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2 Dans mon appart’ 4

Video worksheet
Episode 7, page 71

1 General
A Before watching the video, brainstorm words for rooms in a house.
B Watch the whole video through. What’s the problem and how is it
C Why do you think we don’t see Alex in this video?

2 Listen and watch part 1 (up to 1m34).

A Listen carefully. At the beginning, two negative expressions are
used to describe Marielle. What are they?
B By contrast, what positive adjectives do they use to describe her
C Which rooms do they go into and in which order?
D What gives them (and us) the clue to which room is Marielle’s?
E Listen out for the words meaning “under”, “behind” and “in”.
F Explain why what they discover is typical of Marielle.
G Who seems to be in charge of the search?
H Identify a negative expression meaning “There isn’t a …”.

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2 Dans mon appart’ 4

3 Now listen and watch part 2 (1m35 – end).

A Why is Marielle’s first suggestion no use?
B Where is the living room (exactly)?
C What does Hugo say about the living room (compared to his)?
D Samira gets irritated with Hugo. Why?
E What shows her bossy nature?
F What do French people say when answering the phone?
G Where exactly is the kitchen?
H What ridiculous suggestion does Hugo make?
I Identify a negative expression meaning “It isn’t …”.
J Were they right in their negative comments about Marielle at the

4 Join in!
Compare this French home with your own. Discuss how it compares with
what you had previously thought of as a typical French home. What has
led you to your observations?
Then, in groups, play a guessing game. One person pretends to hide an
item in a house and notes down its precise location. The rest must ask
questions until they find it.
– Est-il dans le salon?
– (Non, il n’est pas …)
– Est-il dans ta chambre?
– (Oui! Mais où exactement?)
– Est-il sous le lit?
– (…)

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