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Gabriela Mistral High School

Miss Ximena Guevara Leal

Teacher of English

Actividad 2 – 4° Mistral
Fecha final de envío: Martes 22/06/21 (18:00 hrs.)
Objetivo: Reforzar uso de vocabulario relacionado a enfermedades y las estructuras I have
– He has – she has.

Task 1: Look at the picture and complete the sentences using HAVE / HAS and the correct
illness. (mire la imagen y complete las oraciones usando HAVE / HAS y la enfermedad correcta)

1 He ______ a ______________

2 I ______ an ______________

3 I ______ a ______________

4 She ______ a ______________

5 Julián ______ a ______________

6 Daniela ______ a ______________

Task 2:Translate the sentences in task 1 into Spanish (traduzca a Español las oraciones de Task 1)

1 _______________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________

6 ________________________________________________________________

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