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It goes without saying that schooling plays a crucial role in children upbringing.

However, not everything studied at school seems to be contemporary and

beneficial for students. (as well as some schools lack practical skill subjects.) Were
there more up-to date and practical lessons at educational establishments, students
would obtain phenomenal experience suitable for the following tertiary education.
This essay will consider two additional subjects and give reasons for selecting the
most preferable one.
It has been suggested that modern schooling requires more practical skills to be
taught, in particular home decoration and repair. It would provide students with a
unique opportunity to try a real-life job such as a designer. As far as I know, not a
significant (considerable) rate of students opts to enter the university, giving
preferences to colleges or special job-oriented courses. With the help of mentioned
above educational programs it is possible to get acquainted with numerous interior
design styles or try out in your own design project. On the contrary, if anyone
being not an aficionado of Art, they will hardly ever find this subject beneficial
(advantageous) and fascinating.
This being the case, the most valuable subject to be added to any school
curriculum is computer programming. (What schools should do in order to prepare
their students for future is create convenient technological environment.) The
reason for suggesting this is that our modern society expect deep knowledge of
technology and mental agility, as the role of technologies is growing rapidly.
Along with this fact, one of the most highly-paid occupations nowadays is
reasonably expected to be a software developer, which allows to work remotely
and be in the comfort of your own house.
In view of the above arguments, including computer programming into a school
curriculum might be a great step forward in developing students` computer
literacy, which is an essential part of our intense and fast-paced world.

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