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Assignment Topic: Research Question Reading No.

2a in Paper
Format- Article


Course Code: HSCI 6410

Submitted To: Professor Salome Kapella-Mshigeni

Submitted by: Roze Akter Dipti

Research Question - Reading No. 2a – Article
Read the following PDF article: The Writing Center from George Mason University titled -
How to Write a Research question and then complete the following assignment below
1. In 100 words, summarize the 6 steps to developing a research question, by mentioning all of
them in your summary. Pretend like you are talking to your friend, and you are telling them
what you read, be easy on yourself (worth 2 points)

Answer: The first crucial step in developing a research question is to choose an interesting
topic. For example, "The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers". It is advisable to conduct
some preliminary research before deciding on a topic, such as quick research in current
periodicals and journals to examine what has already been written on the topic and to help
focus the research. The target audience is crucial, thus in this instance, the readers will be
parents and teenagers that the writer wants to raise awareness about the current effects of
social media on teenagers. For instance, "why and how social media is impacting teenagers,"
and once the topic is written down, we need to assess it to see if it would be an appropriate
research question or if it needs additional revision and refining. Last but not least, start your
research and any potential directions it might take.

2. In 150 words, answer the following questions in this format:

a). What I already knew (50 words minimum) (worth 1 point)

Answer: Choose an interesting general topic. Selecting a broad topic that readers want to
learn more about is important. I can narrow my focus and select key areas to explore with
the aid of a solid research proposal. A good title should be simple to read and
comprehend. The idea's clarity contributes to the research's overall clarity. A good title
has only one meaning to prevent confusion.

b). What I did not know (50 words minimum) (worth 1 point)

Answer: Evaluate your question. I had no idea that after selecting a topic, we had to write
a question or possibly a several questions and then assess them to see if they would make
good research questions or if they needed more revising and refining. Since inaccurate
findings can result in imprecise applications. Thus, it is essential to critically assess the
available data in order to lay a strong foundation for future research on any subject and to
stop the spread of false information.
c). How I am going to use this information to help me in my culminating project or my final
research (50 words minimum) (worth 1 point)

Answer: By selecting an intriguing topic based on my preliminary research and the

assessment of the questions I will list for my research topic; I will use all six of these stages
in my final research. My research topic will not only raise awareness and inquiries in my
target audience but will also aid in their understanding through my study.

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