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Why English is a global language?

English is spoken by 350 million worldwide while more than 430 million
speak as a second. These 6 reasons will thoroughly show you why English
is a global language.

British Colonization and Trading Business

Britain colonized a quarter of the planet after starting a trading business

with Asia and Africa. Before that, only on The Island English was spoken.
Very soon after trading business, the English started to settle worldwide,
so, naturally, the language began to spread.

The USA And American English Expansion

The spreading of the English language between and after the two world
wars was even more significant. The USA, however, started to spread its
business trading all over the world, just like Britain did in the previous
centuries, which made the language continue spreading and making more
and more people use it. Of course that American English and British
English have some differences but they are, generally, only two variations
of one language. This way, the usage of the language had never stopped.
It only continued the British impact.

The Domination of Music and Film

The USA influenced a lot to the world, especially in the name of music
and film. Rock 'n' roll, jazz, and other popular music and movies became
so popular and favorite that they influenced people all over the globe.
Thanks to music and movies, English became the language of the masses
and the one language to help people from every part of the world connect
and communicate with each other.

The Language of Business and Travel

Those who speak English on a more advanced level always have nice
opportunities to climb up the 'carrier' stairs and get more possibilities for
better job possibilities. As much as they seem distant, business and
traveling are actually closely connected, so no wonder that English is also
the language of travel. Whichever country you visit, the locals will likely
speak English than your native language. Moreover, there are so
many English-speaking countries all across the globe, among different
nations and colors, that it became the standard language to speak with
The Language of Technology

American invented the internet. Therefore, English became sort of a

superpower and a language of the internet. Moreover, the hardware for all
the technologies uses English and the keyboard, the Latin alphabet.
Scientists also use English for their paperwork and research because
their colleagues from other countries can see the latest information or
share the experience.

English is Easy to Learn

English is not surely the easiest language to learn, but it definitely is not
among the hardest ones either. It is spoken in practically every part of the
world, so it can be pretty easy to find a professional English tutor or
helpful and efficient language learning resources.

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