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his useo ro ae Used To Worksheet We use ‘used to’ when we talk about things in the past that are no longer true. A. Reorder the words to make sentences with ‘used to’. 1. to / strawberries / he / love / used 2, to / dass / be / naughty / used / in / they 3. chocolate /I / eat / day / to / every / used 4. it / better / now / to / look / used /it / does / than 5. college / used / she / play / badminton / at / to 6. movies / we / weekend / to / watch / used / every 7. house / flowers / she / to / by / the / to / used / deliver / come 8. he / he / used / all / time / school / the / when / was / to / at /art / paint B. Rewrite the past simple sentences using 'used to’. 1. I was in the high school choir. 2. He had a dog 3. They went shopping together. 4. She wore her hair in a ponytail 5. He had large, round glasses. 6. They walked by the ocean in the summer, 7. She was afraid of cats but now she isn't. 8, Ahmed listened carefully to his teacher. 9. We went down to the river to camp 10. I liked wine before that party. his useo ro ae Used To Worksheet C. Use the verbs from the box to write negative ‘didn't use to' sentences. dean play go look sing order drink be exercise like spend visit Le Dvceeeesseesessssssieeessees horse riding there, 2.We vcs friends, it was someone else. BL YOU veesesscssssssssesseeiseis Olives when you were younger. ASHE esses: US, Dut now she comes all the time 5. The family .......ssseessesesissssssseses SONS together but they did this year. 60D vcissssssessstssssses food online, but now I do because there are so many options. To HO vcsssssseessstissessssnsees the piano, but he started when he went to university. 8. YOU esseseccssssssssesssieisss YOUF room very often when you were a teenager. 9. TheY v.ssssesesssssettmssssssssseees Much time doing their hair to be honest, 20. SHE vs cciosscescessssseees any Coffee at all until two years ago. LL Tt cise $0 modern, but they had a big refurbishment recently. 12. HE cssssseessssssesees every day until he got a personal trainer. D. Use the words to make 'Wh' questions with 'did you use to'. Then, ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1. sports / play 2. study at school 3. children's books /read 4. be afraid of 5. do with your friends 6. hobbies / have 7. celebrate your birthday 8. watch on TV 9. get to school 10. go on holiday 11, look like five years ago 12. music / listen to

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