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Name: Hamzat Akere

Student number: 223725367

Faculty: Architecture
Response paper
What do architects and students perceive in their design sketches? A
protocol analysis.

The creation of a set of information categories into which the contents of

participant protocols can be inserted was one of the study's primary
objectives. It was developed from a cognitive science standpoint,
particularly from studies on diagrammatic reasoning. The fact that
architects had more and longer dependence chunks than students,
according to the research, suggests that whenever architects changed their
attentional focus, they thought more deeply about the subject. The study of
information categories that predominate in or are characteristic of focus-
shift segments and continuing segments is another contribution of the
current research. Because architects are better able to think of shapes,
angles, and sizes, which are intrinsically visual attributes of depictions, just
after they shift their focus to a new item, space, or topic, their focus shifts
are more productive. Additionally, it was discovered that architects are able
to pursue design ideas more thoroughly both within and across dependency
chunks because they are able to "read-off" many more functional relations
in continuing segments, especially abstract features and reactions, from
perceptions of depicted elements.

 why are sketches a good medium for reflective conversation with

one's own ideas and imagery?
 why do architects have more and longer dependency chunks than

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