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☐ Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling ☐ Any book by Amitav Ghosh (The Hungry Tide, The
☐ Books by Enid Blyton (Secret Seven & Famous Five Calcutta Chromosome, The sea of poppies)
Series) ☐ Any book by Jhumpa Lahiri (The namesake, Interpreter
☐ The Hardy Boys series : Franklin W Dickxon of Maladies)
☐ Malgudi Days : RK Narayan ☐ Any book by Khaled Hosseini
☐ Wonder : RJ Palacio ☐ Any book by Frederick Forsyth (The Icon, The Afghan)
☐ Tales of Panchatantra ☐ The God of small things : Arundhati Roy
☐ Geronimo Stilton books ☐ ‘The Great Expectations’ or ‘A tale of two cities’:
☐ Short stories by D.H. Lawrence Charles Dickens
☐ Any book by Agatha Christie ☐ Stories by O. Henry
☐ Any book by Sidney Sheldon ☐ ‘A book of English Essays’ : Penguin classics
☐ Mahabharata : Amar Chitra Katha ☐ ‘Black Beauty’ : Anna Sewell
☐ Short Stories by O Henry ☐ The Book Thief : Markus Zusak
☐ A children’s history of India : Subhadra Sen Gupta ☐ Bride and Prejudice : Jane Austen
☐ Animal Farm : George Orwell
☐ A Man Called Ove : Fredrick Backman
☐ The Fault in Our Stars : John Green LEVEL-4
☐ Any book by Haruki Murakami (Kafka on the Shore,
Norwegian Wood, Men Without Women)
LEVEL-2 ☐ Any book by Kazuo Ishiguro (Nobel prize for literature,
2017) (The Remains of the Day, Nocturnes)
☐ Any book by Jeffery Archer
☐ Any book by Salman Rushdie (Midnight Children, The
☐ Any book by John Grisham (King of the torts, The
Enchantress of Florence, Shalimar the clown)
Rainmaker etc.) (Legal Fiction)
☐ Any book by Orhan Pamuk (Snow, my name is red,
☐ Any book by Arthur Hailey (Airport, Hotel) (Service
Museum of Innocence etc.)
Sector Fiction)
☐ Any book by Franz Kafka (The trial, Metamorphosis)
☐ The White Tiger : Arvind Adiga
☐ ‘The secret pilgrim’ : Joseph Heller
☐ Any book by Amish Tripathi
☐ ‘Beloved’ : Toni Morrison
☐ The Godfather : Mario Puzo
☐ ‘By the sea’ : Abdulrazak Gurnah
☐ 1984 : George Orwell
☐ ‘The eighth commandment’ : Lawrence Sanders
☐ Foundation : Isac Asimov (Astronomy Fiction)
☐ ‘The romantic Manifesto’ or ‘The virtue of selfishness’
☐ Any book by Robert Ludlum
or ‘Capitalism: The Unknown ideal’ or ‘The
☐ Any book by Robin Cook (Medical Fiction) Fountainhead’ or ‘Atlas Shrugged’ by Ayn Rand
☐ 40 Rules of Love (and other works of Eli Shafak) ☐ ‘The dialogues of Plato’ : Batnam Books
☐ The Third Wave/Future Shock/Powershift:Alvin Toffler
☐ All books by Paulo Coelho; especially ‘The Alchemist’
☐ All books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Love in the Times
of Cholera, One Hundred Years of Solitude etc.)

Deepak Madan | +91 88-6060-8005



☐ Who says Elephants can’t Dance : Louis Gerstner ☐ Berkshire Hathaway letters to Shareholders : Warren
☐ Who moved my Cheese : Dr. Spencer Johnson Buffett (& Essays by Warren Buffett)
☐ Make sure you read every week — The case studies of ☐ Rich Dad Poor Dad, How to retire young & retire Rich :
Business World Robert Kiyosaki
☐ The Age of Reason : Thomas Paine ☐ The Intelligent Investor : Benjamin Graham
☐ The seven habits of highly effective people : Stephen ☐ Think and Grow Rich : Napoleon Hill
R Covey ☐ A Random Walk Down Wall Street : Burton G. Malkiel
☐ How to win friends & influence people : Dale Carnegie ☐ Poor Charlie’s Almanack : Charlie Munger
☐ Winning : Jack Welch ☐ Fooled by Randomness : Nassim Taleb
☐ The Art of War by Sun Tzu ☐ The Dhandho Investor : Mohnish Pabrai
☐ Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono ☐ The Internet of Money : Andreas M. Antonopoulos
☐ Built to Last : Jim Collins
☐ Influence : The psychology of persuasion by Robert
☐ The Wal-Mart effect : Charles Fishman
☐ The Starfish & the Spider : Brafman & Breckstrom
☐ Losing my Virginity : Richard Branson
☐ Built to Last : Jim Collins
☐ The Culting of Brands : Douglas Atkin
☐ Leading Change : John Kotter
☐ Emotional Design : Donald A Norman
☐ The Leadership Dojo : Richard Srozzi
☐ The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing : Al Ries, Jack
Trout ☐ The Tipping Point : Malcolm Gladwell
☐ ‘I am right , You are Wrong’ : Edward de Bono ☐ Outsmart : Jim Champy
☐ ‘The GOAL’ : Eliyahu and Goldratt Cox (A must read) ☐ Love is the killer App : Tim Sanders
☐ ‘The 80/20 Principle’ : Richard Koch ☐ The One minute Manager : Kenneth Blanchard
☐ ‘Small is beautiful’ : EF Schumacher ☐ True North : Bill George
☐ ‘Maverick’ : Ricardo Semler ☐ First, Break all the Rules : Buckingham & Coffman
☐ ‘Pepsi to apple’ : John Sculley ☐ The Compassionate Samurai : Brian Klemmer
☐ ‘Hit and Run’ : Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters ☐ ‘A Better India, a Better World’ : Narayan Murthy
☐ ‘Emotional Intelligence’ : Daniel Goleman

OCCULT ☐ Thinking Fast and Slow : Daniel Kahneman
☐ The greatness of Saturn : Robert. E. Svoboda ☐ Freakonomics : Levitt & Dubner
☐ Chariots of God : Erich Von Daniken ☐ The Wealth of Nations : Adam Smith
☐ The prophecies of Nostradmus : Erika Cheetham ☐ ‘The black economy in India’ : Arun Kumar
☐ ‘The price of onions’ : Ashok V. Desai
☐ ‘Hungry for trade’ : John Madeley.(Penguin)
☐ ‘The Elephant The Tiger and The Cellphone’ : Shashi

Deepak Madan | +91 88-6060-8005



☐ ‘Genius’ : James Gleick ☐ Sophie’s World : Jostein Gaarder (A must read History
☐ ‘E=mc2 ’ : David Bodanis + Philosophy book)
☐ ‘Surely You Are Joking Mr. Feynman’ : Richard ☐ ‘Taliban’ : Ahmed Rashid
Feynman (Nobel Laureate, Physics) ☐ ‘Long walk to Freedom’ : Nelson Mandela
☐ ‘Genetic engineering’ : Mae—wan ho ☐ ‘The autobiography of an unknown Indian’ : Nirad C.
☐ ‘Germs — the ultimate weapon’ : Judith miller Chaudhary
☐ ‘Men — from stone age to clone age’ : John Madeley ☐ ‘Discovery of India’ : Nehru (Chacha)
☐ The Origin of Species : Charles Darwin ☐ ‘Europe since Napoleon’ : David Thomson
☐ The System of the World : Isaac Newton ☐ ‘Burma — The curse of independence’ : Shelby Tucker
☐ All works of Jane Goodall ☐ ‘Memories of Madness: Stories of 1947’ : Penguin
☐ ‘The human zoo’ & ‘The naked ape’ : Desmond Morris Publishers
☐ ‘The tao of physics’, ‘The turning point’ & ‘The web of ☐ ‘India’s struggle for independence’ : Bipan Chandra
life’ : Fritz o’ Capra ☐ Books by William Dalrymple
☐ ‘A Brief History of Time’ : Stephen Hawking
☐ Homo Sapiens: A Brief History of Manking & Homo
☐ Homo Sapiens: A Brief History of Tomorrow – Yuval
☐ Bhagwat Geeta – Any Commentary (S. Radhakrishnan,
Noah Harrari
Vinoba Bhave)
☐ Wings of Fire : Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
☐ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k : Mark Manson
SPIRITUALITY ☐ The Power of Intention : Dr. Wayne Dyer
☐ Autobiography of a Yogi : Parmahansa Yogananda Ji ☐ My decision to Live : Nader Elguindi
☐ Other works of Paramhansa Yogananda Ji (Man’s ☐ Stop Whining, Start Living : Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Eternal Quest, The Divine Romance) ☐ The Last Lecture : Randy Pausch
☐ Adiyogi : The Source of Yoga, Inner Engineering by ☐ The Power of Positive Thinking : Dr.Norman Vincent
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev (Highly recommended) Peale
☐ Siddhartha by Herman Hesse ☐ The Monk who sold his Ferrari , Lead without a Title :
☐ All books by Swami Vivekananda Robin Sharma
☐ Peace is Every Step by Thich Naht Hanh ☐ Awaken the Giant within : Athony Robbins
☐ Yoga Sutras of Patanjali ☐ The Power of Now : Eckhart Tolle
☐ Synchro Destiny by Deepak Chopra ☐ The Power of Habit : Charles Duhigg
☐ The Journey Home by Radhanath Swami ☐ See You at the top : Zig Ziglar
☐ The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi ☐ Who Moved my Cheese : Spencer Johnson
☐ A Gradual Awakening by Stephen Levine ☐ One Minute Manager : Ken Blanchard & Spencer
☐ Many Lives Many Masters : Brian Wess Johnson

Deepak Madan | +91 88-6060-8005



☐ My Experiments with Truth : M. K. Gandhi ☐ ‘An unquiet mind’ : Kay Redfield
☐ Open : Andre Agassi ☐ ‘Creativity’ : Mihaly Csikszentmihaly
☐ Steve Jobs : Walter Isaacson ☐ ‘Them’ : Jon Ronson
☐ ‘Hitler’ : Ian Kershaw ☐ ‘Emotional Alchemy’ : Tara Bennet
☐ ‘Iacocca’ : Lee Iacoca ☐ Being Mortal : Atul Gawande
☐ ‘Business legends’ : Gita Piramal ☐ ‘Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance’
☐ ‘The diary of a young girl’ : Anne Frank ☐ Doctors : Eric Sehgal
☐ ‘The Flight of Ambition’ : Apoorve Dubey ☐ The conquest of happiness : Bertrand Russell
☐ ‘Every Second Counts’ : Lance Armstrong ☐ Unlimited power : Tony Robbins
☐ ‘A Beautiful Mind’ : Sylvia Nasar (based on life of John ☐ The fifth Discipline : Peter Senge

Deepak Madan | +91 88-6060-8005

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