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Hydraulic Structures I HE-462

Chapter One

Assignment 1

Maximum Marks 10
1. The benefits of dams are described in the classroom. So were some of the side effects.
Prepare a report on the general environmental impacts of large dams and their
mitigation methods.
2. The final decision in selecting an appropriate dam site, dam type and spillway type is
made based on the economic feasibility of all the technically viable alternatives.
However, some aspects like environmental, ecological, social, historical and
archeological issues are difficult to put a price tag on. How can you compare these
impacts without converting them in to monetary units?
3. One of the factors that affect the selection of dam type for a particular site is the
hydrology of the site. Explain how the hydrology of the site affects the type of dam that
should be constructed at a given site.
4. What are earthquakes? Is it possible to know in advance the the place, the time and the
magnitude of earthquakes? How can large hydraulic structures like dams be protected
from the damages caused by earthquakes?
5. There is a school thought that asserts large dams and reservoirs cause earthquakes in
places where there were no earthquake record. Do you agree with that assertion? If you
do you compare this externally induced earthquakes with the naturally occurring
earthquakes? How large a dam or a reservoir be to induce an earthquake?
6. Compile a report (at least 5 pages) on geologic problems associated with dam sites and
reservoir sites. You should also suggest remedial measures once the problems are

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