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In Paradise Lost, Milton introduces us to Eden and our “Grand Parents.

” Satan is
detected spying on them and is expelled from the garden, after which God sends an
angel to tutor Adam and Eve in the history of the heavenly war that has led to the
present situation. At Adam's request, the heavenly guest then recounts the creation
of the visible world, explaining also the proper nature of development, whereby all
things proceed from lower to higher by refining that which nourishes them.

Satan, however, returning in the form of a snake, offers Eve an evolutionary

shortcut in the form of a magical food capable of endowing her with super powers.
He claims it has conferred on him both reason and speech. Since Eve is suffering at
the moment from a fancied slight to her moral strength, she allows herself to
forget her recent lesson and yields to this temptation. Adam, unable to imagine
life without Eve (and failing to explore alternatives to sin), accepts the fruit
from her and eats as well.

Satan’s triumph is short-lived, for although hell and the world of mankind are now
linked by a broad highway, he and his followers are humiliated in hell by being
turned involuntarily into snakes every year.

Whatever their reasons, both Adam and Eve have disobeyed their Maker’s sole
command, and both are condemned to mortality and expulsion from the garden, but
before they leave they are vouchsafed another history lesson, this time of the
world to come: the progress of sin, the Savior’s coming, and the growth of the

Book II
the Devil undertakes finding an escape from the Burning Lake and the Deep and
encounters his Daughter/lover and begins his adventure upon Mankind.

Book III
The Devil determines to find Man, God seeks an advocate for Mankind, knowing they
will disobey his commandments, his Son accepts. We meet Uriel.

Book IV
Satan connives his way to sleeping Eve's ear and whispers sweet betrayals. Why
should eating from the tree of knowledge result in death? What is death? But,
alas, he is busted. After confrontation and not backing down one step, he rushes
off to try another way and day.

Book V
In Book 5 Satan continues to bewilder Eve, a messenger from Heaven comes to dinner
and warns the happy couple about betrayal that shall soon occur.

Book VI
CIVIL WAR FROM HEAVEN TO HELL - A blow by blow description of the chaos as Satan
learned a bitter lesson from God.

Book VII
Raphael describes to Adam how the world was created. And presents a curious Adam
who seeks knowledge and an agreeable Raphael who disposes his knowledge in human
terms. Their evolving interaction in this book differs from their interaction in
earlier books, as Adam becomes more aggressive in his attempts to gain wisdom from

Adam and Raphael have a philosophical exchange concerning how things came about,
Adam describes meeting Eve. And Raphael warned the couple about the dangers that
would come to them.
Book IX
Satan, in the form of a snake, convinces Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of
Knowledge. Eve convinces Adam to also eat the fruit. They both experience several
hitherto unknown emotions guilt, then shame, then lust, confusion, and finally, the
first couple's fight.

Book X
In book X, the couple would come to reason and instead of blaming each other the
couple decided to just accept punishment and help each other to survive God's
judgement.Eve learns her punishment for disobedience, Satan learns his punishment
for seduction, Adam learns he must do manual labor to survive.

Book XI- XII

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