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Customer ID: necessary for tracking which customer placed the order and for potential
customer relationship management (CRM) purposes.
Product ID: necessary for identifying which product was ordered.
Quantity: necessary for tracking the amount of the product ordered.
Order Date: necessary for tracking when the order was placed and for potential analysis
on order patterns and trends.

Data type choices:

Text for Customer ID and Product ID: These are alphanumeric identifiers, so text is the
appropriate data type for these fields.
Numeric for Quantity and Restock Quantity: These fields contain numbers, so a numeric
data type is appropriate.
Date for Order Date and Last Restock Date: These fields contain dates, so a date data
type is appropriate.
All of the fields in the Production Schedule Form and Inventory Report Form are
necessary for the Production & Operations division to make informed decisions about
production and inventory.
The Production Order ID: identify each production order. The Product ID is used to
identify the product that is being produced.
The Quantity: the number of units of the product that are being produced.
The Start Date: the date on which production of the product will begin.
The End Date: is the date on which production of the product will end.
The data types for each field are chosen to match the type of data that is being stored. For
example, the Production Order ID and Product ID are integers because they are unique
identifiers. The Quantity is an integer because it is the number of units of a product. The
Start Date and End Date are dates because they represent dates and times.
All of the fields in the Sales Report Form and Profit and Loss Report Form are necessary
for the Production & Operations division to track sales and profits. The Sales Order ID is
used to uniquely identify each sales order. The Customer ID is used to identify the
customer who placed the order. The Product ID is used to identify the product that was
sold. The Quantity is the number of units of the product that were sold. The Unit Price is
the price of each unit of the product. The Total Price is the total cost of the sale.

The data types for each field are chosen to match the type of data that is being stored. For
example, the Sales Order ID and Customer ID are integers because they are unique
identifiers. The Product ID is an integer because it is used to track inventory. The
Quantity is an integer because it is the number of units of a product. The Unit Price and
Total Price are floats because they represent monetary values.

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