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MARCH 23, 2022

1:00-1:50 PM


At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to ;

 Identify the different types of soil;

 Explain the uses of different types of soil; and
 Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil.
 Appreciate the conservation of natural resources

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Characteristics of Different Types of Soil
B. References:
Science Learning Materials pages 244 – 257
Self-Learning Modules (Division) pages 1-24
Most Essential learning Competencies pages 378 – 379
K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science page 57of 203

C. Materials:
Visual aid and PPT

D. Values focus:
 Appreciation of God’s creation
 Conservation of natural resources
 Cleanliness and sanitation

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Energizer
d. Checking of Attendance

B. Drill
Direction: Rearrange the letters to form the mystery words, answer directly.


(Note: Students that will participate will be given a point or a star.)

C. Motivation
 Show to the class a video clip from about the different types and characteristics of soil.


1. What are the types of soil presented in the video?

2. What do you think are the characteristics of every types of soil?
3. Which soil has more nutrients?

D. Discussion
 The teacher will discuss the different types and characteristics of soil using power point presentation
Soil –
Clay Sand Loam

E. Activity
 The teacher will use the differentiated activities to cater the different learning style of the pupils.
 The teacher will also set the standards in doing activity.

Setting Standards:

1. Always listen to the teacher.

2. Always be reminded on safety health protocols.
3. Keep your hands and feet at yourself.
4. Be kind to others.
5. Raise your hand if you want to ask or answer a question.
6. Use manners.

Activity 1: The RUBRIC shown may be used to assess the Activity 1: “SING ME”

- The pupils will sing a song related to the topic which is related to the topic “Characteristics of different types of soil”.

Activity 2: “HAPPY OR SAD”

Draw a smiley face if the statement giving an importance of the soil. Sad face if the statement is not importance of the soil for
environment. Just directly draw your answer.
1. Soil is used for making cups, utensils, tiles, etc. The contents in the soil such as gravel, clay and sand are used in the
construction of homes, roads, buildings, etc.
2.The soil absorbs the rainwater. This water is evaporated and released into the air during sunny days, making the atmosphere
3.The fertile soil helps in the growth and development of the plants.
4.It supports many life forms including bacteria, fungi, algae, etc.
5.The topsoil supports certain life activities such as reproduction, hatching, nesting, breeding, etc. of a few organisms.

Activity 3: “DRAW ME A PICTURE”

- Draw a picture on the different uses of soil.

(Note: give ample time to the pupils for the activity)


Demonstrates Demonstrates Lack of imaginative
creative thinking moderate thinking thinking and the
and the performance and the performance performance
Creativity and has innovative and has some innovative lacks/has no
Innovations unique and unique innovative and
qualities/concept qualities/concept unique
Concepts presented Concepts presented Both the concepts
are very substantive are moderately presented and the
and well -organized, substantive, and message conveyed
Content and and conveyed very well -organized, and are not well -
Organization clear message. conveyed organized and
ambiguous message. ambiguous.

Cooperation among Cooperation among Cooperation among

group members is group members is group members is
very evident; 75% - moderately evident; not evident; less than
Teamwork 100% of the 50% - 75% of the 50% of the members
members of the members of the of the group work
group work group work collaboratively.
collaboratively. collaboratively.

IV. Generalization
What are the different types of soil? What is the best type of soil for growing plants like vegetables?

V. Evaluation
Direction: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of this is made up of smallest particles of rocks which contain

Decayed matter of plants and animals?
A. land B. soil C. mineral D. water
2. How many types of soil are there ?
A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
3. Which soil holds much water?
A. Loam B. clay C. sand D. Silt
4. Which of the soil is good for making pots?
A. Clay B. loam C. soil D. silt
5. How does decayed organism like plants and animals make soil fertile?
A. Change its color C. makes the texture finer
B. Enhance color D. add nutrients to the soil

VI. Assignment
Advance reading on your Science book on pages 246 – 248
Prepared by:

MARVIN A. BENDOCILLO Checked and Observed by:

Estela b. Navarro


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