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SECTION -1 Directions for questions 1 to 12: Read the three passages carefully and answer the questions given at the end of ‘each passage: Passag ‘We now come to the second part of our journey under the sea. The first ended with the moving scene in the coral cemetery which left a deep impression on my mind. I could no longer content myself with the theory which satisfied Counsel. That worthy fellow persisted in seeing in the Commander of the Nautilus one of those unknown servants who return mankind contempt for indifference. For him, he was a misunderstood genius who, tired of earth's deceptions, had taken refuge i this inacoessible medium, where he might folow his instincts freely. To my mind, this explains but one side of Captain Nemo's character. Indeed, the mystery of that last night during which we had been chained in prison, the sleep, and the precaution so violently taken by the Captain of snatching from my eyes the glass | had raised to ‘sweep the horizon, the mortal wound of the man, due to an unaccountable shock of the Nautlus, all put me on anew track. No; Captain Nemo was not satisied with shunning man. His formidable apparatus not only suited his instinct of freedom, but perhaps also the design of some terrible retaliation. Thal day, at noon, the second olficer came to take the altitude of the sun. | mounted the platform, and watched the ‘operation. As he was taking observations with the sextant, one of the sailors of the Nautilus (the strong man who had ‘accompanied us on our frst submarine excursion of the Island of Crespo) came to clean the glasses of the lantern. | ‘examined the ftings of the apparatus, the strength of which was increased a hundrediold by lenticular rings, placed similar to those in a lighthouse, and which projected their briliance in a horizontal plane. The electric lamp was combined in such a way as to give its most powerful light. Indeed, it was produce in vacuo, which insured both its steadiness and its intensity. This vacuum economized the graphite points between which the luminous arc was developed — an important point of economy for Captain Nemo, who could not easily have replaced them; and under these conditions their waste was imperceptible. When the Nautilus was ready to continue its submarine journey, | went down to the saloon, The panel was closed, and the course marked direct west. We were furrowing the waters of the Indian Ocean, a vast liquid plain, with a surface of 1,200,000,000 of acres and whose waters are so clear and traneparent that any one leaning over them would tum giddy. The Nautilus usually floated between fity and a hundred fathoms deep. We went on so for some days. To anyone but myself, who had a {great love for the sea, the hours would nave seemed long and monotonous; but the daily walks on the platform, when | ‘looped myseltin the reviving air of the ooean, the sight ofthe rich waters through the windows ef the ealoan, the books: inthe library, the compiling of my memoirs, took up all my time, and left me not a moment of ennui or weariness. From the 21" to the 23" of January the Nautilus went at the rate of two hundred and fity leagues in twenty-four hours, being five hundred and forty miles, or twenty-two miles an hour. If we eecognized so many diferent varieties of fish, it was because, altracted by the electric light, they tried to follow us; the greater part, however, were soon distanced by ‘our speed, though some kept their place in the waters of the Nautius fora time, The morning of the 24", we observed Keeling Isiand, a coral formation, planted with magnificent cocos, and which had been visited by Mr. Darwin and Captain Fitzroy. The Nutilus skirted the shores of this desert island for alte distance. Soon Keeling Island disappeared {rom the horizon, and our course was directed to the north-west in the direction of the indian Peninsula, From Keeling Island our course was siower and more variable, often taking us into great depths. Several times they ‘made use of the inclined planes, with certain intemal levers placed obliquely to the waterline. | observed that in the ‘upper regions the water was always colder in the high levels than at the surface of the sea. On the 25" of January the ‘ocean was entirely deserted; the Nautilus passed the day on the surface, beating the waves with its powerful screw and ‘making them rebound to a great height. Three parts of this day | spent on the platform. | watched the sea. Nothing on the horizon, till about four 0 clock a steamer running west on our counter. Her masts were visible for an instant, but she could not see the Nautilus, being too low in the water. | fancied this steamboat belonged to the P.O. Company, which uns trom Ceylon to Sydney, touching at King George's Point and Melbourne. {At five o'elock in the evening before that fleeting twilight which binds night to day in trpioal zones, Conseil and | were astonished by 2 curious spectacle. It was a shoal of Argonauts traveling along on the surface of the ocean. We could count several hundreds. These graceful molluses moved backwards by means of their locomotive tube, through which they propelled the water already drawn in. Of their eight tentacles, six were elongated, and stretched out floating on the water, whilst the other two, rolled up flat, were spread to the wing lke a light sail, | saw their spiralshaped and fluted shells, which Cuvier justly compares to an elegant skif, For nearly an hour the Nautilus floated in the midst ofthis shoal of molluses, ‘The next day, 26" of January, we cut the equator at the eighty-second meridian and entered the northem hemisphere. During the cay a formidable troop of sharks accompanied us. They were ‘cestracio philip" sharks, with brown backs and whitish belies, armed with eleven rows of teeth, their throat being marked with a large black spot surrounded with ‘white like an eye. There were also some Isabella sharks, with rounded snouts marked with dark spots. These powerful Creatures often huried themselves at the windows ofthe saloon with such violence as to make us feel very insecure. But the Nautilus, accelerating her speed, easly left the most rapid of them behind. ‘About seven o'clock in the evening, the Nautilus, hall-mmersed, was saling in a sea of milk At frst sight the ocean ‘seemed lactifed. Was it the effect of the lunar rays? No; for the moon, scarcely two days old, was sill lying hidden ‘ide el UWAZ/AMIIHI Fay: O40 1534 email: nlowumeteducabioncom website: ww ameedvetion.com met 2001 under the horizon in the rays of the sun. The whole sky, though it by the sidereal rays, seemed black by contrast with the whiteness of the waters. Conseil could not believe his eyes, and questioned me as to the cause of this strange phenomenon. Happily | was able to answer him. itis called a mik sea, these parts of the sea’ 1 explained. “A large extent of white wavelets often to be seen on the coasts of Ambayna, and in “But sr, said Conseil, “can you tell me wha causes such an effect? For | suppose the water is nat really tumed into ik” “No, my boy, and the whiteness which surprises you is caused only by the presence of myriads of luminous litle worm, gelatinous and without colour, of the thickness of a hai and whose length is not more than seven-thousandths of an inch. These insects adhere to one another sometimes for several leagues” “Several leagues!” exclaimed Conseil "Yes, my boy; and you need not try to compute the number of these infusoria. You will not be able, for, if | am not mistaken, ships have floated on these milk seas for more than forty miles" Towards midnight the sea suddenly resumed its usual colour; but behind us, even to the limits of the horizon, the sky rotlected the whitenec waves, and for a long time seemed impregnated with the vague glimmerings of an aurora borealis, Find the TRUE Sentence : (A) According to the narrator, the above-mentioned joumey was taking place during full moon period. (®) According to Conseil, the Captain of the Nautilus in which they were traveling was really ‘a briliant porson, a fact which had been corroborated by many people. Its implied in the passage that although the author was witnessing many interesting events during their journey, he was not always having his way. From the chronicle, it is understood that the Neutius was inthe vicinity of the Island of Crespo on the 26” of January. Explanation: The eighth para talks of the moon being soarcely two days old (new moon phase) so, statement (A) is false. Only Conseil considered the captain a really brillant person. This was not corroborated by many people as suggested in statement (B). The passage {does nat mention that the Nautilus was in the vicinity Of island of Crespo on 25” of January. The fith para which gives details of what happened on 26" January makes no reference to this island. We can infer that the author witnessed many interesting events during joumey. That he did not always have Fis way is supported by para 1, line 10 ( snatching from my eyes...) Choice (C) 2. Find the FALSE sentence: (A) Alter entering the Northem Hemisphere, the narrator witnessed several sea creatures, including several varieties of sharks, which kept bumping on the windows of the submarine. (®) On 25" January, the second officer of Nautilus came to the platiorm for measuring the attitude of the sun and for that purpose took observations withthe sextant, (C) Alter January 24, Nautilus started traveling at a relatively reduced speed, and some of the time it was going further away trom the sea-surtace. (©) The course of Nautius took them near the Keeling Island, which had earlier been visited by Mr. Danwin and Captain Fitzroy. Explanation: ‘The second officer of the Nautius did not come to the platform and make observation with the sexiant ©) ©) ‘Trumphant insttuie of Management Education Pvt. Lid. TAME.) HO: 958, ‘on the 25" January. So statement (8) is false. The seventh para supports statement (A), the fourth para backs statement (C) and statement (0). ‘Choice (6) Match the following: 1 Moluses [1] Coloutiess 2 ‘Sharks | i_| Tentacles 3 Infusoria | ii__| Coco. 4. Coral iv Srouts: (A) ti, 24v, 34, 4a) (B) tl, 24, 34, 4 (©) tv, 25, Bi, 44 (D) Th, 25, BV, 41 Explanation: Molluscs have tentacles as mentioned in the sixth para, shark and snouts are linked in the seventh para, coral formation with magnificent cocos is mentioned in para (4) and infusoria being colourless is stated in the eleventh para. Choice (A) has the ‘correct links. Choice (A) Find the TRUE statement (A) During 22" to 24” of January, Nautilus was traveling at the rate of two hundred and fifty leagues in twenty-four hours, which means a ‘speed of twenty-two miles an hour. (8) On 26" January for approximately an hour the narrator witnessed a shoal of mollusks, and he ‘enjoyed walching the spal-shaped and tuted shal (©) On the 25" of January the narrator came across a steaboat, which was owned by P.O. Company, \which travels between Ceylon to Sydney. (0) The electric lamp of the submarine was an example of efficiency and effective fixture. Explanation: Facts provided in the second para show statement (0) to be true. All the other option are factually incorrect, For statement A, refer to para 4, for ‘tatemant (B) roter to para 7, and for statement (C) refer to para (6). (‘I fancied this steamer to be ‘owned! is not the same as ‘steamer owned by P.O. Company’) Choice (0) Floor, Shidamacly Comples, Secunerabed 300005 819405 Fux 040-27 HET 20082 ‘Tuming the business around involved more than segmenting and pulling out of retal. It also meant maximizing every strength we had in order to boost our profit margins. In reexamining the direct model, we realized that inventory ‘management was not just a core strength; it could be an incredible opportunity for us, and one that had not yet been discovered by any of our competitors. In version 1.0 of the direct modal, we eliminated the reseller, thereby eliminating the markup and the cost of maintaining a store. In Version 1.1, we went on step further to reduce inventory inefficiencies. Traditionally, a long chain of partners \vas involved in getting a product to the customer. Let's say you have a factory building a PC well call model #4000. ‘The system is then sent to the distributor, who sends it to the warehouse, which sends it to the dealer, who eventually pushes it on to the consumer by advertising, “ve got model #4000. Come and buy, i." the consumer says, "But | want ‘model #8000," the dealer replies, “Sorry, | only have mode! #4000.” Meanwhile the factory keeps building model #40008 {and pushing the inventory into the channel. ‘The results glut of model #4000s that nobody wants. Inevitably, someone ends up with too much inentory, and you see big price corrections, The retailer can't sell i al the suggested retail price, so the manufacturer loses money on price protection (a practice common in our industry of compensating dealers for reductions in suggested selling price). ‘Companies with long, multi-step distribution systems will often til their distrbution channels with products in an attempt to clear out older technologies or meet their financial targets. This dangerous and inefficient practice is called ‘channel stuffing’, Worst of all, he customer ends up paying for itby purchasing systems that are already out of date. Because we were building direcly to fil our customers’ order, we didn't have finished goods inventory devaluing on a daily basis. Becauso wo aligned our supplirs to deliver components as we used them, we were ablo to minimize raw ‘material inventory. Reductions in component costs could be passed on to our customers quickly, which made them hhappier and improved our competitive advantage. It also allowed us to deliver the latest technology to our customers, faster than our competitors. ‘The direct model turns conventional manufacturing inside out. Conventional manutacturing dictates that you should always have a stockpile of raw materials, because if you run out, your plant can't keep going. But if you don't know what you need to build because of dramatic changes in demand, you run the risk of ending up with terrific amounts of excess {and obsolete inventory. That is not the goal. The concept behind the direct model has nothing to do with stockpiling and everything to do with information. The quantity of your information is inversely proportional to the amount of assets required, in this case excess inventory, With less information about customer needs, you need massive amounts of inventory. So, if you have great information that is, you know exactly what people want and how much — you need that ‘much less inventory. Less inventory, of course, corresponds to less inventory depreciation. in the computer industry, ‘component prices are always falling as suppliers introduce faster chips, bigger disk drives, and modems wih ever- {greater bandwicth. Let's say that Dell has six days of inventory with anather thy in their distribution channel. That's a difference of forty-nine days, and in forty-nine days, the cost of materials will decline about 6 percent. ‘Then there's the threat of getting stuck with obsolete inventory if you're caught in a transition to a next-generation product, as we were with those memory chips in 1989. As tho product approaches the end of its life, ihe manufacturer hhas to worry about whether it nas too much in the channel and whether a competitor will dump products, destroying profit margins for everyone. This is a perpetual problem in the computer industry, but with the direct model, we have Virtually eliminated it. We know when cur customers are ready to move on technologically, and we can get out of the ‘market before its most precarious time. We don't have to subsidize our losses by charging higher prices for other products, ‘And ultimately, our customer wins. Optimal inventory management really starts with the design process. You want to design the product so that the entire product supply chain, as well as the manufacturing process, is oriented not just for ‘speed but for what we call velocity. Speed means being fast in the frst place. Velociy means squeezing time oul of every step in the process, Inventory velocity has become a passion for us. To achieve maximum velocity, you have to design your products in way that covers the largest part of the market with the fewest number of parts. For example, you don't need nine different disk drives when you can serve 98 percent of the market with only four. We also leamed to take into account the variability of low-cost and high-cost components. Systems were reconfigured to allow for a greater variety of low- cost parts and a limited variety of expensive parts. The goal was to decrease the number of componenis to manage, hich increased the velocity, which decreased the risk of inventory depreciation, which increased the overall health of ‘our business system, Wo were also able to reduce inventory well below the lovels anyone thought possible by constantly challenging and surprising ourselves with the results. We had our intemal skeptics when we first started pushing for ever-lower levels of inventory. | remembered the head of our procurement group telling me that this was like “lying low to the ground 300 knot". He was worried that we wouldn't see the trees. In 1999, we had $2.9 billon in seles and $220 milion in inventory. Four years later, we posted $12.3 billon in sales and hhad inventory of 33 milion. We're now dawn to six days of inventory and we're starting fo measure it in hours instead of days. Once you reduce your inventory while maintaining your growth rate, a significant amount of risk comes from the transition from one generation of product to the next. Without traditional stockpiles of inventory its cical to precisely 5 Fax: 040-27887334 email time the discontinuance of the older product line with the ramp-up in customer demand for the newer one. Since we were introducing new products all the time, it became imperative to avoid the huge drag effect from mistakes made during transitions. € & O — shor for “excess and obeolete" — became taboo at Dell. We would debate about whether our E & O was 30 or 50 cents per PC. Since anything less than $20 per PC is not bad, when you're down in the cents, range, you're approaching stellar performance. In ote ‘ue got stronger with each transition and more competitive with each tum of the erank. We were inereasing our productivity and improving our cash flow in a. broader range of products in larger and larger markets. Unlike that period in 1999, when every day the news got alitle worse, now, finally, every day the news was better and better 5. Find out the TAUE statement: (A) According to the passage, the working of the direct model was being heavily exploited by all players in the software business. (8) Analysis of the supply chain of the product reveals that the product is sent to the warehouse by the dealer, and any delay at that stage leads to an obvious increase in cost. (C) The nature of the computer industry is such that the production decision at factory level is usually undertaken after getting the customer demand feedback from the distributors. (©) Whenever the production of some old-fashioned ‘model of a product by a company exceeds the existing demand, the market forces create a downward pressure on its prices. Explanation: RRofer to the third para and the sixth para of the passage, where references to gut of an outdated ‘model and obsolete inventory Nave been made. In booth cases the need for price corrections has been discussed. $0, crolce (0) is ttue. The passage discusses how Dell adopted the direct model and became more competitive. So, all he players did not exploit this mode! as suggested in choice (A) Choice (8) is not mentioned in the passage. The information provided in the third and the ‘ith para Clearly contradicts what has been stated in choice (C) Choice (0) 6. Find out the FALSE statement: (A) The company mentioned in the passage could attain efficiency of raw material inventory management because they were procuring components only in line with their timely requirement. (®) Generally the more the amount of quality information about the customer needs and the rmarkot a firm possess, the less is its inventory requirement. (©) In order to serve the market more efticienty, the fim mentioned here reconfigured its computers with increased proportion of low-cost parts and a fewer types of high-pricad parts. (0) The conventional manufacturing system always ensured that no competitor can lower prices to reduce profit margins for everybody. Explanation: The fourth para supports the idea suggested in choice (A), the fith para backs choice (@) and the eighth para supports choice (C). All these Statements are true. Only choice (0) is false. The second sentence in the sixth para “As the product prof’ margins for everyone’, ‘contradicts what has been stated in choice (D). The ‘words ‘always ensured” are categorical and provide a clue to the key. Choice (0) ‘Choose the option which best matches the following sets: 1 ]—Inventory [1] Precarious: 2 ene li | Warehouse | Distributor | ii_| Stockpile 4 Market iv_| Velocity. (A) tiv, 25, 34) asi (B) il, 24, 4, i (©) tiv, Boi, 3,41 (D) til 25, BV, 41 Explanation: Inventory is linked to velocity in the ninth para, ‘conventional manufacturing is linked to stockpile of raw materials in the fith para, distributor sending system to warehouse is mentioned in the second para and the markel-precarious relationship is evident, Choice (C) Find out the FALSE Statement (A) Having less amount of inventory is better in the computer industry as with time better quality ‘components with enhanced capacity reach the market with lower price. (8) Before improving the inventory management system under the direct model, the firm first removed the reseller from its marketing model, hich contributed in its cost-cutting attempt. (©) The efficient inventory management allowed the firm to enhance productivity as well as the flexibly to enter or exist a market. (0) The companies with long distribution network incorporate information gathering pracess within, their system which enable them to market products with latest available technologies. Explanation: Refer to the third para, where the functioning of ‘companias with long distribution network has been cited. They indulge in channel stuffing and do not market products with latest technologies, Choice (D) makes a false claim and is the answer. All the other statement are true, Choice (0) Fico, Siddamsctly Complex, Secunderabad 300 008 ‘Triumphant Insitute of Management Education Pvt Ltd. TAME) 110.950, email: meted UT-20084 Passage—3 My comrade and | had been quartered in Jamaica, and from there we had been drafted off to the British settlement of Belize, lying away West and North of the Mosquito coast. At Belize there had been great alarm of one cruel gang of Pirates (there were always more pirates than enough in those Caribbean Seas), and as they got the batter of our English cruisers by running into out-of-the-way creeks and shallows, and taking the land when they were hotly pressed, the governor of Belize had received orders trom home to keep a sharp Icok-oUt for them along shore. Now, there was an armed sloop came once a year from Port Royal, Jamaica, to the Island, laden with all manner of necessaries, to eat, and to drink, and to wear, and to use in various ways; and it was aboard ofthe sloop which had touched at Belize, that | was standing, leaning over the bulwarks. The Island was occupied by a very small English colony. It had been given the name of Silver-Store, The reason of its being so called, was, that the English colony owned and worked a silver-mine over on the mainland, in Honduras, and Used this Island as a safe and convenient place to store their siver in, unt it was annually fetched away by tne sloop. It was brought down from the mine to the coast on the backs of mules, attended by friendly local people and guarded by ‘white men; from thence it was conveyed over the Siver-Store, when the weather was fair, in the canoes of that counity; from Silver-Store, it was carried to Jamaica by the armed sloop once a year, as | have already mentioned, from Jamaica, it went of course, all over the world. How | came to be aboard the armed sloop, is easily told. Four-and-twenty marines under command of a lieutenant — that officer's name was Linderwood — had been told off at Belize, to proceed to Silver-Store, in aid of boats end seamen stationed there for the chase of the Pirates. The Island was considered a good post of observation against the pirates, both by land and sea; neither the pirate ship or yet her boats had been seen by any of us, but they had been so much heard of, that the reinforcement was sent. Of that party, | was one. It included a corporal and a sergeant. Charker was corporal, and the sergeant’s name was Droace. He was the most iyrannieal non-commissioned officer in His Majesty's The night came on, soon after | had the foregoing words with Charker. All the wonderful bright colours went out ofthe sea and sky in a few minutes, and all the stars in the Heavens seemed to shine out together, and to look down at themselves in the sea, over one another's shoulders, millions deep. Next morning, we cast anchor off the Island. There was a snug harbour within a litle reek; there was a sandy beach; there were cocoa-nut trees with high straight steams, quite bare, and foliage at the top like plumes of magniticent green feathers; there were all the objects that are usually seen in those parts, and | am not going to describe them, having something ese to tell about. Great rejoicings, to be sure, were made on our arrival. All the flags in the place were hoisted, al the guns in the place were fired, and all the poopie in the place came down to look at us. One of the local people had come off outside the reef, to plot us in, and remained on board after we had let go our anchor. My officer, Lieutenant Lindenwood, was as ill as the capitain of the sloop, and was carried ashore, too. They were both young men of about my age, who had been delicate in the West India climate. | thought | was much fiter for the work than they were, and that fall of us had our deserts, | should be both of ther rolled into one. (it may be imagined what sort of an oficer of marines | should have made, without the power of reading a written order. And as to any knowledge hhow to command the sloop-Lord! | should have sunk her in a quarter of an hour!) However, such were my reflections; and when we men were ashore and dismissed, | strolled about the place along with Charker, making my observations ina similar spiri ‘twas a prety place: in all its arrangements partly South American and partly English, and very agreeable to look at on that account, being like a bit of home that had got chipped off and had floated away to that spot, accommodating itself to circumstances as it drifted along. The huts of the local people, to the number of five-and-twenty, perhaps, were down by the beach fo the left of the anchorage. On the right was a sort of barrack, with a South American Flag and the Union Jack, fying from the same staff, where the litte English colony could all come together, if they saw occasion. It was a walled square of building, with a sort of pleasure-ground inside, and inside that again a sunken block like a power ‘magazine, witha litle square trench round it, and steps down to the door. CCharker and | were looking in at the gate, which was not guarded: and I had said to Charker, in reference to the bit ke 8 powder magazine, “That's where they keep the silver you see’, and Charker had said to me, efter thinking it over, "And siver ain't gold I it, Gil?” Find out the FALSE statement: (©) Although the sea-voyage near Belize was being (A) According to the passage, the silver that was threatened by the presence of ono notorious being stored in the place where the author went pirate fleet, the captain of the patrolling ship to was being mined in Honduras. was acoompanied by less than thy soldiers, (®) The narrator noted that the siiver was being (0) The Island the author talks here about was transported from the mine to the coast on the considered to be @ good point for surveillance backs of mules, after which it was being sent to ‘against the pirates both by land and sea, Jamaica in a sloop, from where it was reaching various destinations. ‘Tfumphant insttuie of Management education Pvt Lid. TAME) HO: 958, ‘Tel 040-2799819495 Fay s040-27847334 emul: nfo@timeseducaioncom website Ficor, Siddameony Complex, Secunderabad = 300005. ww timededustion com MET-2008/5, 10. 1 Explanation: Statement (C) is false and hence is the answer. In the first para, the author talks of one cruel gang of piratas. This is not the same as a pirate fleet. n the third pare also, the passage talks of a pirate ship ‘and her boals, not a fleet. A fleet would include ‘more than one’ ship. The statement also incorrectly ‘mentions that the patroling ship had less than 30 soidiers, The author wes one of a group of less than 30 marines (or soldiers) who were being transported, in the sloop, from Belize to Silver Store to help the boats and seamen there. The passage does not indicate that the sloop had no other troops. Details provided in the second and third paras support statements (A), (B) and (D). They are all tue, according to the passage. Choice (6) Find out the TRUE statement: (A) During the time of the narration, the total number of pirates at Belize was much more than the same in the Carribean Seas. (8) From the accounts presented here, when the narrator of the passage made the journey he already happened to be an experienced sailor with considerable navigating experiences, (©) The author and his friends used to consider Drooce as the most authoritarian non- commissioned officer in Her Majesty's service. While walking with Charker, the narrator came across @ barrack like structure where all the English seitlers could assemble and stay together, ifthere was any necessity for doing so. ©) Explanation: The facts provided in para (1) make statement (A) false. In the seventh para, the narrator clearly hints at his lack of navigating experience, which makes statement (B) falso. In the third para, the author or narrator states that Drooce is the most tyrannical or the most authoriarian, This is his opinion. There has been no mention of his friends’ opinion, So statement (C) is also false. The third sentence in the penultimate para of the passage. (On the ‘saw occasion) supports choice (D) to be true. They Could come together if they saw occasion translates to assemble if there was any necessity for doing so. ‘Choice (0) Find out the TRUE statoment (A) The author was initially staying in Jamaica, which is located in the West and North of the Mosquito coast (8) A casual review of the place by the narrator revealed that the store for keeping the silver was neavily guarded, fearing a possible pirate attack anytime. (©) The narrator and his companion noticed the South American Flag and the Union Jack flying (on the port office. (0) When the ship entered the harbour, both it's Captain ang Lieutenant Linderwood was unwell fas the West Indian climate was not suiting them Explanation: ‘Jamaica & not located in the West and North of the Mosquito Coast. Statement (A) is false. The last statement (B) false. The narrator and his companion saw the flags flying. There is no mention of ‘port office’ as suggested in statement (C). statement (D) is true. Refer to the seventh para. Choice (D) ‘Only 12, Mark the FALSE statement: (A) It was being difficult to capture the pirates because they either used to hide in uncommon waters whenever the patroling ships were pursuing them or used to disembark and flee whenever severely chased (8) The local canoes were employed by the miners to bring the silver from the coast to the island during favourable climatic condition. (C) The lifestyle ofthe island was not exactly British as it had to adjust itself with the local South ‘American culture, but the same seemed quite delightful for the narrator and his company. (©) When Corporal Charker and Sergent Gil were walking around the harbour, they noticed that the size of the settlement of the local people was not very large. Explanation Statement (D) is the false statement. The narrator's name is Gill He is not a Sergeant, his only one of the marines, The Sergeant's name is Droocs (Refer para 8). The first and the second paras supports Statement (A), and statement (B) respectively. In the penultimate para, the author states that it was a pretty place and very agraeable to look at (accommodating itself to circumstances). "The same Soomed quite colightful, in statomont (C) is a reference to the istand and the apparent lifestyle. So statement (C) is true. Since statement (D) has a factual error, choice (D) is the correct answer. Choice (D) SECTION-2 Directions for questions 13 to 18: Select the most OPPOSITE of the given word from the given choices. 49, REQUIEM (a) Humility (8) Prerequisite (©) Resolution (0) Reign Explanatior ‘ tequiem’ is a hymn in honour of the dead. Hence itis a reflection on the past. A ‘resolution’ is thought Or resolve for the future. Choice (C) 14, ASPERSION (A) Infamy (8) Restriction (©) Tradition (0) Obeisance Explanation: “Aspersion’ is a detamatory remark while ‘obsisance’ is to pay homage or respect. Choice (D) 45. STOLIDITY (2) Posteriy (8) Proxmity (©) Agility (0) Sobriety Explan: Stoldiy refers to lack of emotion as also to someone dull and passive. Agility refers to being para slates nat me store was not guaraeo, maxing Quick and alert. Choice (C) ‘Faumphant inetuie of Management Educalon Pvt Ud. OM Te 00-278981949 Fax (40-27847334 ema Gr 3H, Foor, Seidamacty Compien 8 info@imoteducation.com website: ww.simetedueaton com Directions for questions 16 to 18: Find the most appropriate word from the given choices which is described by the meaning provided in the question. 16, Meaning: a bowkshaped drinking vessel (A) rumble (®) fracas (C) aguiter (0) chalice Explanation: A chalice isa drinking cup, Choice (0) 17, Meaning: definiion of a substance, especially a strong acid; erosive; mordant (A) vitriol (®) briny (©) puerile (©) prophylactic Explanation: Vitriole means something resembling acid in being caustic, corrosive orbiting, Choice (A) 18. Meaning: an upward slope or grade(as in a road); fise; raise: climb; upgrade (A) maelstrom (@) acclviy (©) alacrity (0) sighting Explanation: ‘AcciWvity moans an ascending slope. Choice (B) Directions for questions 19 to 22: Select the option which is. having similar analogy vis-i-vis the analogy given in the question, 19, TRAVESTY:PARAGON: (A) autonomy : subordination (8) disquaiiicaton : ineptitude (C) sentinel: creed (©) conudrum : aecountablity Explanation: ‘A paragon’ Is an epitome of pertection. A ‘travesty’ is an inferior imitation or something that brings down the value of. Hence the relationship is antonymous, ‘Choice (A) also shows antonymous relationship — autonomy (sel-governmen'), subordination (subdue), Choice (A) 20. CONTRITE : OBDURATE (A) grievous : lamentable (8) aphoristic: esoteric (C) sophisticated : cultured (©) favourable : assenting Explanation: fantile” means repentant or penitent, ‘obdurate means stubborn So the relationship is antonymous. ‘Aphoristic’ means a maxim, hence, well known, ‘whereas ‘esoteric’ means understood by a small number. This is also antonymous. Choice (B) 21, PECCADILLO: FLAW (A) clandestine : openness @) nick : score (C) forensios : judiciary (©) invasion = putsch Explanation: relationship is one of degree — minor and major. A nick is @ minor cut, a score is a deep scratch or slash. Choice (0) is not the answer because an invasion is from outside whereas a putsch (atlempt to overthrow the government) is from within the country. Choice (8) 22, MUTTER : INDISTINCT :: (A) define : easy (8) blunder: polished (C) articulate well spoken (0) expedite : completed 5 To multer’ Isto be ‘indistinct’ so also fo ‘articulate is tobe ‘well spoken’ Choice (C) Directions for questions 23 to 26: Select the most appropriate word(s) from the given choices to fil the blank (s). 23, Justice Minister Bola Ige, confronted with the ‘general incivilty of local police, placed a___on the ads. Said the Hon. Bola Ige, "I pray that God will make big holes in their pockets" (A) malediction (8) sanction (C) proscription (0) plea Explen: Since we have the Justice Minister dealing with the incivility ofthe local police, we can rule out ‘plea’ (he is in a position of power over them). ‘Sanction’ and ‘proscription’ suggest a legal or social ban. As the minister appeals to God ‘malediction’ (curse) is appropriate Choice (A) 24. 1 __ i __that he will pass his exam and got a good job. V will make a_i There will be a new ‘govemment in less than a year. (A) i. prophecy i. prophesy (8) i. prophesy i. prophecy (C) i. prophecy i. prophecy (0) i. prophesy i. prosphesy Explanation: ‘Prophesy, the verb form, is appropriate in the frst blank and ‘prophecy’, the noun form, is appropriate in the second. The second blank is preceded by the article ‘a! making it clear that the blank takes a noun and the first blank refers to an action, hence the verb. Choice (8) 25, Imagine an ___ public figure attacked by press and public, who is facing an inquiry into allegations of having obtained money by deception. (A) empowered (8) endangered (C) embattled (0) engrossed Explanation: "Endangered” (threatened is usually used with a species facing extinction) and ‘engrossed’ (totally absorbed in something) can be ruled out. The ‘public figure’ may be ‘empowered’ (enabled or give authority) but words like ‘attacked’, ‘facing an enquiry’ makes ‘embattled’ (beset by probiems or eccaailo’ is a slight offence tat can be ‘overiooked while ‘lew’ is a definite shortcoming, The 26. His stoners enjoyed his __ wit but his victims often __atits satire, @) lugubrious, suffered (B) bitter, smarted (C) lugubrious, smiled (©) trenchant, winced Explanation: enchant wit’ (mening sharp or incisive wit) is the ‘normal collocation and ‘winced’ (shrink involuntarily, {linoh) is appropriate in the second blank. Choice (0) Directions for questions 27 to 30: In each of the following sentences, part or all of the sentence is, underlined. ‘The answer-choices offer four ways of phrasing the underlined part. It you think the onginal ‘sentence is better than the alternatives, choose A, which ‘merely repeats the underined part; othorwise choose (one of the alternatives. 27. Had the President's Acministration not lost the vote ‘on the budget reduction package, his firsi year in office would have been rated an A. (A) Had the President's Administration not lost the vote on the budget reduction package, his first year in office would have been rated an A (8) Had the President's Administration not lost the vote on the budget reduction package, it would hhave been rated an A in the first year. {C) If tho Prosident had not lost the vote on the budget reduction package, the Administration's first year in office would have been rated an A. (0) Had the President's Administration not lost the vote on its budget reduction package, his frst year in office would have been rated an A. More than one option is grammatically right, s0 ‘going by the logic of the situation, ‘ts budget is Better than ‘the budget’ since itis the budget formulated by the ‘President's Administration’ and it is the Presidents first year in office that is being rated. Choice (0) 28. This century began with war brewing in Europe, the industrial ravoluton well-estabished, and a nascent ‘communication age A) war brewing in Europe, the industrial revolution wwelhestablished, and a nascent communication age. (8) war brewing in Europe, the industrial revolution surging, and a nascent communication age. (©) war brewing in Europe, the industrial revolution welkestablished, and the communication age beginning, (0) war brewing in Europe, the industrial revolution welLestablished, and saw the bith of the communication age. Explanation: ‘The underlined part of the sentence refers to three situations (each a qualified noun) ~ war (brewing in Europe), industrial revolution (woll established) and ‘a communication age (nascent). Hence (A) is the “Saienaay Conse Senne STE ‘communication age ....” would be more appropriate. In choices (D) the sequence of 2 situations after ‘began wih’ needs a conjunction rather than a comma. ‘Choice (A) 29, The rise in negative attitudes toward foreigners indicate that the county is becoming less tolerant, and therefore thal the opportunities are ripe for ‘extremist groups 10 exploit the illegal immigration problem, (A) indicate that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that (8) indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore (©) indicates that the country is becoming less tolerant, and therefore that (©) indicates that the country has become less tolerant, and therefore Explanation: ‘The subject of the sentence is ‘the rise’ hence the vver® should be ‘indicates’ (rules out A). Choice (C) is incorrect because of ‘that’ after ‘therefore’. Between choices (8) and (0), the latter is better because ‘therefore’ suggests 4 response to an action that is completed, hence ‘has become’ (present perfect) is, better than ‘is becoming’ (present continuous) Further if the first part of the sentence is in the continuous tense, the second would also be in the continuous tense, (exploiting), ‘Choice (0) 30. Due to the chemical spi, the comm ibe del hg (A) Due to the chemical spill, the commute into the city will be delayed by as much as 2 nours. (8) The chemical spill wil be delaying the commute into the city by as much as 2 hours. (C) Due to the chemical spill, the commute into the city had been delayed by as much as 2 hours. (0) Because of the chemical spill, the commute into the city will be delayed by as much as 2 hours, Ino th Explanation: Choice (0) Can be ruled out since it begins with ‘because’ (not acceptable as per rules of grammar The present continuous (will be delaying) rules out choice (B). The present pertact (had been delayed) rules out choice (C). Only choice (A) is correct. ‘Due 1a! instoad of “owing to" Is now generally used by English speakers. ‘Choice (A) Directions for questions 31 to 33: A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, rom a COHERENT PARAGRAPH. Choose the most LOGICAL ORDER of sentences from the ‘choices given to construct a COHERENT PARAGRAPH, 31. 1. The economy's performance in expenditure tems was even poorer, with real GDP Contracting by 0.6% after a gain of 0.5% in the October-December quarter. I. On an output basis — the govemment’s preferred measure because it Is less volatile than oxpenditure based GDP ~ the economy contracted by 0.3% in real terms from the git answer, UHUIGE (OY lames Ue SL OWE VEU and the third @ noun. Choice (C) is awkward in the way ‘beginning’ is used. *... the beginning of the previous quate |, Data from Statistics New Zealand, a government agency, published on June 27” TF 32, 33. show an almost uniformly abysmal economic performance in January ~ March 2008. IV. This was the first contracton since late 2005, made worse by the fact that the previous quarters growtn rate was revised down trom 1% to 0.8%. (A) mV, IL ©) 1th uv ©) mt (0) Lai, way Explanation: This was the first contraction ! in IV clearly rofers to ‘contracted’ in Il. Hence II, IV is a clear link. II is better than I to begin the para-was even poorer’ in 1 suggests that it follows some other statement, Hence (C), Choice (C) |. Matti Mer, a teachertrainer at University, was a teacher at the time. IL By the time comprehensives reached the more populous south, teachers were eager to join in hat was clearly a roaring success. Il, *Grammar-school teachers wore quite afraid of the reforms,” he recalls IV. “They used to teach only one-third of the students. But the comprehensive schools used almost the same curriculum as the gram schools had — and we discovered that the two- thirds were mostly able to cope with i.” V. Comprehensive schools were introduced in 1872 in the sparsely populated north, and then over the next four years in the rest of the Helsinki country. (A) Voth Iv, ©) th uhay,v. (©) Viv, hil (0) Wi, ty, Ex 1 Statement V begins the para and | follows because V telers to "1972" and I speaks of ‘at the time’. II ‘and IV go together as they are something spoken by @ person. II concludes by taking of the spread to the south Choice (A) 1. “itis.a clear ilustration of the major ole played by diet and cuture on your risk of chronic disorders,” he says. 1. Lite is known about its effects, but changing its levels, possibly through diet or wth diferent gut bacteria, might help to contiol high blood Pressure. Ill, Chinese and Japanese people are very similar ata genetic level, but Dr. Nicholson found big differences in the type and variely of ‘metabolites in their blood and urine, IV. “Metabolomics can provide very specific pointers as to what is gong wrong and new ‘ways of interervening” V. Foriinstance, he found an unexpacted metabolic marker, called formate, that seems to have a role in regulating blood pressure. (A) VV ©) MH,V,V, 1 © wuhviay wha Explanation: Statement Ill is better than I as the first sentence 36. 36. ‘spoken by someone. Further I follows Ill - II says similar at a genetic level and | talks of the variations ‘brought by ‘diet and culture’. Statement V and Il go together by reference to blood pressure. Choice (D) There are four sentences S1, $2, $3, S4 where the underlined word is used either’ corectly or Incorrectly. Choose the option which lists the sentences, where the underlined word is used correctiy St. Only 22% of the people voted. The rest were totally disinterested. 82. The management and the union asked a completely disinterested party to mediate between them. ‘83. I don't know why he didn't go to the exhibition. Perhaps he was too busy or just disinterested. S4. France's intervention in the dispute was not entirely disinterested. It gave her increased power and influence in the area. (A) $1, $2, S4 () 82,83,S4 () s.se (0) s2.se Ex ‘Though ‘disinterested! can also mean ‘uninterested’, its usual meaning is unbiased. If we take disinterested to mean uninterested (not interested) then all the four sentences are right. We don't have ‘an answer choice that says all are right. So we take disinterested to mean unbiased which makes it right in only S2 and S4. Choice (D) There are four sentences S1, $2, S3, S4 where the underlines phrase is used either correctly or incorrectly. Choose the option which lists the sentences, where the underlined phrase is used correctiy 1. Good Lord, 'm not rich! On the contrary, I'm in debt. ‘S2. She's very intelligent, but on the contrary she's apt to be impatient, S3. Yes, ifs a very cosmopolitan city, contrary, its very expensive, S4. | dontt think he'll pass the exam, contrary, | think he'll almost certainly fall On the On the (a) S1, $2, $4 (8) $2, 84 (©) Si, 8a (0) 82.83 Explanation: ‘On the contrary’ is used to present an opposite or ‘an opposite point of view. There is no contrast in $3 ‘making ‘on the contrary’ inappropriate here. S2 already has ‘but so ‘on the contrary’ is not required. St and 84 are right. Choice (C) ‘SECTION-3 Which of the following countries is not a member of Nuclear Suppliers Group? (A) Belarus since II has “is etfects’ snowing that it tollows ‘another statement. So we examine choices (B) and (O), Statements 1 and IV go together as they are ‘Fumphant ieitute of Managomont Education Pvt Lid. Tam HO: 956, info@ imetetucation com website : wwwtimededuetion com Te 640-2790819495 Fan :040-27847334 em iG) Turkey (©) Albania Foor, Siddamctty Complex, Scundcrabod 500008 TFT-20089 37. Select he correct Bharat Ratna recipient - Year match: (A) ti, 2a, Sv, 41 (B) tll, 2-1, Bay, A (©) 1h, 244 3.4 (0) 1 2N, 94, 44 ‘Bharat Raina recipients | | Vear 1 [Pandit Ravi Shankar [7 [1962 45, Solet the correct IPL Franchise ~ Owner 2 [Ustad Bismillah Kan [1 [ 1809 " 2: M.S, Subbulakshm i [e001 IPL Franchise ‘Sener | Salyajt Ra i 1808 7 [ Mumba insians—[1 [UB group 2] Royal Challengers | GM 3 (©) 15,24, av, 44 Holaings (ti 2 8h ei (D) 1 2Wy, 941 3] Chennai Super] | Reliance Kings Industries 7] Delhi Daredeuis [WP Inca 38. Selec the WRONG County-Aver-Curteney math Camenis [-—[eountry ——[ River ——[ Corency ] (A) ti, 2a, Sy, 44 (B) A, 24, 34, A (A) | Nigeria. Benue Naira (C) tiv, 2-ii, 3-1, (D) teil, 2-4v, Si, 4-1 (sen Ko Naeger se: sina moo Dk ti 0)-Twalaysia | Stouguvan —[-Ringai = a 38. Select the WRONG Iniemational Organizaton - [TRY The Gougle Soy Bad A Veo ard Location of Headquarter ~ Country match [obey ieiorsalional — [Casallon of CoaaEy @ [Accidental Empires: |Robert X. Kennedy How the Boys of Sticon rgantation |Readqunter How te Boys of Son infermatonal | Vienna ca Niions, Batle Foreign a ears frome Sosa Sh /Agenc} 7 Can't Get a Date TS) Wr Heath |Geneva ——]Swizeren ] fine Monk who sox His Robin S. Sharma Organization id Foran Gr enataral — New You JUS D) Freakonomics: _A]Steven—Lait_and keener Rogue Economist Stephen J. Dubner (0) Intemational The Hague — |Neterand| pers Seon [Court of Justice Is 2 40. Select the WRONG Venue of Hockey World Cup ~ Year — Winner match’ 47, Select the WRONG Country ~ Name of Parliament match: 41. Which of the following countries is not a member of 8 group of counties? (A) United Kingdom (C) Germany (©) China (0) Canada 42, Which prominent intergovemmental organization launched the movement, Education For All (EFA). (a) UNCTAD (®) UNIDO (©) UNDP (0) UNESCO 43. Which of the following countries is a member of OECD group? (A) Venezulea (©) Brazil (C) Mexico (©) South Africa 44, Select the correct Year ~ Olympic host cies match: (Year Frere TT Olympic host ees | Venue of Hockey|Year [Winner ‘Country | Name of Parliament World cup. [ran Mails (@)_ [Kuala Lumpur 1975 _|India (8) | Norway | Riksdag (6)__ [London 7986 [Australia (6) | Tanzania [Bunge (C)_1Syane 1804 [Netherlands (0) [israe! knesset (0) [Monchengladbach [2006 [Germany] 48, Which one of the following books has been authored by P. Chidambaram? (A) A View trom the outside: Why good economics ‘works for everyone. (8) Propeliing India from Socialist Stagnation to Global Power (©) interpreting the Indian Economy (0) Strategie consequences of India’s economic performance 49, Which of the treaties was signed amongst the European nations for entering into the monetary union? (A) Treaty of Nice (©) Masstrcht Treaty (8) Treaty of Versailles (0) Treaty of Paris ‘50. Which of the following Indian automobile major has “Tokyo. 1964 | li__| Montreal 2012 [wv | Barcelona (A) Hindustan Motors (C) Bajaj (8) Maruti (0) Ashok Leyland inca 19495 Fax = 040-2784734, Vito. 950 3 Flow Stan Which Indian company as acquired General 51. 158, Select the corect Artists ~ Instruments mah: Chemical Indust Products Ine. (A) Tata Chemicals ‘Arista instrument (B) Mody Chemical Inustries i NRajam a, Sentoor (G) Gujarat Heavy Chemicals Li. i; Salish Vyas | b-Vioin (0) Hindustan Chemicals i, Viayat Khan | ¢. Rudra Vina iv.Asad All Khan —[ 4. Sitar 52. Which of the following is not part of the Central oles Fores indar fie Unon Govemment of nd? (A) i, jb, jikd iva (B) Fb, tha, ik, ive {A} Sashasia Seema Ball (C) iia, (0) ic, id id, va (B) Assam Rifles (©) National Security Guard 80, ole the comect Sobseuate— Pimary (0) Ant-Nlaxalte Foree ee shee Panay Nene 53, In descending order, which ofthe folowing group of Sobriquets Primary Names. counties is correct about the length of India’s land Emeid bland |e. Bahrain borders with its neighbours? Island of pearls b_Iroland. (A) Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Nepal fi Holy tan Bhutan (B) China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal Bo er nebo 1 Pe (C) China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar fed Hoaalirc| ab Pals te (0) Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar aa @) ied tha, wd (C) it (0) i, ii-a, ii-<, iv-b 54, Chronological which one ofthe following is corrct? (A) (1) India’s first nuclear test, (2) Comprehensive 60. Which of the following is an incorrect Award ~ Test Ban Treaty comes to force, (3) France and Person match? China sign Non Prolieration Trealy (A) Indra Nooy\ ~ Padma Sh (B) (1) India conducts its second nuclear test - (8) M. Sukumaran — Sahitya Academy Award 1998" (2) NKorea concts test of near (©) Dr. Jagannath Prasad Das’ — Saraswati ‘weapon, (8) Chemoby! nuclear power ‘sltion ‘Samman {accident in Ukraine (0) Rahman Rahi— Jnanith Award (©) (1) Intemational Atomic Energy Agency set up, {2) France condvets first nuclear test, (8) China 61. The antibiotic pencilin is obtained trom: Conducts its fst nuclear tet (A) abacierium (@) fungus (0) (1) France and’ ‘China sign Non-Proiferaion (©) symtreticmeans (0) virus-infected cel Treaty, (2) india conducts iis second nvclear test, (3) France conducts fst nuclear test 62, Select the correct Reiway Zone - Head quarter match: '55. Which of the following mountain peaks is not located Railway zone. Head Quarter inindia? i'South-East a. Jabipur (A) Daulagie Cental {e) Ma Kamet i Norh-Eaat | b. Maligaon (C) Satoro Kangs Central (0) Nanga Prebat(Diamic) i Non Easiem —| 6. Blbepar iv: West Central —[ 6: Goraknpar 56. Select the corect Organization ~ Purpose match: (ists ita ER’ ‘Organization Purpose (C) +, i+, ite, ive (0) F<, iia, ili, iv-b TPNABARD [7 [Financial assistance for] 3, Select the correct tnvention / Discoveries — ‘warehousing Inventors / Dsooverers match 2] NODS | Refinancing —agrcutural credit Inventions/Dicoveries Inventors/Discoverey] 3 | SCARDB iii [inter-state sale of i. Cassette(Audio) [a. Philips Co. agricultural products iL Super Computer |b. JH. Van Tassel a NAFED, [Lang development ic Cloning(Mammal) Je. Wiirut, etal ive HIV jd. Mortagnier ©) til, 24 (A) ina, jib, linc, ied flied, ive © v.24 (6) ka tw iis 57. In descending ord, which one of te folowing Is 64, Select the conect Diseases - Plants atlected match (A) Kerala, Chnatisgargh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Diseases Plante affected Pradesh, Orasa i Black heart a, Peas (B) kerala, “Chatisgargh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, i Red Rot b. Wheat ‘Andhra Prien i Kamal Bont Te Bimareann (©) Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamii Nadu (©) Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Chhatisgargh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh iv. Powdery Mildew {¢. Potato (A) ra, thb, thd, wee (B) Id, lhe, (C) bb, ie, lika, id (D) 1a, feb, ‘Franiphant isitaie of Managarient Education Pat Ud (HLM) HO: O88, "Fic: Sddamscty Compice,Sesndebad = S000 el: 010-2789819405 Fa £040-27847334_email 65. In April 2008 ISRO launched the following satellite from Sriharkota: (a) KITSAT-3 (C). HAMSAT (©) CARTOSAT-28 (0) INSAT-4CR Directions for the questions 66 to 67: Answer the Questions based on the folowing information. To get admission in a management course at Dadhichi Institute of Management (DIM) following criteria are sven. A candidate must: 1. be a graduate from a recognized university with ‘minimum 54 percent marks, 2. not be more than 33 years of age as on 1.4.2008. 3. have secured 60 percent or more marks in the entrance test 4, pay tution fee of Ris 4,000 per month. = Any candidate fails to fulfll the condition (4) at above, he / she may be referred to the chairman ~ admission. = Any candidate who has scored 80 percent mark in ‘the entrance test but does not full the condition (1) at above, he she may be referred tothe director. + Any candidate having work experience of at least 10 years in superviscry cadre and does not satisty the Condition (2) at above, he / she may be admitted Under sponsored quota. Given the above information and conditon in each of the folowing questions, you have to decide which of the following course of action should be taken. You should ‘not assume anything in case of any of the candidates. Mark anewer. |. ifthe candidate is admitted, |i, ifthe candidate is not admitted Il ifthe candidate is referred to the director IV. it the candidate is referred to the chairman. admission V. ifthe candidate is admitted under sponsor quota 66. Kamaljeet secured 60 percent marks in graduation ‘and was bom on 15" Apri 1976. He scored 56 percent marks in the entrance test. He can pay one- time deposit of Rs.2,00,000 and monthly tution fee of Rs.4,000. at or Om OW Solution: Kamaljeet fulflled all the given conditions except condition (3). As there is no alterate condition to (@), Kamal Jeet cannot be admitted. Choice (B) 67. Gouray is a first-class science graduate who oblained 81 percent marks in entrance test. He has 12 years of work experience in supervisory cadre. He can pay the slipuiated one-time deposit and ‘monthly tuition fees. His date of birth is 20" October, 1970 wt ev om ov Solution: o@timetedvcationcom_websit HFT-2008/11 wwntimededucation com 68. Three children won prizes in the Tech Indie Quiz" contes. They are from three schools: Lancer, Columbus and Leelavatl, which are located. in diferent states. One of the children is named Binod. Lancer school's contestant did not come fist, LLeelavati school's contestant's name is Rahman ‘Columbus school is not located in Andhra Pradesh, The contestant from Karnataka did not secure first position. Columbus school's contestants name is not Badal, Which ofthe following statements is TRUE? (A) 1 prize: Rahman (Loolavat), 2 prize: Binod (Columbus), 3° prize: Badal (Lancer) (8) 1 prize: (Columbus), 2" prize: (Leelavati, 3% prize: Badal (Lancer) (©) 1% prize: "Rahman (Leelavati), 2° Badal (Lancen), 3° prize: Binod (Columbus) (0) 1 prize: Binod (Columbus), 2 Badal (Lancer), 9" prize: Rahman (Leeiavat) Rahman Solution: ‘The Maharastra echool student got third place. The Karnataka school student did not get the first place consider the above result with the given information we get 1 ‘Andhra Pradesh 2 Kamataka 3. Maharastra ‘The Sladent of Columbus is not Badal and that of Loctavat is Rahman. = Lancer schools student is Badal and the Columbus schoo's student is Binod, Lancer schoo!'s student did not get the first and Columbus is not in Andhra Pradesh. = Leeiavati schoo''s contestant Rahman got the frst prize. With the given information the positions of Badal and Binod Gannet be determined. Hence, both choices (A) and (C) satisfy all the given conditions. ‘Choice (A or C) 69, Mother Dairy sells milk packets in boxes of different sizes to its vendors. The vendors are charged Ris.20 er packet up to 2000 packets in a box. Additions ‘can be made only in a lt size of 200 packets. Each addition of one lotto the box results in a discount of ‘one rupee on all the packats in the box. What should be the maximum size of the box that would maximize the revenue per box for Mother Dairy? (A) 2400 packets (8) 3000 packets (©) 4000 packets (0) none of atove Solution: Addition of every 200 packets reduces the price by Re.t forall the packets in the box. No ot packets Rate Revenue 2000 20 40,000 2200 19 41,800, 2400 18 43,200 3000 15 45,000 3200 14 44,800 Gourav ulfled all the given conditions except Concition (2) and the alternate condition to this is salisfiad. Gouray should be admitted under sponsor quota Choice (D) Beyond 3000 packets the revenue decreases. Hence, a box of 3000 packets would realise maximum revenue for Mother Dairy. Choice (8) ‘Fanghant hsttuls of Management Education PW Ud: (AME) HO: 9, Tel: O40-2749819495 Fax :040-27847334_emall: info@rimededvcation com website: wwwstimeteducationcom MEI Fico, Status Complex Secunderabad 300008 70. All employees have to pass through three consecutive entrance doors to enter into the office and one security guard is deployed at each door. ‘These security guards report to the manager about those who come to office after 10 AM. Ms. Rani is ‘an employee of this office and came late on the annual day. In order to avoid report to the manager she had to pay each security guard haif of the ‘money she had in her purse and 2 rupees more besides. She found only one rupes with her at the fend. How much money Ms. Rani had before centering the office on the annual day? (A) Rs.40 (B) Rs.96 (C) R525 (0) Fs.42 Solution: ‘This question canbe answered from the answer choices. (A) 40-22 = 18, 18-11 =7,7-55=15 (8) 36-2016, 16 - 10=6, 6— In case of choices (C) and (D) Re 1 cannot be the reminder. ‘Choice (B) Diroctions tor questions 71 and 72: Answor tho {questions based on the folowing information, Director of an institute wants to distribute teaching assignments of HRM, Psychology, Development Studies, Trade policy and Finance to five of six newly appointed facully members. Prof. Chaudhury desires either HRM or Finance or no assignment. Prof. Banik ‘opines that if Prot. Das gets elther Psychology or Trade Policy then she must get the other one, Prof, Eswar insists on an assignment i Prof, Acharya gets one, 71. Which of the following is a valid faculty-assignment combination if all the faculty preferences are considered? (A) Prot. Acharya-HRM, Prof. Banik-Psychology, Prof. Chaudhury ~ Development studies, Prot Das-Trade policy, Prof. Eswar-Financa (8) Prot. Chaudhury - HRM, Prof. Das ~ Psychology, Prof. Acharya-Development studies, Prot. Banik-Trade policy, Prot. Eswar- Finance (©) Prof. Acharya HRM, Prof. Banik-Psychology, Prol. Eswar-Development studies, Prol. Das — Trade policy, Prof, Fotedar-Finance (0) Prof. BanikHRM, Prof. Fotedar-Psychology, Prof. Eswar-Development studies, Prof. ‘Acharya-Finance Solution: Choice (A): Prof Chaudhury should be assigned HRM or Finance or no assignment, but cannot be assigned Development studies. Choice (B) : Does not violate any condition. Choice (C): Both Prof Das and Prof Fotedar cannot bbe given assignments. Choice (D): Prof Chaudhury cannot be assigned with Trade Policy, Choice (8) 72, If Prof. Acharya gets HRM and Prof. Chaudhury gets Finance, then which of the following is nt a correct faculty-assignment combination assuming all faculty praferaneas are considerad? 2008/12 (©) Prot. Banik-Development Studies, Prof. Eswar- Trade Policy (©) Prof. Banik-Development Studies, Prof. Das- Trade Policy Solution: Choice (A) : Does not violate any condition. Choice (8) : Does not violate any condition. Choice (C) : Does not violate any condition Choice (D) : Since Prof Das is assigned Trade Policy then Prot. Banik cannot be assigned with either Psychology or Development studies. Choice (0) Directions for questions 73 to 75: Answer the ‘questions based on the following information. Five women decided to go for shopping to South Extension, New Delhi. They arrived at the designated ‘meeting place in the following order: 1. Aradhana, 2. CChancrima, 3. Deepika, 4. Heena, and 5. Sumitra. Each Cf them spent at least Fs.1000. The woman who spent Fis.2234 arrived before the women who spent Rs.1193. One of ther spent Rs.1340 and she was not Deepika ‘One woman spent Rs.1378 more than Chandrima. One cf them spent 3.2517 and she was not Aradhana, Heena spent more than Deepika. Sumitra spent the largest amount and Chandrima the smallest 78. What was the amount spent by Heena? (A) s.1199) (8) Rs.1340 (0) Re2234 (0) As.2517 74, Which of the following amount is spent by one of the women? (A) Re.1139 (8) Rs.1378 (©) Rs.2571 (0) Rs.2518 78, The lady who spent Rs.1193 is: (A) Aradhana (8) Chandrima (©) Deepika’ (0) Heena ‘Solutions for questions 73 to 75: The given information can be represented as follows. (1) Aradhana — not is,2517, not 1193 (2) Chandrima smallest (2) Deepika ~~ not Rs. 1340 (4) Hecna =~ not 2234 (5) Suma — largest ~not 2234 ‘The amounts spent are Rs.2234, Rs.1193, Rs.1340 and Fis2517. One woman spent s.1978 more than ‘Chancrima, No two amounts among Rs.2234, Rs.1193, Fis. 1340 and Rs.2517 have a difference of Fs. 1378. Hence, the amount spent by the fith lady could be (1) Fis.2517 ~ Rs.1978 = Rs.1139 or (i) Fis.2517 + Fs.1978 15.2895 or (i) 5.2224 + Fs.1978 = Rs. 2812. 73, In case (\) the minimum amount spent is As.1139 and In case (i) or (ii) the minimum amount spent is s.1193, (A) Prot Das-Development Studies, Prof. Banik- Trade Policy (8) Prof. Fotedar-Development Banik-Trade Policy Studies, Prof. Case () ITOUIIS SPRITE YEE MS). 2911, 2294, 1OHU, 1189 and 1199. Chandrima spert Fis.1139, ‘Sumitra spent Rs.2517 Heena spent more than Deepika but not Rs.2234, Deepika did not spend As. 1340. = Deepika spent Fis.1 193 and Heena Rs.1340 ‘Frunphant alta of Management Cauoaton But Ud THAME) HO: 958, 3° Floor, Stddamacty Compe, Sander 5000 (040-2789819495 Fay : 040-27817334_emall:nfo@timeteducationcom website: wwwsimeleducationcom a 2008/13 => Aradhana spent Ris.2234 Case (i): Amounts spent (in Ris.): 9895, 2517, 2234, 1340 and 1193, CChandrima spent Rs.1193, ‘Sumitra spent Rs.3895 = Deepika spent Rs.2617 and Heena Rs.2234 = Aradhana spent Rs.1340 But this violates the condition that the one spent Fis 2234 arrived bofore the one who spent Fis.1193, Hence, case (i) is not possible Similarly case (i) is also not possible «. The amount spent by Heena is Fi. 1340, Choice (8) 74, Chandrima spent Re.1199. Choice (A) 75. Deepika spent Rs.1193, Choice (C) Directions for questions 76 to 78: Answer the {questions basad on the following information, In a motor race competition certain rules are given for the paricipants to follow. To control direction and speed of the motorists, guards are placed at different signal points with caps of diferent colour. Guard with red cap Indicates the direction of participant's movement and guards with green cap indicates speed of the participant's movement, At any signal point presence of three guards, two guards and one guard with red cap ‘means the participants must stop, turn left and turn right respectively. Signal points with three guards, two guards and one guard with green cap means the participants ‘must move at 10, 4 and 2 kinvhour respectively Kartikay, ono of the participants, starts at a point whore his car was heading towards north and he encountered signals as follows: at starting point one guard with green cap; after half an hour two quards wih red cap and two ‘guards with green cap at first signal; after fifteen minutes fone quard with red cap at second signal; alter half an hhour ore guard with red cap and three guards with green caps al third signal; after 24 minutes two guard with red ‘cap and two guards with green cap at fourth signal; after 15 minutes three guards with red cap at fifth signal (Time mentioned in each case is applicable after crossing the previous signal) 76, Total distance traveled by Kartikay from starting point tl last signal is (A) 9km (C) km (©) 10Km (0) 12km 77. What would be the final position of Kartikay if one ‘guard with red cap and two guards with green caps were placed at the first signal point after the starting point? (A) 3.0 km to the west and 2.0 km to the south (8) 3.0 km to the west and 4.0 km to the north (C) 5.0kmto the east and 4.0 km to the north (0) 2.0 km to the west and 4.0 km to the south Solutions for questions 76 to 78: Initially Kartikay travelled for 30 min at a speed of 2 kruhr. ie. he coverad 1 km towards North First signal 2 red, 2 green = left tun, speed 4 kmh. time 18 min, Distance covered = 1 km. ‘Second signal 1 red = right tum, speed 4 km. (previous speed) time 30 min. «Distance covered = 2 km, ‘Third signal 1 fed, 3 green => right turn, speed 10 kmh. time 24 min, Distance covered = 4 km, Fourth signal 2 red, 2 green = left turn, speed 4 krrvhr. time 15 min, =. Distance covered = 1 km. Fith signal Bred => stop ‘The path can be drawn as follows. Final point +I 1 ‘Starting point 76. The total distance travelled is 9km. Choice (A) ‘77. 1 red, 2 green = right tum, speed 4 kr. The path willbe as follows, staring Ly postion.“ 8 Final position| km south kim west Choice (A) 78. Initially, i Kartikey was heading towards south then the final diagram is as follows. Let A and B are the initial and the final positions respectively. DO=14241=4km south, CE=FE-CF + 4~-1=3kmwest. a ro. 1 as ie Siang pum Nanay was South what would be his final position? (A) 3.0 km to east and 40 km to the south (8) 5.0kmto east and 40 km to the south (C) 3.0 kmto the west and 4.0 km to the south (0) 5.0km to the west and 2.0 km to the north ry waar Choice (C) ‘Trumphantin ie of Managamant Edvcaion FAME) HO (040-2789819495 Fax : 040-27817334_emall:info@timeteducation com :wwtimededucationcom Directions for question 79 to 82: Answer the question based on the folowing information. Mr, Mansingh has five sons ~ Arun, Mahi, Rohit, Nilesh land Sourav, and three daughters ~ Tamanna, Kuntala and Janak. Three sons of Mr. Mansingh were born fist followed by two daughters. Sourav is the eldest and Janki isthe youngest. Three of the children are studying at trinity School and three are studying at St. Stofan. ‘Tamanna and Rohit study at St. Stefan school. Kuntala, the eldest daughter, plays chess. Mansorover school offers cricket only, while Trinity school offers chess. Beside, these schools offer no other games. The children wno are at Mansorover school have been born in succession. Mahi and Nilesh are cricketers while Arun plays football, Rohit who was born just before Janki, plays hockey. 79. Arunis the __ child of Mr. Mansingh a 2% (8) 3%) BD) 8” 80. Sourav isa student of which school? (8) Trinity (8) StStefan (C) Mansorover (0) Cannot be determined 81. What game does Tamanna play? (A) Creket (8) Hockey (©) Footbal! (©) Cannot be determined 82, Which of the following pairs was not born in succession (ignore the order)? (A) Mahi and Nilesh (B) Kuntala and Arun (©) Rohit and Janki (0) Arun and Rohit Solutions for questions 79 to 82: Let us represented the sons as A, M, R, N and S Let us represent the daughter as, T, K and J. The given information can be tabulated as follows. Eldest! 1 -s 2b-sons | 4l -K 5i-Chess 6 7 Hockey = -R Youngest: @ daughter -J M and N are cricketers, which game is offered by Mansarover School. These two are born in succession. Hence Mand N should be in positions 2 and S in any order. Hence, 5" position is for T and the 6” position for A and R study at Si, Stefan as A plays football he cannot bbe student of Trnity = Hes student of St. Stefan. Thus Mansarover—M, N 4 - Chess — Trinity 5 - = StStetan 6 Football St Stefan a Hockey ~ Ste Stefan 8 - Chess — Trinity 79, Arun is 6” student. Choice (C) 80. Saurav is tho student of Trinity Choice (A) It cannot be determined. Choice (0) 82. Kuntala and Arun gid net born in sucoession. Choice (8) Directions for questions 83 and 84: Answer the questions based on the following information, In each question below three statements (I, Il and Il) are given followed by four conclusions numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. You have to take the given statements to be true even If they seem to be at variance with commonly known ‘acts, Road all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from tha given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Choose the correct options (A to D) presented below. 83. Statements: |. Some drivers are technicians li, Alltechnicians are engineers Ill, Some engineers are lecturers Conclusions: 1. Some technicians are lecturers 2. Some lacturors are drivers 3. Allenginears are technicians 4. Some engineers are drivers (A) Only 3 folows (6) Only 4 folows (C) Only 3 and 4 follows (0) None of the above Solution: Statements: Some drivers are technicians. Ml. Alltechnicians are engineers IL, Some engineers are lecturers. From I and Ill, no conclusion can be drawn as both the premises are paricular. From I and If, the conclusions are some drivers are engineers. Some engineers are drivers From Il and Il no conclusion can be drawn as the middle term is not distributed at least once. Only (4) Tolows, Choice (8) 84. Statoments: Some barbers are fashion designers Il. No fashion designers are businessmen Ill, Some businessmen are traders Conclusions: 1. No Fashion designers are traders 2. Some traders are not fashion desianers St Stefan = A,T,F Trinty KW, S The final arrangement is § — Choss — Trinity 3} an} cust wasae 8. Some fashion designers are traders 4, Some barbers are not businessmen (A) Either 1, 2 and 4 or 3, 2 and 4 follow (8) Either t'and 4 or 8 and 4 follow (C) Either 1 and 2 or 8 and 2 follow (0) None of the above ‘Frumphant Institute of Management Education Put Lid. (FAME) HO: 958, 2" Floor Siddamscty Complex, Sccundoraod ~ 300005 informe deducation ‘Tel :040-2789819495 Fay : 040-27847334 email: mn_webaite: ww.timeteducation 0 0085 Solution: Statements: |. Some barbers are fashion designers, 1 No fashion designers are businessmen. IIL, Some business men are traders. From I and Ill, no conclusion can be drawn as both the promises are particular. As one of the premises is negative and the remaining two are particular the conclusion must be panicular negative. From I and Il, the conetusion is Some batbers are not businessmen i.e., the conclusion 4, From Il and Ill, the conclusion is some traders are rot businessmen i., the conclusion 2. (1) Cannot be the conclusion as the torm tradors is ot distributed in the premises. (3) Cannot be the conciusion because an ‘affirmative conclusion cannot be drawn from negative premises. Hence, only (2) and (4) follow. Choice (D) 85. Pointing to Priya, father of Pritu says, “She is the daughter of the daughter of the wife of the only son of the grandfather of my sister’. How is Sushma related fo Priya if Sushma isthe sister of Priu? (A) Mother (©) Aunt (C) Niece {D) None of the above Solution: Pritus father’s sister's grandfather is Pri’ father's {granatather whose only son could be either Pritu's father’s father or Prit’s father's uncle, whose wife is Pritu's grand mother or Pritu’s grand aunt, whose daughtar is the sister or the cousin of Pritus father whose daughter is Priya. Priya is ether the sister or the cousin of Pri. If Sushma is Pritu's sister then ‘Sushma is either the sister or the cousin of Priya. Choice (0) Directions for the questions 86 to 86: Read the following information and answer the questions given below it. For selection of fms produced before December 2007 for the national fim festival of India, following eriteria are siven 1. The film must be submitted to the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) by 31.10.2007 2. The production cost of the film should not exceed Fupees Five crores. 3, The director of the film should have passed a three year course either from the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) or from Satyajit Ray Fim & Television Institute, 4. The length of the film should not exceed 150 rrinutes.. 5. Tho film must have been approved by the film censor board of India. 6 However if tha film fulfils all the above eriteria ‘On the basis of above information and information| provided below, decide the course of action in each ‘case. No further information is available. You are not to ‘assume anything, Mark answer |. ifthe fim is to be selectes Ii. ifthe film is not be solected Ifthe film should be sent to the finance secretary IV. ifthe film should be kept as a stand-bye V. ifthe cata given about the film are not adequate to make a decision 86, Film Dainandiini was produced at the cost of Rupees 25 crore. It was submitted to the NFDC on 29° September 2007. The director of the film Govind ‘Chadha passed a 9-year course from FTII. Langth of film was 120 minutes and has been approved by the ‘censor board of India. at © ov Solution: The film Dainandinifulfls all the conditions. Hence, the film isto be selected. Choice (A) ow 87, Bhadrasalam is 195:minute fm directed by Katyani, who was a student of Satyajit Ray Film & Television Intituto from 1998 to 1999. Tho cost of producing the fim was Rupees 2.3 crore and it was submitted to NFDC on 24" July 2007. The film has been ‘approved by the censor board of Inca. a ®ve ji wo Solution: The Bhadrasalam fulfls all the conditions except ‘condition (8). There is no clear information whether the director of this movie has passed the course or not Choice (8) 88. Rakesh Mohan, the director of fim Ek Bar Achanak, has successfully completed a 2-year course at Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute. The 150- minute film was produced at Rupees 4.85 crores. It has been approved by the censor board of India and submitted to NFDC on 30” Nov. 2007, wl em CN ou Solution: The film Ek Bar Achanak, has not fullled condition (1). As there is no alternate condition to this, the film cannotbe selected. Choice (D) Direction for the questions 89 to 92: Answer the ‘questions based on the following information, ‘A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, roarrangos it following a particular rule. ilustration of the input and tne steps of arrangement is given below. Input: 245, 816, 496, 519, 868, 710, 689 Stop 1: 710, 916, 436, 519, 868, 245, 689 Step 2: 710, 916, 245, 519, 868, 436, 689, Stop 3: 710, 316, 245, 436, 868, 519, 689 ‘Sten 4: 710. 816 245, 498519. RAR’ 689 except (@) ctitoria 2 above, it must be sent to the finance secretary (0) ofiteria 3 above, the director has done at least a fone year course from FTI or Satyajit Raj Film & Television Institute, the fm is kept as a stand- bye ‘Step 4 the last step forthe given input. 89. If the input is given as "655, 436, 764, 799, 977, 572, 333°, which of the following will be "333, 436, 1572, 886, 977, 784, 799°? (A) ‘Stop Thicd (©) Step Fourth (8) Step Second (0) None of the above ‘FFianghant hsttuis of Management Educaion PW Ud. (HiME HO: 98H, Flas, Salam Gonpiee Secumtabad = OS Te: 010-2789819495 Fax: 040-27847334 email: nfo@timeteducationcom website wow:timeledocationcom I 2008/16 90. How many steps will be required to get the final ‘output from the following input? Input: 544, 658, 325, 688, 461, 231, 857 w 6 es oa (©) None of the above 91. Step third for an input is “432, 439, 542, 666, 734, 355, 574° what willbe the first step for the input? (A) (866, 542, 432, 734, 433, 574, 355, (8) 542, 666, 794, 492, 490, 574, 955, (C) 355, 574, 433, 432, 734, 666, 542 (0) Cannot be determined 92, What will be the third step for the following input? Input: 653. 989, 754, 345, 364, 861, 541 (A) 541, 345, 784, 963, 964, 816, 653 (B) 541, 345, 364, 653, 963, 754, 861 (C) 541, 345, 364, 963, 754, 861, 653, (0) 541, 345, 364, 653, 861, 754, 963, Solutions for questions 89 to 92: In each step the sum of the digits in each number are arranged in the increasing order. This is done by the method of swapping. Input 245(11), 916(10), 498(13), §19(15), 968(22), 71048), 689(23) Stop 1 c \ 710(8), S16(10}, 436(13), 519(15), B68(22), 245(11), 689(23) Step 2 (_—_—_\ 710(8), 916(10), 245411), 519(15), 96822, 496(19), 89428) Step 3: 710(@), 316(10), 245(11), 496(13), 868(22), 689(23) Stop 4: 710(8), 316(10), 245(11), 496(19), 519(15), 866(22), 689123) Stop 4 "is the final output 519115), The number in the bracket is the sum ofthe digits in that number. 89, Input: 655(16), _436(19),764(17), 799(25), 97(23), §72(14), 333(9) Stop 1: 333(8), 486(13), 764(17), 799(25), 977(23), 57214), 655(16) Stop 2: 333(9), 496(13), 572(14), 799(25), 977(23), 764(17), 655(16) Stop 8: 333(0), 436(13), 672(14), 656(16), 977(23) 764(17), 799(25) Step 9s the required one. Choice (A) 91. In these type of questions backward process isnot possible. Choice (0) 92, Input 653(14), 969(18), 754(16), 345/12), '364(13), 861(15), 541(10) Step 1: 541, 963, 754, 345, 364, 861, 653, Step 2: 541, 345, 754, 963, 364, 861! 653, Stop 3: 541, 345, 364, 963, 754, 861, 653, Choice (C) Directions for questions 93 to 95: Answer the {questions based on the following information, ‘A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it folowing a particular rule, Following is the illustrain of the input and the steps of arrangement: Input: She was interested in doing art fim ‘Step 1: art she was interested in doing fm ‘Step 2: art was she interested in doing fim ‘Stop 3: art was in she interested doing fim ‘Stop 4: art was in film she interested doing Stop 5: art was in film doing she interosted ‘Step 5 is the last step of the given input. Now study the logic and rules followed in the above steps, find out ‘appropriate step for the question given below for the sven input. 93. Which of the following will be last step for the input siven telow? Input: He is going out to search air (A) outis air to going search he (B) outs air to search going he (C) search he outs airto going (0) None of the above 94. If step 2 of an input is not ‘not is the casino ‘considering legal action”, which sep is: "not is casino action legal the considering”? (A) Step: 3 (8) Steps (©) Step:a (0) None of the above 95. How many steps will be required to get the final ‘output from the folowing input? Input: Father needs to check on the boy (A) Four (8) Five (©) Six (0) None of the above Solutions for questions 93 t0 95: In the fina output the words are rearranged based on the last etter in each word. They are in the reverse ‘alphabetical order in the final output. This is done by the ‘method of shifting Input: Step 1 ‘She was interested in doing at film. arl she was interested in doing fm arl wag she interested in doing fim 3: arf was in she interested doing fm YU. put: da9113), wDsLIE), seoUIU), oBBIEe) 461(11), 281(6), 857(20) Step 1: 231, 653, 925, 688, 461, 544, 867 Step 2: 231, $25, 653, 688, 481, 544, 857 Step 3: 231, $25, 461, 688, 653, 544, 857 Step 4: 231, 925, 461, 544, 653, 688, 857 Step 5: 231, 925, 461, 544, 653, 857, 688 Stop 5 is the final output Choice (B) ‘Step 4: art was in tlm she interested doing Step 5: art was in film doing she interested 93, The final step for the input “He is going out to search ai is out is air to search going he. ‘Choice (8) ‘ot is the casino considering legal action ‘ot ig casino the considering legal action ‘ol i§ casing action the considering legal nol is casing action legal the considering Choice (B) 95. Input: Father needs to check on the boy Stop 1: boy father needs to check on the Step 2: boy needs father to check on the Step 3: boy needs father to on check the Step 8 isthe final step. Choice (0) 96. Among Anil, Bibok, Charu, Dobu and Eewar. Eowar is taller than Debu but not as fat as Debu. Charu is taller than Anil but shorter than Bibek. Anil is fatter than Debu but not as fat as Bibek. Eswar is thinner than Charu, who is thinner than Debu. Eswar is shorter than Anil. Who is the thinnest person? (A) Bibek (B) Charu (C) Debu (0) Eswar Solution: Let us represent the persons with the first letter of their names. Consider the statements given with respect to fatness. ED,E > 3 ‘ainb ‘arn 1 stoma Hie mbibia iy =a Ha” boa von |(3) [808 sini “i __ Hees Toned > ‘ant 4. Prob. offosing = 228. Hy-b 216 81 Hob Prob. ofwinning= 2° 2042 choice © . Hash ob of winning = 2 ce C) a (1), (2) => 102. DSBO company produces Z units of output at a total cost of Ra.A, where R= 1-29 — 52" +102 + 5. At what level of output will the average variable Cost attain its minimum? (A) 20 @) 33 (©)25 (0) None of the above Soluti Total cost for Z units 104, 11°C, Hy+a H,+b_ 2nb—2na Roath ee ba 72h Chie 6) "Py = 87:16, then n= (a) 20 (8) 22 © 15 (0) None of the above Solution: "4G, 87 R= 2 ~ 52% + 102 + 5 (in tis expression 5 is the fixed cost rest alls variable cost) ‘Average variable cost (V) P16 AAIAGAMNBN-JN-G(r-4 0-H S (na) (90-1) 3.(19) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 248 (19) 2020) Stree Choice (0) (040-2789819405 Fax :040-27847334_emall:info@timeteducation com _website : wwu.timededucationsom 105. 108. 107. 3. Suppose a, b and c are in arithmetic Progression and at, b® and c® are in Geometric progression. Ifa a) are in Harmonic Progression, then log (a +c) + logia = 2b + ¢) is equal to: (A) 2log(e-b) ) 2ogia—c) {C) logic - a) (D) loga + logb + loge Solution: Asa, b,carein HP, b= 2°. are log (a +c) +109 (a—2b +0) log [la + of. — 20 (@ + 0) log [fa + 6}? — 4ac] = log (a-c) 2lag (¢~ a) (:" > a) Choice (C) Sum of the series 1°— 2° +9°—4? + .....+ 20017— 2002" +2003 is (a) 2007006 (®) 1005004 (C) 200506 (0) None of the above 108. The number of ways in which a mixed double tennis game can be arranged amongst 9 married ‘couples if no husband and wife play in the same game is (a) 1914 (®) 1512 (©) 3024 (0) None of the above Solution: The men can be selected from 9 in °02 ways. We ‘can now chaose the 2 women, only from the group ‘of 7 women (as the wives of the two men should ‘not be selected). This can be done in "C2 ways. In this group of 2 men and 2 women, (say M1, M2, W3, WA) a match can be arranged in two ways M1, Wa Vs M2, WA or M1, Wa Vs M2, W2 The number of ways of arranging a mixed doubles metal in °C "Ce (2) = 9(8)(7) 6) ‘i afay ey) 8 2) = 1512 Choice (8) 109. The interior angles of a polygon are in Arithmetic Progression. i the smallest angle is 120° and ‘common difference is 5°, the number of sides in the polygon is: 7 es je (0) None of the above Solution: All angles are in degrees. The interior angles are 120, 125, 130, ~The exterior angjes are 60, 55, 50, Wo should take enough anglas so that the sum is 360, ‘As 360 = 9 (40), we can take 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 Le. the number of angles (or sides) in the polygon is 9. ‘Choice (C) 110. A ladder 25 meters long is placed against a wall ‘ith its foot 7 meters away from the foot of the wall. How far should the foot be drawn out so that the top of the ladder may come down by half the distance of the total distance if the foot is drawn out? (A) 6 meters (©) 875 meters (©) 8 meters (0) None of the above Solution: The intial position of the ladder is shown in the figure below, on the let The wording is not very clear. * 0 that the top of the ladder may come down by half the distance of the total distance IF the foot is drawn out I the foot is drawn out (until the ladder is flat on the ‘ground) by 1 m, the top of the ladder comes down by 24 m. I it comes down by half of this distance, *. The given expression +84... 44008) 4 (141+ =4 (100%) (1002) 2 +1001 +-2003* 1001 (- 2004 + 1) + 2003" (2008) (1002) = 2007006, anf Insitule of Management Education It the top of the ladder slides to C, bottom of the ladder slides to D. where OD = 25" -12 = /48i ~22 2.BD=22-7=15 instead ofthe word IF, if we have the word THAT we {21 the following conclusion. Lei the foot be drawn out by 2xm. The top sides down by xm... (24— 1+ (7+ 2x) = 625 = x =0.0r 4. The foot should be rawn out by 0m or 8m itis probable that this may have been the intended question. But the key word that was printed is IF and ‘ot THAT. Therefora we have more reason to accept 15 or choice D as our answer. Choice (0) 411, 2- 6407522209 ~~ Ya600840049 (A) 0.666039 (®) 0.665029 (C) 0.666009 (0) None of the above solut As the frst 3 choices are very close, we need to evaluate the expression very accurately. We notice that the denominator ofthe Second term is 96(10°) +84(10"} + 48 = 60,007)" Similarly, the numerator is 64(108) + 752(10*) + 2209 = (80,047)° = The given expression is 2 We except this to be 0.6660x (0.6 of 60,007 = 3604.2 0.06 of 60,007 = 3600.42 0.086 of 60,007 - 260.042 (0.00003 of 60,007 = 1.8 0,00009 of 60,007 = 0.54 (0.66603 of 60,007 = 3996.02 80047 ‘50007 39967 ‘0.007 Choice (A) 112. If the positive real numbers a, b and ¢ are in Aithmetic Progression, such that abe = 4, then ‘minimum possible value of b i: (a) 2? @) 2° (0) None of the above ‘The product of the 3 positive numbers a, b, ¢is constant, ie, abe = 4 The sum is minimum when these 3 numbers are equal, ie. a=b=c=4"" AAS a,b,c ae in AP, their sum is 2b. The minimum value ofthis is 3(4)" The minimum value of bis 4” or 2° Choice (6) the figure on the right, & Choice (A) 114. A boat goes 30 km, upstream and 44 km, ownstzeam in 10 hours. In 12 hours, it ean go 40 km upstream and 55 km down-stream. The speed ‘of the boat instill water is: (A) 3 km/hour (8) 4 kmhour (©) 8kmmour (D) None of the above Solution: The data is tabulated below. Distance Time Up Down 3044 10 40 55 13 Lot the time taken to cover 30 km upstream be Sp. To cover 40 km upstream, itis 4p. Lt the time taken to cover 44 km downstream be - To cover 55 km downstream itis $4. Given 3p + 4q= 10 4p +8q= 13 ‘Solving the above equations, we get q=tp=2 30 km, km - Upstream speed = 2.401 5 ton SAK 14 keine 4 br fr the speed of the boat in sill water = 8 kmibr. and the speed of the river = Skmihr. Choice (C) ‘and downstream speed s1.c00:'| Ysa + Vinana 08 Vizsina -vizsina 1 (A) 2a ert (©) fa-ae (0) None of the above Solution: ‘As the numerator (of the argument of cot") is positive and the denominator is negative, the ‘expression is negative (say ~ x). and cot! =x= moot x, fivsina + fi-sina firsina—Jt-sina _ 2x2yimsin®a _tecosa sina sina 1-008(r-a) Let: tea 113. I one root of the equation ax* + bx + ¢ = 0 is double of the other, then 2b? = (A) 9ea (©) yaa (©) 2vBac (©) None ofthe above Solution: Lt the roots be «, 2a. Given that Ga. = -2 ana 20? = & ana) (steno ce) 8 seot'e= 8 ae the eaited expression eat) ie. x 3 Choice (B) 116. A pole has to be erected on the boundary of a Circular park of diameter 13 meters in such a way that the difference of its distances from two diametrically opposite fixed gates A and 8 on the boundary is 7 meters. The distance of the pole from one of the gates is: (A) 8 meters (©) 825 meters (C) 5 meters (0) None of the above Solution: Following figure depicts the given information. Hence P represents the position of pole and A, 8 the ends of the diameter. Pe SS Asx? + +7)? = 19" By solving it, we get Choice (C) Directions for questions 117 to 119 Answer the {questions based on the following information Rajat is sales manager of Dubin Computers Lid,, and looks after Delhi market. The company sells laptops in India. He is currently trying to select a distributor for coming five years. The distibutor ensures that the products are accessible to the customers in the market. Market share of a company depends on the coverage by the distributor. ‘The total profit potential of the entire laptop market in Delhi is Ris crores in the current year and present value fof next four year’s cumulative profit potential is Fs.15 ‘The first choice for Rajat is to enter into a longeterm contract with a distributor Mis Jagan with whom Dubin hhas done business in the past an whose distribution sysiem reaches 55 percent of all potential customers. At the last moment, however, a colleague suggests Raat to ‘consider signing a one-year contract with other distributors. Distributors Ms Bola and M/s James are willing to be partner with Dubin. Although a year ago Mis. Bola's and M/s James's coverages reached oniy 40 and 25 percent of customers respectively, they claim to have invested heavily in distribution resources and now ‘expect to be able to reach 60 percent and 75 percent of customers respectively. The probability of M/s Bole's claim and M/s James's claim to be true Is 0.60 and 0,20, Choice 1 Give a five year contract to the familiar distributor M/s. Jagan. Choice 2 Give a one year contract to the now distributor M/s. Bola, and base next year’s decision to renew ‘contract with M's Bola on observed coverage for next tour years or enter info a four years contract with Mis Jagan. Choice 3 Given a one-year contract to the new distrbutor Mis James, and base next year's decision to renew contract with M/s James on observed coverage for next four years or enter into a four years contract with Mis Jagan. 117. The expected present value of the five years ‘cumulative profit with choice 3 is: (A) Fis.127 crotes (8) Fs.10.6 crores (©) Fs.11.7 crores (0) None cf the above 118. Which ofthe following statement is TRUE? (A) Choice 1 is more profitable than Choice 2. (8) Choice 3 is more profitable than Choice 2 (©) Choice 3 is more profitable than Choice 1. (0) None of the above 149, If the Distributor M/s James claims a coverage of 55% instead of 75% and probability ofthis clair to bo true is 0.70 instead of 0.20, then which of the following statement is true? (A) Choice 1 is more profitable than Choice 2. (8) Choice 2 is more profitable than Choice 3. (C) Choice 3 is more profitable than Choice 1 (©) None of the above Solutions for questions 117 to 119: “The data is tabulated below: [yagan] Bala [ James verage 55 | 2 | 25 [Claim eo _| 75 [Probabiity of cain being true Os | 02 ‘The 3 choices are (A) 5 year contract to Jagan. (8) 1 year contract to Bala. Then (a). Ronewal ior 4 years. OR (b) year contract to Jagan (©) 1 yearcontract to James. Then (a) Renewal ior 4 yeers. OR (b)_4year contract to Jagan. Market potential for year 1 is § crores. Market potential for years 2 to 5is 15 crores. ‘We can compare the expected value (EV) ofthe profit for the 5 years for each case (in crores of rupees). = 6415) Choice (1) v= 88, 6+ 15)=11 Choice (2) will evolve over time. The assumption is that the true level of coverage offered by the new distributors could bbe discovered with certainty, through a one-year tral, and this trial will reveal exactly one of the two levels of coverage: for example In case of M/s. Bola — 40 per cent {as it was last year) or 60 percent (as claimed). In addon, it is Iso assumed that whatever the courage is for both distributors, it will not change over time. Rajat narrows down on three choices, which are as follows: £040-27847334_ email: info@timeteduc ‘The EV for the 5 years cumulative profit with choice (8) is 10.6 croves. Choice (8) 118. The EV for choices (1), (2), (3) are 11, 11.3, 10.6 respectively (1) is more profitable then (2). False. (3)is more profitable then (2). False. (B)is more profitable then (1). False. "None of the above is true. Choice (0) 119. James claim and the corresponding probability are ferent. Only choice (3) has to be recalculated. Prob | Year t [Years 210 6 [Years 1105] EV. 0.7 | 0.55) 1 77 0.25 (5) os}| 9250) as | 205 1055 ‘The EVs for choices (1), (2), (3) are 11, 11.3, 10.55 respectively. We consider the options Choice (2) is more profitable than choice (3). Choice (8) 120. McDonald's ran a campaign in which it gave game ‘ards to its customers. These game cards made it possible for customers to win hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, and other fastfood items, as well as cash prizes. Each card had 10 covered spots that could be uncovered by rubbing them with a coin. Beneath three of these spots wore "No Prize" signs. Beneath the other seven spots were names of prizes, two of which were identical. For example, fone card might have two pictures of a hamburger, ‘one picture of a Coke, one of French fries, one of a milk shake, one of $5, one of $1000, and three “No prize” signs. For this card the customer could win a hamburger. To win on any card, the customer had to uncover the two matching spota(which showed the potential prize for that card) before uncovering ‘a “No prize’, any card with a "No prizo” uncovered was automatically void. Assuming that the two matches and the three “No prize” signs were arranged randomly on the cards, what Is the pprobabilty of a customer winning? (a) 0.10 8) 0.15 (©) 0.12 (0) None of the above Solution: To get the prize the customer must uncover the two matching pictures before any one of the ‘no- prize’ signs. The other signs are not important. ‘These 5 signs can occur is 120 orders. In only (6) 2) of 12 of these permutations, the 2 matching Pictures occur before any one of the ‘no-prize’ signs. Required probability 06 | 06(5) 0.6 (15) 12 72 0.4 [0.4 (5) = 20.55 (15)=6.25) 10.25 | 4.1 13 croice roo] vert | vean2ws |S! [ev 02 0.75 (5) 0.75 (15) 95 3 08 pas@erasssiisj=acg 1s [760 oF Management Education Put Lid: Ade) HO: 950.3 122. The shoes can be selected in 3 ways. ‘The lower wearin 7 ways. ‘The upper wear, Le. a shirt or sweater or both in 6 +3+ 18 0°27 ways, The jacket in 2 + 1 ways. (The +1 means no jacket) The outit can be selected in $ (7) 27 @) = 1701 ways. ‘Choice (0) rane + anni 2) + taf +28) «9 men ich 3) of the following is correct? (4) tan (8) tan 2x (©) tan3x=1 (0) None of the above Solution: 2x Instoadof taking tho @ angles asx, «+ Ex» 2E We can take them are 0- = ,0,04 = 3 3 (3) iee 2) need tan (0%) =1anerv3_ ( 3) 4-W8tane tan(0-2) +1an (0.2) 3) 3 tane-3 - V3 tan? @+3tane ‘tan 0. J+ JS tan? 64 3tand T-3tan"@ stano T3tan" g(Stano-tan®o) ‘tan®@ The given condition is 3tan 30 = 3 or tan 36 = 1 ie tans (x+4) 01 wr9(e3) Stan Ge +2)=1 tan aera 1 2) bn stance tan(xo2) stan (x22 Chee (A 15¢. The angles and their tan ratios are tabulated 121. While packing for a business trip Mr. Debashis has below. packod 9 pats of shoes, 4 pants 9 haltpants, 6 Tram ma| wR nT Shits, sweater and’ jackets, The out is defined x |ox+ 60% [6+ r20%tan «| PE [3 se omsiing oa par of ehoes,acroce otsoner — tasst ost tata poe oe weal Gould bea sit ora sweater or bat) and i finally he may not choose to wear a jacket. How P25] 825" | 142° |¥2-1 ae many diferent outs ave possbi? [ae | a3 [ea] 2 | a many ai ose ws 7 | 1 [e-val ave | -1 B78 {B) None ofthe above We can see that forx=15°,E=3 Choice (C) ‘Friomphant mole of Managomene Education Pvt Lid. TAME) 10:51. 2" Foor Siddamscty Complex, Seandcrad = 500005 ‘Tel: (40-2789819405 Fax :040-27847334 email: nfo@simeteducationcom website: www:timetedvcationcom ___HET-20N8/23 123. If D is the midpoint of side BC of a triangle ABC 124, A cylinder, a hemisphere and a cone stand on the and AD is the perpendicular to AC, then and abs he perpen ‘same base and have the same heights. The ratio (®) 980? = AC? 38? of the areas of their curved surface is: (C) 8c +AG? = 5a8" (s) 224 (6) 2ves1 (0 Nene oe soos (©) v2:31 (0). None of the above Solution: A p Solution: 8 D c Lyne Hemisphere Cone Dis the midpoint of BC and AC is perpendicular to a0 2. |n,AADG, AD? = CD ACand in ABO, 2AD? + 20° = AB" + AO" (Apoloniys Theorem) wi Bae mao Eliminating AD*, we get 2(CD? — AC’) + 28D? BAC The ratio of the curved surtace area is 2: 2 = 80% AB = 246" (as 0'= co" = AE WB ie. V2: vB:1 Choice 0) Choice (A) Directions for questions 125 to 130: Answer the questions based on the following table. Growth Trend in Rall Wagon oi ‘Open ear | Total | Covered | ‘high | ‘Low | Departmental | Special | Total | Average fear | wagons | wagons | sided | sided | wagons spe, |, wusson.| “ween gons | sided | sided | wagons | wagons | capscty | capacty Tambor | onto | Nunter | Nnber | Wontar | Narber | BAR, | cores aarsez_|ie7sa1_| 0546 | 12221 1208 | “502821179 | 348 ‘12405 | 199642 | forse0 | 1192 [11473 | 49008 [14.92 | 962 2e1960_[ 121946 | 96795 | 11507 | 11188 | a7eor | 10.78 | a5. 2e0791_| 114065 | 96297 | 11196_| —t1008 | 4605 | ~t0.82 | —a7.8 z7zia7 | ~i0s6s4 | 98006 | 10601 054s | ~asaar_|~10.64 | 99.1 2eseai_|iaaei7 | a7e16 | 9726 10569 | ~a9e5a | 10.69 | 40.5 2szoa4_|~s6a7i | 95613 | s106 9612 #242 | 107 | 429 2as97_| 66024 | 91415 | 7735 8907, #osi6 [i026 | 43.8 zezies | 75768 | 91089 | 7999 ead | aa084 | t0.19 | 459 26717 | 71950 | 90371 | 7585 9536, 37275_| 1009 | 46.6 2ia7e0_| 68467 | 90765 | 7160 io7ie | 37650 | 9.08 | 48.5 zarrs2_|~67e70 | 100211 | 9882 ‘1aae | seao1_| 40.56 | —as.8 79 | 6417 | 101757 | a7a7 ‘ose | ~3eas¢_[ 108 [477 125, Find out the TRUE Statement Choice 8 (A) The numberof covered wagons expressed es Tyerconiage of tla wagons “Gocined Considered percentage in 2003 = 37°50. (100) Consistently from 1989 fo 2002, but increased marginally in 2003 as compared to the = 17.5% previous year level 2 (@) The special type wagons expressed as. a 175% > 165% perventage of total wagons is maximum during 1 2003. Wt can be veriied that 4 (Total wagons in each (©) The open high sided wagons expressed as a 3

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