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Living in the IT Era

Module 1 Task A

1.1 Information Communication Technology definition

- Information communication technology refers to the combination of technological
devices such as computer, laptop and mobile phones and technological tools
such as internet or websites, programs and systems that is used to
communicate, preserve, gather or exchange information. It is widely used as a
mode of communication as it is easier and more accessible to use for everyone.
As the world develop, information communication technology also continues to
develop and widen it’s spectrum that becomes beneficial to us.

1.2 Write an essay about the elements of the computer system

- The computer system has three major elements which are the hardware,
software and the peopleware.
The hardware refers to the visible elements of the computer which can be
classified as input and output. The inputs of a hardware are the mouse,
keyboard, cameras, microphones, and pen/digital pen which are used to input
information to the system of the computer. The outputs of a hardware are the
speaker, earphone/headphones, monitor, printing machine, and projector which
are used in converting and transferring information to another device or to the
The software refers to the program of the computer that is located inside the
computer system which are classified into six(6) types. The system software is
the one responsible for the internal operation of the computer. The application
software is a program that is installed of the user for a specific purpose. The
operating software are programs that is responsible for the operating of the
computer such as microsoft windows or apple system. The utility software is
similar to application which is made to perform a a specific job, but the utility
software is made to support the computer system while the application is made
for a different specific tack. The language software as it name stands for is made
to analyze language in the development of software system. The connectivity
software is the program set to connect the computer to the main server to be
able to easily share information.
The peopleware refers to people which is the major element of a computer. This
is classified into three(3) categories which are the system analyst, system
programmers, and the user. The system analyst are the are professionals that is
responsible in developing and analyzing the system and programs of a computer.
The system programmer are the professionals responsible in making and
implementing the programs of the computers system. The user is anyone who
uses the computer may it be a desktop, laptop or even mobile phones.

1.3 Classification of Computers

- The computer has five(5) classifications wich are the purpose, data handling,
functionality, size, and workstations. The purpose is divided in to two categories;
general and specific. The general purpose is for performing wide range of task,
while specific purpose is for performing specific task by setting instructions to the
system. The data handling is divided in three(3) types; analog, digital or hybrid.
The analog interpret the data that is obtained through specific measures, digital
interpret data through digital interpretation by using digital value to data gathered
that makes the result more accurate and faster, while hybrid is the combination of
the analog and digital. The functionality also has the same types as the data
handling which are the analog, digital and hybrid. The analog function by using
electrical, mechanical and hydraulic quantities to interpret the data, the digital
function by using logical operation and calculation with digits to interpret data
such as binary system, while hybrid uses both the analog and digital. The size
has four(4) classification which are the super computer, mainframe, mini
computer, and micro computer. The super computer is the most powerful and
expensive type of computer that focuses on faster computation of mathematical
operation. The mainframe on the other hand is made to act like a server although
it is also large and expensive like super computer. The mini computer are
processing system that is capable of supporting a little number of user unlike the
mainframe and super computer who can support thousands of user. The micro
computer or personal computer are those for personal use such as desktop,
laptop and phones.

1.4 Capabilities and Limitations of Computer

- Computers have both strength which is its capabilities and weakness which is its
limitations. The capabilities of a computer are speed, accuracy, adaptability,
reliability, and memory/storage. Computers have much faster speed than
humans and deliver an accurate information with its calculation that has 100%
accuracy. It is can also easily adapt to how it is used by the user while still
performing at a fast speed and 100% accuracy. It is also reliable as it gives
consistent results and has a large memory/storage as it has it’s built-in storage
which serves as the primary storage and a secondary storage which can be
installed by the user. The limitations that a computer has is mainly because it
does not have brains like humans. Due to this, it has lack decision making skills
and common sense as it only rely on data that is installed in its system, and it
also has no intellectual intelligence because a computer cannot have any data
for itself if it wasn’t inserted or programmed by humans. And a major limitation or
weakness of a computer is that it is dependent on humans.

1.5 Make a timeline of History of Computer, note the important events

The History of Computer
The history of the creation of computer starts 200 years ago by mathematicians
and entrepreneurs.During the 19th century they started to built a mechanical machines
that were meant to calculate complex number problems that continue to develop until
the present time.

Year What Happened?

A french entrepreneur named Joseph Marie Jacquard invents a loom

1801 that uses punched wooden cards which is similar to what early
computers used.

Charles Babbage, an english mathematician invents a calculating

1821 machine that can compute tables of numbers. This is a project funded
by the British government called “Difference Engine” which at that
time failed due to lack of technology.

Ada Lovace, an english mathematician wrote the first computer

1848 program. According to her professor Anna Siffert, Lovelace wrote it
while translating a paper of Babbage about analytical engine.

Per Georg Scheutz, an inventor designed teh first printing calculator

1853 together with his son Edward. The machine was known for being the
first to compute tabular differences and print them.

1890 Herman Hollerith created a punch-card system that helps the US in

calculating its consensus.

1931 Vannevar Bush invents and built a differential analyzer; the first large-
scale automatic general-purpose mechanical analog computer.

Alan Turing, a scientist and mathematicial present the principle of a

1936 universal machine called Turing machine. Turing machine is capable
of computing anything that is computable which is the central concept
of modern computer.

John Vincent Atanasoff, a professor of physics and mathematics at

1937 Iowa State University submitted a proposal to build the first electric-
only computer, without using gears, cams, belts or shafts.

Atanasoff and his student Clifford Berry design the first electronic
1941 computer in the US.
Konrad Zuse, a german inventor and engineer completes his Z3
machine, the world’s earliest digital computer.

John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert designed and built the Electronic
1945 Numerical Intergrator and calculator, the first automatic, general-
purpose, electronic, decimal, digital computer.

1946 Mauchly and Presper built the first commercial computer called

1947 William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invent the

1949 The first practical stored-program computer was develop by a team

from the University of Cambridge.
1953 Grace Hopper develops the first computer language which makes her
the First Lady of Software.

1954 John Backus publish a paper describing the newly created

FORTRAN(formula translation) programming language with his team.

1968 Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce discovered the integrated circuit which
is known as computer chip.

Douglas Engelbert reveals a prototype of a modern computer during

1969 the Fall Joint Computer Conference, San Francisco.
Bell Labs made a group of developers called UNIX that develop an
operating system.

1970 The newly formed Intel unveils the Intel 1103, the first Dynamic
Access Memory (DRAM) chip.

1971 A team of IBM engineers led by Alan Shugart invents the "floppy
disk," enabling data to be shared among different computers.

1972 Ralph Baer, a german-american engineer releases the world's first

home game console, in September 1972 called Magnavox Odyssey.

1973 Robert Metcalfe develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers

and other hardware.

Paul Allen and Bill Gates,offer to write software for the Altair, using
1975 the new BASIC language after seeing the magazine cover for january
of Popular Electronics.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-found Apple Computer. They

1976 present the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board and

Radio Shack began its initial production run of 3,000 TRS-80 Model 1
1977 computers, known as the "Trash 80".
Jobs and Wozniak presents the Apple II at the West Coast Computer

1978 VisiCalc, the first computerized spreadsheet program is introduced.

1979 Seymour Runbenstein releases WordStar, the world's first

commercially successful word processor.
1981 The IBM released its first personal-computer to the market called

1983 The Apple Lisa(Local Integrated Software Architecture), is the first

personal computer to feature a GUI.

1984 The Apple Macintosh is announced to the world during a Superbowl


1985 Microsoft releases Windows in November 1985 as a response to

Apple Lisa.

1989 Tim Berners-Lee, a British researcher submits his proposal

for what would become the World Wide Web.

1993 The Pentium microprocessor advances the use of graphics and

music on PCs.

1996 Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine at
Stanford University.

Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple, which at the time is struggling

1997 financially. This investment ends an ongoing court case in which
Apple accused Microsoft of copying its operating system.

1999 Wi-Fi, the abbreviated term for "wireless fidelity" is developed, initially
covering a distance of up to 300 feet (91 meters) .

2001 Apple released macOS as the successor to its standard Mac

Operating System.

2003 AMD's Athlon 64, the first 64-bit processor for personal computers, is
released to market.

2004 The Mozilla Corporation launches Mozilla Firefox 1.0 that became a
competitor of Internet explorer owned by Microsoft.

2005 Google buys Android, a Linux-based mobile phone operating system.

2006 The MacBook Pro from Apple hits the shelves. The Pro is the
company's first Intel-based, dual-core mobile computer.

2009 Microsoft launches Windows 7.

2010 The iPad, Apple's flagship handheld tablet, is revealed to public.

2011 Google releases the Chromebook, which runs on Google Chrome


2015 Apple releases the Apple Watch and Microsoft releases Windows 10.

2016 The first reprogrammable quantum computer was created.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is

2017 developing a new "Molecular Informatics" program that uses
molecules as computers.

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