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Title of your story Death juice

Characters of your story Animals, oceans, humans

Place that takes place your story. in the ocean
Conflict in your story due to the excessive use of oil it is more
and more frequent to be extracted from the
oceans altering the environment, due to
the constant discharges of oil in the seas
and oceans, the waters are being polluted
and sickening all marine life. In addition to
these problems when oil is burned, global
warming is generated which generates that
corals are dying, which generates the
death of hundreds of species.
Description of the place before the conflict. The Ocenaeans were clean places, with a
lot of life which helped the environment
and generated food for humans.
Description of the place after the conflict The ocean is contaminated with oil and
derivatives, which kill thousands of fish a
Description of the place in the future. After having been full of life the waters of
the oceans will be empty and polluted.
Conclusion of your story Thanks to the action of man, the
richest ecosystem in fauna is
being destroyed by leaps and
bounds, although they could still
be saved if we eliminate our
dependence on oil and clean up
the pollution of the oceans

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