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Science worksheet Topic: Skeletal System Class: V


Q1. Guess who I am?

1. I am the place for production of new blood cells. ___________________
2. I am made up of 22 bones. I protects the brain,_____________________
3. Ribs are attached to me in the front. My other name is
4. I am the bone of the upper arm____________________________.
5. I am present at the end of the vertebral column. My other name is
6. I protect the spinal cord______________________

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

1. Bones are made up of _______________
2. _____________ gives characteristics shape to the face.
3. ___________________ is the longest bone in the body.
4. The backbone is made up of 33 small bones called _____________.
5. _____________ and ________________ are the bones of the lower arm.

Q3 Answer the following questions.

1. Define skeletal system.




2. Name the parts of human skeletal system



Answer key

Q1. Guess who I am?

1. Bone marrow
2. Skull
3. Sternum
4. Humerus
5. Coccyx
6. Backbone or spine

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

1. Tissue

2. Skull

3. Femur

4. Vertebrae

5. Radius and ulna

Q3. Answer the following questions.

1. The framework of bones that support our body and provide rigidity is called skeletal
2. There are four parts of human skeletal system. They are skull, backbone, ribcage,

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