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Instituto Santo Tomás de Aquino

Ninth grade
Date: ________________Names: ______________________________________________
1.- Use can and may to complete

1) My boss   speak English very fluently

2) You   take my dictionary for your exam (formal)
3) Your sister   come with us to the cinema. It depends on your mother (formal)
4) You   open the bottle with that corkscrew
5) You   use my computer if you want (formal)
6)  you bring me a glass of water, please?
7) My father is very strong, he   lift 100 kg
8) You   enter the party with this invitation
9) You   find that book in the Central Library
10)  I switch on the light? I would like to read the newspaper (informal)

3.- Choice the right answer

1) ____ you help me with my English exam?
a) Might | b) Will | c) Ought | d) Should

2) You ____ read the washing machine instructions carefully or you will ruin your clothes.

a) could | b) must | c) will | d) ought

3) We ____ take an umbrella. It looks like it’s raining cats and dogs.

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