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Name: Raw Score: /20

Scaled Exercise Score: /5

Vocab 5 Review Exercises

I. Original Sentences
Please use each word in an original sentence that accurately conveys its meaning in the proper part of speech.

1. conspicuous

2. dogged Heseemedsodoggedadsatherdecisiontogoonthejourney

3. furtive She

4. idle AllshewantedtodowasAtefortherestoftheday

5. indictment The have

6. kindling

i the
7. quizzical Wrote teacher

8. stupor
as ifshewasin astupor felt
9. unobtrusive She
feltas ifshewasunobtrusiveforhimor

10. vindicated After

evidenceshe vindicated
fromher was from
II. Fill in the Blank
Using the word bank provided below, please match each word to the sentence it most accurately completes. Each word
will be used once.

assimilation disheveled
r expectancy
r futile
r incredulity
v pretense
r sophisticate
v uniformity
r vigorous r

Side Note: If you do not have the noun definition for sophisticate please look it up It will be used in noun form in A
Raisin in the Sun, so I have used it in that form here as well.

11. Upon completing -Mile July running miles during the month of July) in 2012 and 2014, I felt like an
accomplished and athlete.
12. Referring to the United States as the great melting pot refers to the long history of
of people from many different cultural backgrounds into a generalized American culture
13. I stared at the screen in a state of incredulity when I saw that Russell Wilson had thrown an
interception at the 1-yard line in the Super Bowl. I simply could not believe that Malcolm Butler had picked off the pass!
(And neither could the Patriots fans who were in the room too.)

14. For two years after I finished grad school, I continued to show my Providence College student ID card under the

of being a college student to get a discount on the ticket price whenever I went to the

15. Upon hearing that Mr. K had a big, exciting announcement for the whole school, we all waited with a sense of
expectancy for this announcement to be made.

16. I felt like quite a(n) sophisticate when I attended an opera as part of an assignment for my fine arts
class in college.

17. Starr was

indignant over the tragic and unjust circumstances of the death of her friend, Khalil.

18. Ironically, people in emo culture have messy hairstyles that might appear to be disheveled , but
actually take some amount of time and effort to achieve.

19. Knowing that any argument I could possible make would be

housemate s request that I do the dishes and take out the trash
futile , I complied with my

20. With near-identical sizes and external appearances, the houses in the suburban development shared a high degree
uniformity with one another.

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