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Sandwich Book Report Rubric

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Top  Title and  Title and  Title and  Component
and Author Author Author s above not
Botto  Favorite  Favorite were completed
m scene scene missing or
Bread drawn from drawn from favorite
Pieces story with story with scene from
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Lettuc  Character’  Character’  Character’  Character’s
e s s s appearanc
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Mayon  Settings  Settings  Settings  No setting
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Swiss  Climax  Climax  Climax  No climax
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Other  Creative  Somewhat  Little  No
Criteri  Neat creative creativity creativity
a handwritin  Somewhat  Illegible  Illegible
g neat handwritin handwriting
 Mostly handwritin g  Completely
correct g  Many wrong
spelling  Some spelling spelling
and spelling and and many
grammar and grammar grammar
grammar errors errors
Title: "Rapunzel" by Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm (1812)

Favorite Scene:

Scene: Rapunzel letting down her golden hair from the tower window.

Color: A shimmering, radiant gold, representing Rapunzel's long hair.

Caption: "Rapunzel's golden hair,a magical connection to the outside world."

Character's Appearance:

Rapunzel portraits as a young woman with extraordinary beauty and long, flowing golden hair that reaches the floor of
her tower. Her hair is her most prominent feature, shining like spun gold and glimmering with every movement.
Rapunzel possesses fair and delicate features, with porcelain-like skin that carries a natural blush on her cheeks. Her
eyes, captivating and expressive, are a vibrant shade of green, reflecting her innocence and curiosity. She is often seen
wearing a simple, flowing gown that accentuates her ethereal beauty and adds to her enchanting presence.


The story of Rapunzel takes place in a whimsical kingdom adorned with picturesque landscapes. The kingdom is
surrounded by lush meadows filled with vibrant wildflowers, while towering trees provide shade and shelter. Within this
idyllic countryside, Rapunzel's tower stands tall, hidden away in a secluded corner. The tower is made of stone, rising
majestically above the treetops, with vines climbing its walls. The area surrounding the tower is lush with blooming
flowers, their fragrant scents filling the air. In the distance, a grand castle can be seen, a symbol of a world beyond
Rapunzel's reach. The setting exudes a sense of tranquility and enchantment, inviting readers into a magical realm.


The climax of the story occurs when a prince, following Rapunzel's melodious voice, discovers the hidden tower and
witnesses Rapunzel lowering her long, golden hair from the window. Driven by love and longing, he climbs up her hair
and enters the tower, where their hearts intertwine. However, their secret meetings are discovered by the wicked witch,
who casts Rapunzel away to a desolate wilderness as punishment. In despair, Rapunzel and the prince face their own
trials. The prince returns to the tower, only to be confronted by the witch, who blinds him by pushing him into a thorny

Separated and desolate, Rapunzel gives birth to twins while living in the wilderness. Time passes, and fate brings the
prince and Rapunzel back together. Rapunzel's tears of joy fall upon the prince's eyes, restoring his sight. They recognize
each other, and their love proves stronger than the witch's curse. They escape the clutches of the witch and begin a new
life, free from captivity.


"Rapunzel" begins with a couple who longs for a child. The wife, consumed by cravings for the rapunzel plant growing in
a witch's garden, convinces her husband to steal some. However, the witch catches him and forces him to promise their
future child to her. True to her word, the couple's daughter, Rapunzel, is born and given to the witch. Rapunzel grows up
isolated in a tall tower, with no doors or stairs, only the witch using her long hair to access the tower.

As Rapunzel matures, her melodious voice catches the attention of a prince passing by. Intrigued by the enchanting
voice, he follows it and discovers the hidden tower. Rapunzel and the prince fall in love, meeting in secret with the help
of her long hair. However, their clandestine meetings are revealed, leading to the witch's wrath.

The climax unfolds with the witch banishing Rapunzel to the wilderness and causing the prince's blindness

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