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De Bono Six Thinking Hats
Edward de Bono developed the thinking hat strategy to enable people to consider an issue from
various viewpoints.

● Black hat thinking = the negative, the problems

● Yellow hat thinking = the positive, the good points
● White hat thinking = the facts, what we know to be true
● Red hat thinking = feelings and emotions
● Blue hat thinking = thinking about the thinking needed to consider the issue
● Green hat thinking = new knowledge, new ideas from the current issue

Six people were

talking about ice-
Colour the hat to
show what sort
of Six Hat
Thinking each
person used.

I love ice cream!

The problem with ice-cream is

that it melts too quickly.

Internal use only, do respect the program’s courtesy before sharing it to other people
Ice-cream is made from milk.

Ice-cream makes you feel cool on

hot days

I wonder how we could measure

the size of an ice-cream?

Let’s invent an ice-cream that will

not drip or melt!

Acknowledgement: E de Bono Six Thinking Hats Hawker Brownlow Education

Internal use only, do respect the program’s courtesy before sharing it to other people

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