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Q.3 – To what extent might the current situation be affecting the different perceptions?

The current situation may be contributing to the different perceptions held by KALEEM and
AWAIS. The impending class assignment deadline and the pressure to get the team on track may
be causing both individuals to feel stressed and anxious. This stress may be leading to more
aggressive and defensive behaviors, such as KALEEM's desire to be in charge and his aggressive
arguments to get his way. Similarly, AWAIS may be feeling overwhelmed and may be more
hesitant to assert his opinions and ideas.
Additionally, the lack of effective communication and collaboration within the team may be
exacerbating the situation. The fact that KALEEM is bad-mouthing AWAIS behind his back,
while AWAIS is only conveying his feelings when team members are present, indicates a lack of
trust and openness between the two individuals. This lack of trust and openness may be making
it more difficult for them to understand each other's perspectives and work together effectively.
The perception that AWAIS is a "control freak" and KALEEM has a "closed mind" may also be
fueled by the current situation. When individuals are under stress and pressure, they may be
more likely to perceive others as being rigid or inflexible, even if that is not necessarily the case.

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