LORD!

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