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Paul Walker obituary Handsome American actor best known for his role as Brian O'Conner in the Fast and. Furious blockbuster movie franchise ] Paul Walker, who has died aged 40 in a car accident, combined unthreatening star charisma with preppy good looks and a canny commercial sensibility. Though he had shown promise in his early film roles, he could easily have become just another piece of well-dressed eye candy had it not been for his involvement in the colossally successful Fast and Furious franchise, which has grossed $2.38bn worldwide to date. In 2001, the first film in the series, The Fast and the Furious, put a four-wheeled spin on the surfing- bank-robbers thriller Point Break. Walker took the Keanu Reeves role of the upstart undercover cop who infiltrates a criminal gang — in this case, a group

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