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To whom it may concern,

My name is Sacontala Cinpoca and I am a Physics teacher at the International Computer

High School of Bucharest (ICHB). Eliza Constantinescu is one of the most extraordinary students
I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. I met her three years ago when she entered the
Quantum Robotics team. That year the team won a trip to Athens, Greece, at the Romanian
National Championship, where they won Think Award 1st Place. There, I became aware, for the
first time, of Eliza’s personality and qualities. I can honestly say Eliza exceeds my expectations
every time she enters a challenge, which is pretty much all the time because she takes on any
opportunity that surfaces to learn, compete, push herself and become better. I am always in awe
of her determination and the amount of work she is capable of doing. Countless times I’ve seen
her arrive at school in the morning and leave late at night, working on the upcoming robotics
competitions, for example, in August when they had the Romanian National Championship. She
is a perfect example of a person who receives the information, understands it, gives it meaning,
and finds a way to apply it in a specific and original way. Then, she analyzes the result and places
utmost importance on learning and getting better while also coaching her classmates and
Eliza is also an amazing strategist. Each year when she receives the challenge of robotics
season, she lays out a carefully thought out plan, not only for the technical part but also for the
outreach events of that season, that everyone else follows for the upcoming 9 months. Eliza is
perfect at taking charge because she is meticulous in her work and knows how to prioritize,
delegate responsibilities, and coach her teammates to success. The role of Quantum Robotics
team leader has shaped her into a brilliant problem solving and organizing master, her natural
talent forged by tremendous amounts of work and numerous competitions over the last three
years. Some examples of awards are: 1st place with the robot and Inspire Award at the Romanian
National Championship, 1st place with the robot in Korea and Canada, Inspire Award 1st place in
Russia, 2nd best robot at the World Championship in Detroit. Not only has she proved her
organizational skills through the robotics team, but she also shows great promise when it comes
to personal development and maturity. The passion with which she talks about herself studying
at your university motivates me even further for writing this recommendation.
I am often impressed with her ability to quickly understand and adapt to new material, her
academic aptitude, ambition, and intellectual curiosity. When it comes to all the physics topics we
cover in high school, she always goes the extra mile for the assignments and is the single quickest
learner I have ever met. Eliza is the only student I have that asked me for an extra physics book
recommendation that she could study outside of the classes. Nothing sums this up better than
her result at the International STEM Olympiad, where she won the gold medal in Physics.
Ever since she first met her colleagues in the 9th grade, Eliza has integrated very smoothly
with the group and made great connections with each and every one of them - connections that
she says she wishes to maintain even after the end of high school. She is an honest, responsible,
and trustworthy person, respectful towards everyone, peer or otherwise. As the years progressed
and I had the pleasure and joy to know her better, I understood that she is a genuine person at
her core, which unfortunately is a rare encounter. No matter how hard and demanding her role at
the Robotics team got, she didn’t waver, even for one moment. She took every responsibility and
went above and beyond to meet it or improve upon it. What she put her mind to was fruitful, and
if she made a promise, she worked twice as hard to make it into reality.
I have no hesitation in strongly recommending Eliza for your university, being convinced
that she will overcome any obstacles and exceed your expectations. I predict that her grades in
the Romanian Baccalaureate exam will be a perfect 10 with 10 in each Mathematics and Physics
and Romanian Language. Based on her performance in and out of class and my contact with her
personality, I believe that she will be a great addition to your program. She is one of the best
students I’ve ever seen and, more importantly, one of the best people I have ever met.

Yours faithfully,

Cinpoca Sacontala

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