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Title: Linkage Among the MDGs, SDGs, and SFDRR: Creating a Resilient and Sustainable World

Abstract: The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and
the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) are three international frameworks that aim
to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. This presentation will explore the linkage among
these frameworks and highlight their complementary objectives and targets. We will examine the role of
sustainable development, poverty reduction, and disaster risk reduction in creating a more resilient and
sustainable world. We will also discuss the importance of partnerships and collaboration in achieving the
goals and targets of these frameworks. By the end of the presentation, participants will have a better
understanding of the linkage among the MDGs, SDGs, and SFDRR, and how they can contribute to
creating a more resilient and sustainable world.


I. Introduction

 Brief overview of the MDGs, SDGs, and SFDRR

 Importance of sustainable development, poverty reduction, and disaster risk reduction

II. Linkage Among the MDGs, SDGs, and SFDRR

 Similarities and differences among the frameworks

 How the frameworks are interconnected and complementary

III. Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction

 Role of sustainable development in achieving the goals and targets of the frameworks

 Role of poverty reduction in creating a more just and equitable world

IV. Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience

 Importance of disaster risk reduction in enhancing resilience

 Linkage between disaster risk reduction and sustainable development

V. Partnerships and Collaboration

 Importance of partnerships and collaboration in achieving the goals and targets of the

 Examples of successful partnerships and collaboration

VI. Conclusion

 Summary of key points

 Importance of collective effort in creating a more resilient and sustainable world

Presentation Format: This presentation could be delivered in a variety of formats, such as a traditional
lecture with visual aids, a panel discussion with experts in the field, or a workshop with interactive
activities. Visual aids could include PowerPoint slides, videos, and infographics. Interactive activities
could include small group discussions, case studies, and role-playing exercises.

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