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INGLÊS - 8º ANO - Módulo 2

CAPÍTULO 1 • Sea creatures

exercitando em aula

01. 1 – B; 2 – F; 3 – J; 4 – D; 5 – H; 6 – A; 7 – G; 07.
8 – I; 9 – E; 10 – C. a) Can. Can é usado para expressar capaci-
02. F-T-T-F-F-T-F. dade, habilidade, possibilidade, permissão
03. Personal answer. informal e pedido informal.
04. Personal answer. b) Could. Could é usado para expressar capa-
05. cidade, habilidade, possibilidade, permis-
a) couldn’t. são formal e pedido formal; geralmente é
b) can. usado em perguntas para dar um tom mais
c) can’t. educado. Também pode expressar capaci-
d) couldn’t. dade ou habilidade no passado.
e) can - can. 08. She is a record-breaking sailor. She broke the
f) could - couldn’t. record for the fastest solo circumnavigation of
g) could/Can – can – can’t. the globe in 2005.
h) couldn’t. 09. Rethink the way goods are packaged, cutting
i) can/could. the demand for plastic./Using water-soluble
j) can. film to wrap small items./Eliminate plastics that
k) can - can’t - can. are hard to recycle such as PVC and expandable
l) can’t. polystyrene.
06. 10. Personal answer.
a) Personal answer. 11. Uma das possibilidades de resposta é: 3-4-2-1-2.
b) Personal answer. 12. may/may/may/can/can/may
c) Kangaroos can jump. 13.
d) Parrots can speak. I. (c)
e) Penguins can’t fly. II. (c)
f) Camels can walk for a month with no III. (a)
water. IV. (c)
g) Tortoises can’t run fast.
h) Elephants can live until they are 70.
i) Monkeys can grab things.

exercícios de fixação

01. To catch their prey. recorded with video cameras a range of

02. In 1833, in Greenland. surprising behaviors.
03. In the past two decades, deep-sea explorers 04. Before that, scientists learned most of
have begun to catch glimpses of the what they know by pulling dead or dying
creatures in their own habitats, and have specimens from nets.
INGLÊS - 8º ANO - Módulo 2

05. C-C-I-C. b) May I go to the bathroom now?

06. Neymar can’t play soccer now, because he’s in- c) Lady Gaga may release a new album this year.
jured. d) Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse might be
07. (e) the best superhero movie ever.
08. e) You may be excused.
a) I can’t ride a bicycle. 14.
b) I would like to research more. I mightn’t be able to do this.
c) He should work harder. Bob couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
d) I had to work last Saturday. These fish can’t be in this dirty aquarium!
e) Could you tell me how to get to the park? You couldn’t drive very well when you
09. (c) were young.
10. (a) e) They mightn’t want this arrangement.
11. (c) 15. (c)
12. Personal answer. 16. (b)
13. 17. (b)
a) He might not come home for Christmas.

exercícios propostos

01. (b) b) He may/might buy the new CD of Shawn

02. Vertebrates have a backbone, while invertebrates Mendes.
don’t. c) The boys may/might ask Pam out.
03. (c) d) He may/might not have a swim.
04. (d) e) The burglar may/might have broken into
05. (c) the house by the window.
06. (a) f) She can’t find her bag. She may/might have
07. (c) left it in the bus.
08. (c) g) He may/might not pass the exam.
09. (b) h) They may/might get married in August.
10. Ishmael likes the ocean. Sugestão de resposta: i) Dad may/might lend you the car if you ask
“Whenever I find myself growing grim about the him.
mouth, I account it high time to get to sea as soon j) It may/might rain today.
as I can.” / “But that same image, we ourselves k) I may/might go to London.
see in all rivers and oceans. It is the image of the l) The teacher may/might punish you if you
ungraspable phantom of life; and this is the key use the mobile.
to it all.” m) The kids may/might visit the museum.
Possível resposta: “Ishmael feels like going to the n) Tina may/might not get all the presents she
ocean when he has nothing for him on shore, when asked Santa for.
he’s not feeling well.” o) Arthur may/might become a model.
11. Personal answer. p) Tom and Mary may/might not go to the
12. Personal answer. movies.
13. Atividade em sala. q) She may/might have gone to the park.
a) May/Might I use the dictionary?
INGLÊS - 8º ANO - Módulo 2

CAPÍTULO 2 • Extinct animals

exercitando em aula

01. (c) 07.

02. a) would.
a) dodo. b) would not/wouldn’t.
b) Tasmanian tiger. c) would.
c) quagga. d) Wouldn’t.
d) Pinta Island tortoise. e) would not/wouldn’t.
e) sabre-toothed cat. 08. (c)
f) woolly mammoth. 09. (b)
g) Pyrenean ibex. 10. All the creatures that eat mosquitos (like bats and
h) great auk. frogs) would go extinct, and all the animals that eat
i) Steller’s sea cow. bats and frogs too, and so on down the food chain!
j) passenger pigeons. 11. Dodo and passenger pigeon.
04. 13.
1. (b) a) shouldn’t put.
2. (a) b) should go.
3. (a) c) should see.
4. (a) d) should/apply.
5. (a) e) should buy.
6. (b) f) shouldn’t eat.
7. (a) g) should be.
8. (b) h) should wear.
9. (a) i) should walk.
10. (b) j) shouldn’t use.
11. (b) k) should get.
12. (a) l) should take.
13. (a) m) should call.
14. (b) n) should be.
05. o) should lie.
a) She’d like to see a dinosaur, but she’ll ne- p) should resist.
ver be able to. 14.
b) Carl won’t attend the party because he’s a) would.
sick. b) can.
c) They wouldn’t swim in the ocean. c) may/might.
d) It’ll be difficult playing soccer with an d) will.
injured ankle. e) should/ought to.
06. f) won’t.
a) will. g) shall.
b) will not. h) can’t.
c) will not. i) shouldn’t.
d) will. j) could.
e) will. 15. C-I-I-C-I-C.
INGLÊS - 8º ANO - Módulo 2

fora da caixa

Atividade de abertura: III, I, II. 02. Resposta pessoal. Alguns exemplos possíveis
01. De acordo com o vídeo, os humanos tendem a des- são: we must preserve nature; we shouldn’t destroy
truir a natureza para conseguir vários luxos e con- forests; we shouldnt’ throw plastics on the seas; we
fortos da vida moderna, como eletricidade e aviões. must stop buying fur coat, etc.

exercícios de fixação

01. They became extinct after a colossal asteroid impact. b) If I weren’t afraid of flying, I would travel
02. (c) to Australia.
03. (b) – Expressa situação irreal no present ou futuro.
04. (c) c) I ought to study tomorrow.
05. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you – Expressa dever.
should.” d) Gene should exercise more.
06. Personal answer. – Expressa conselho/dever.
07. (b) e) My brothers and I might play football tonight.
08. (a) – Expressa possibilidade remota.
09. (c) f) The government must take care of its people.
10. (a) – Expressa obrigação.
11. (c) g) I could go with you.
12. (a) – Expressa possibilidade.
13. (c) h) Louise may go to the concert.
14. F-T-T-F. – Expressa ação possível no futuro.
15. (b) i) Shall we go?
16. – Expressa convite.
a) should eat. j) They will attend the party.
b) should avoid. – Expressa ação futura.
c) should get. 21.
d) should drink. a) must.
e) should brush. b) must/must.
f) should go. c) mustn’t.
g) should keep. d) must.
h) should wash. e) must.
i) shouldn’t lie. 22.
j) should wear. a) must.
k) shouldn’t be. b) can.
l) should play. c) must.
17. (a) d) must.
18. (b) e) can.
19. (b) f) can.
a) We can’t be late today.
– Expressa impossibilidade.
INGLÊS - 8º ANO - Módulo 2

exercícios propostos

01. (a) 11. (b)

02. (b) 12. (c)
03. (b) 13. (d)
04. (c) 14. should/ought to/must.
05. (b) 15. must not/should not.
06. (d) 16. should/ought to.
07. (b) 17. should/ought to/must.
08. (c) 18.
09. (c) a) I would like a glass of Coca-Cola, please.
10. b) Will you dance with me, please?
a) will answer the phone. c) I ought to walk my dogs more often.
b) won’t get up on time tomorrow. d) He could swim when he was very young.
c) won’t cross the ocean for you. 19. (a)
d) will come to your birthday party tonight. 20. (d)

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