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Q-1 The story ‘The Last Lesson’ highlights which human tendency?

A) Male Chauvinism B) Procrastination C) Courage D) Cowardice

Q2 - What were the things being taken for granted by the people of Alsace?

A) Teachers of the school B) Time and school C) People around D) Money and power

Q3- Why was Franz reluctant to go to school?

A) wanted to enjoy warm Sunlight B) wanted to see soldiers drill C) wanted to enjoy outdoor D) lesson on participles
was not prepared

Q4- What did Franz find on reaching the school?

A) People were dancing B) school was closed C) Police patrolling D) strange quietness

Q5- Who occupied the back benches in the class?

A) weak students B) teachers C) monitors of the class D) village elders

Q 6- What did Hauser bring?

A) sweets B) children C) friends D) old Primer

Q7- For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?

A) 20 years B) 35 years C) 30 years D) 40 years

Q 8-Why did the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?

A) to complain B) to say goodbye C) to gossip D) to show gratitude

Q 9- Expression 'Thunder Clap" in the lesson means _______.

A) loud but not clear B) loud and clear C) startling and unexpected D) unpleasant

Q10- What does the expression "in great dread of scolding" mean?

A) to be happy about it B) very badly scared of scolding C) To be indifferent D) None of these


Q11.Reading the bulletin, called after me, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of time!’’ I thought
he was making fun of me and reached M. Hamel’s little garden all out of breath.

(a) Who was called ‘bub’? (i) M. Hamel (ii) villagers (iii) Franz (iv) postmaster

(b) Identify the tone in which the speaker said the words, “Don’t go so fast, bub; you’ll get to your school in plenty of
(i) sarcastic (ii) humorous (iii) depressive (iv) cheerful

(c) M. Hamel taught the children.............................

(i) German (ii) French (iii) Russian (iv) English

(d) Who advised him not to hurry?

(i) the teacher (ii) the classmates (iii) friends (iv) a villager

Q12. Then, from one thing to another, M. Hamel went on to talk of the French language, saying that it was the most
beautiful language in the world — the clearest, the most logical; that we must guard it among us and never forget it,
because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.
Then he opened a grammar and read us our lesson.

(a) Which is M. Hamel’s language?

(i) French (ii) German (iii) English (iv) Spanish

(b) Identify the literary device in ’from one thing to another’.

(i) metaphor (ii) personification (iii) allusion (iv) hyperbole

(c) What is Hamel asking the people to do for their language?

(i) forget their language (ii) begin learning German

(iii) guard their language (iv) learn their language

(d) How could the enslaved people have the key to the prison?

(i) if they ask the prisoner for it (ii) if they do not leave their language

(iii) if they snatch the key (iv) if they do not leave their country


Q1. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?

Q2. What had been put up on the bulletin-board?

Q3. What was unusual about the school that Franz noticed when he entered the school?

Q4. What reasons did M Hamel give for their lack of interest in learning French?

Q5. What did M Hamel say about the French language?

Q6. Why doesn’t M Hamel want the people to forget French?


1. What impression do you form of M Hamel on the basis of your study of the story “The Last Lesson”?

2. Franz’ attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel changes when he comes to know about the takeover of
his village by Prussians. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to the ‘Last Lesson’.

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