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Entrevistador: Hello, thanks for coming in.

Can you tell me your name and why you're interested

in this job?

Solicitante: Hi, my name is Tom and I'm interested in this job because I have experience in
customer service and I'm a quick learner.

Entrevistador: Great, can you tell me about your previous experience in customer service?

Solicitante: Sure, I worked as a sales associate at a retail store for two years. I helped
customers with their purchases and answered any questions they had.

Entrevistador: Okay, and what do you think are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

Solicitante: I'm very organized and I work well in a team. One weakness I have is that I can be a
bit of a perfectionist, but I'm learning to be more flexible.

Entrevistador: That's good to hear. Finally, do you have any questions for me?

Solicitante: Yes, could you tell me more about the company culture and what kind of
opportunities for growth there are?

Entrevistador: Of course, we have a collaborative and supportive culture, and we offer

opportunities for advancement within the company. Thank you for coming in today, we'll be in
touch soon.

Solicitante: Thank you for considering me. Have a great day!

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