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Documento de ingreso a la docencia = ESTATUTO DEL DOCENTE (Provincia) ABC del

> NAPS – Nación
> DC – Provincias
ANTIGÜEDAD: [una vez graduado] Puntaje docente (!!) Haciendo cursos de capacitación y
trabajando ganas puntos. Hay cursos en servicio [una vez por mes, ir a otra institución a hacer el
curso] y hay otros, como los de los gremios [más puntaje] o de la escuela de maestros. POR
AÑO, hay un máximo de puntaje que se puede ganar. Otros títulos dan puntaje. Hay que sumar
puntaje con lo que sea. Más puntaje = más chances de poder elegir. ANOTARSE EN ABRIL

To pass the subject:

1st sequence: SKILLS
2nd sequence: METALINGUISTIC
3rd sequence: SKILLS + the teaching of GRAMMAR

Why is the learning of foreign languages part of the curriculum? (Primary school)
The DC was written 19 years ago, many things have changed. (= the use of the word tolerance)
Before, children had to work. Access to primary/secondary/higher education is a privilege.
LANGUAGE = similarities & differences. We’re not the same (and that’s OK).

AREAS = Lengua, Lenguaje, Prácticas del lenguaje = Are they the same?
LENGUA [the system and the way it works; ACCURACY] =/= LENGUAJE [the idea of
communication] =/= PRÁCTICAS DEL LENGUAJE [social and cultural interaction]
PRÁCTICAS DEL LENGUAJE goes beyond accuracy. It’s the social practice of a language,
the way in which we use it every day.
Write a description of a lion.
In terms of LENGUA, we should expect a detailed description of the characteristics of the lion
In terms of LENGUAJE, the message.
In terms of PRÁCTICAS DEL LENGUAJE, where can we find that text in real life, and why
would we write about that, why would people read it, etc. = THE CONTEXT.
What is CONTENT?
The teaching of a foreign language should happen within the context of English as a social
practice. What is the social practice of grammar/vocabulary?
DISCOURSE = CONTEXT for speaking/writing/reading/listening
We learn within a community. [VYGOTSKY, environment]
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE lets us learn something new. We build up learning. It’s a
construction. We build up on things that we already know.


Read the DC (sentido formativo de las lenguas extranjeras, principios para la enseñanza de las
lenguas extranjeras, contenidos para la enseñanza)
Answer the questions and send them via mail.
We’re going to watch a video and analyse it in relation to the DC.

DATE: 8/10
Projects are very concrete, they have a final product which is tangible and shared (published in
the school’s blog/board).

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