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Bargain – Something bought at a price considerably less than what it would normally cost,also known
as a deal

Consideration - is the benefit that each party receives, or expects to receive, when entering into a

Rape – is a crime in which sexual intercourse is committed without consent, through force, threats, or
fearful intimidation. In most jurisdictions, the actual crime of rape requires actual sexual penetration.

Negligence - is derived from the Latin word negligentia, which means ‘failing to pick up’. In the general
sense, the term negligence means the act of being careless and in the legal sense, it signifies the failure
to exercise a standard of care which the doer as a reasonable man should have exercised in a particular

Partnership - is a legal arrangement that allows two or more people to share responsibility for a
business. Those partners share the ownership and profits, but they also share the work, responsibility,
and potential losses.


Judicial precedent - Precedenti gjyqësor

Private international law - E drejta ndërkombëtare private

Death penaly - Ndëshkim me vdekje

Legal obligation - Detyrimi ligjor

Public welfare - Mirëqenia publike

Testamenti dhe trashegimia - Will and legacy

Trashegimi monetare - Monetary inheritance

Prone e paluajtshme - Real estate

Konflikti I ligjeve - Conflict of laws

E drejta civile - Civil rights

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