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Carmelle Jae D.

Case Study #1-Ethical Considerations (Question 2)

1. In this case, Antonio Go is directly affected by this ethical dilemma in which he

considers requesting reimbursement, charging the total amount of expenses to
both clients separately or to double bill them.
2. Considering that Antonio Go chooses to not charge the clients separately, it
would be unethical and it violates the regulations set by the company. I believe
that Antonio’s decision would potentially affect the firm because as an
accountant/consultant, he should uphold integrity at all times and be honest with
his doings relating to his professional job.
3. His actions are taken into consideration which will affect his reputation, credibility,
and integrity. It will have an effect at the consultancy firm as he serves as a
representative of the firm and a role model to junior consultants.
4. Considering these things, I think it is more ethical for Antonio to split the total
amount of his expenses to both of the clients.
5. It would be better for Antonio to attach a letter pertaining to the situation along
with the request for reimbursement and explain to both of the clients the situation.

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