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Blog: Community Engagement

When I talk about my own issues in my community, the only thing that I

could think of is psychological problems that may affect on engaging with others.

The only example of psychological problem that I may have now is anxiety. Due to

anxiety, it made me hard to engage with my classmates, particularly to group

assignments or presentations.

I am sensitive and an overthinker who could be paranoid to what people

might think of me. It is the number one hindrance from engaging as well as

approaching people. However, today, it seems that I am able to do some

adjustments in order to cope up with my worries. I realized that no matter what, I

have to voice out my concerns and in order to exchange conversation with a

person. It would boost my confidence and social skills.

I may be a more introverted person but if I practice in communicating, I think

I’ll be able to handle stuffs on my own. I have to let out my fear on being judged.

Criticisms are normal and should not be always treated as a negative feedback.

They might not say all good stuffs to you but being honest is the most important

thing because you will be able to learn from your mistakes and improve yourself.

Any feedback could help as long as you treat them positively and it might

help you in the future by keeping track of your progress. It might not be the easiest
but if you think things through, you will naturally develop and would improve your

skills, especially in engaging in the community.

Being able to engage would help your life by giving you many chances such

as jobs or hobbies that would strengthen your ability. You should stick to you

interests and try on engaging with people with the same interest as you. By doing

so, you built your own community and that would help you be a part of something

which could make you an active citizen.

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