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Mariano Reading List

“I’m sorry about that.

☐ Inferno- Dante Alighieri
☐ Emma- Jane Austen
☐ Northanger- Jane Austen You want to push me
in the lake?”- Jess
☐ Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen
☐ Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
☐ Factotum- Charles Bukowski Mariano
☐ Ham on Rye- Charles Bukowski
☐ Notes of a Dirty Old Man- Charles Bukowski
☐ Love is a Dog from Hell- Charles Bukowski
☐ The Last Night of the Earth Poems- Charles Bukowski
☐ Naked Lunch- William S. Burroughs
☐ Death on the Installment Plan- Louis-Ferdinand Céline
☐ Oliver Twist- Charles Dickens

☐ Ask the Dust (The Saga of Arturo Bandini, #3)- John Fante
☐ Lies & the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair & Balanced Look at the Right- Al Franken

“What is much?”- Jess

☐ Howl and Other Poems- Allen Ginsberg
☐ James Joyce’s Ulysses- Stuart Gilbert
☐ A Farewell to Arms- Ernest Hemingway Mariano (concerning
☐ For Whom the Bell Tolls- Ernest Hemingway
☐ The Old Man and the Sea- Ernest Hemingway
quantity of books read)
☐ The Sun Also Rises- Ernest Hemingway
☐ Ulysses- James Joyce
☐ High Fidelity- Nick Hornby
☐ On the Road- John Kerouac
☐ Pomes All Sizes- John Kerouac
*Gets car egged by
☐ Scattered Poems- John Kerouac
☐ Visions of Cody- John Kerouac
devilled eggs* Jess
☐ The Holy Barbarians- Lawrence Lipton Mariano
☐ The Magic Mountain- Thomas Mann

☐ One Hundred Years of Solitude- Gabriel García Márquez

☐ Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk- Legs McNeil
☐ Billy Budd and Other Tales- Herman Melville
☐ Moby Dick- Herman Melville
☐ The Fountainhead- Ayn Rand “It’s a crazy world we live
☐ Franny and Zooey- J.D. Salinger
in.”- Jess Mariano
☐ Othello- William Shakespeare

☐ We Owe You Nothing: Punk Planet: The Collected Interviews- Daniel Sinker
☐ Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72- Hunter S. Thompson
☐ A Confederacy of Dunces- John Kennedy Toole
☐ Slaughterhouse-Five- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
☐ The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test- Tom Wolfe

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