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Homework Assignment 8
ITM207 Computer Enabled Problem Solving
Information Technology Management
Ted Rogers School of Management
Ryerson University

Submission Policy
• Submit through D2L (submission through email is not allowed)
• Submit the report as a .docx or pdf file
• Your report should contain your Name and student ID number

Problem 1: 15+50+35 = 100 points

Write an algorithm/flowchart using raptor that has the following three sub-flowcharts/sub-
a) readData
b) sortData
c) writeData

a) The provided income.txt file saves the income (in dollar) of twelve months starting from
January to December. Design the readData sub-flowchart to read the provided text file
income.txt. The readData sub-flowchart creates two arrays called months and
income. The months array saves the month names and the income array saves the
income of that month.

b) The sortData sub-flowchart sorts the income array in descending (i.e., decreasing) order.

c) The writeData sub-flowchart write down the sorted data in a text file called

Submit the Raptor file, text file, and the screenshots of your flowchart.

- Late submissions are not allowed. So, submit the homework at least one or two days before the
deadline in order to avoid technical difficulties or unwelcome incidents.
- If you have any question regarding the homework please ask during class sessions or during office
hours. Please do not send emails.

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