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Getting squeezed is about a subordinate who was just trying to do the right thing,

up until he gets squeezed all the way.

The story is about a military executive assistant who was given a task to handle
the screening of the nominees for the promotion in their department. The guidelines
for the screening is to investigate if the nominees took part in a racial incident
during their service in their military camps. These guidlines was provide due to
the recent incidents of racial discrimination in various military camps at that

The writer's relationship with the chief was extremely close, the chief would let
him handle situations or job related matters to him as if he know that he could
handle situation, that's the kind of trust he have for his executive assistant and
the writer feels the same way about his boss, he admire and respect for him.

The chief gave to the writer the job for the screening and investigation for the
nominees for promotion.

He's aware that the government are afraid to disclose the matter of racial
incidents in the military camps due to that the government are seeking to increase
the funds in the defense department.

His ideas and consideration for his job is badgering him and urging him to do the
right thing. So he went through the screening and find allegations of racism to the
nominees for promotion and add it to his report.

Then he submitted his report to the chief and the chief would edit out his reports
as he is concern about the preserving of the reputation he had proudly server for 3

and he thought that he was doing the right thing, up until

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