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Higher Education Commission

Green Youth Movement

Innovative Plastic Waste Reuse Competition

The purpose of this competition is to celebrate World Environment Day, 2023 by motivating
the youth to beat plastic pollution. The competition aims to find innovative ways of using things
that otherwise would have been thrown out, and the objective is to promote habits among the youth
of the reuse of plastic waste to reduce plastic pollution and contribute to a more sustainable
Globally, there has been a surge of innovations and creative solutions in addressing the
challenge of plastic waste. From developing alternative packaging materials to revolutionizing
reuse processes, these innovations strive to reduce plastic pollution and promote sustainability.
Examples include the utilization of plastic waste in construction materials such as plastic roads
and eco-bricks, the introduction of refillable and reusable packaging systems, and the
implementation of advanced reuse technologies and the emergence of biodegradable and
compostable plastics. Moreover, initiatives promoting awareness and behavioral change to
reduce plastic pollution, such as plastic-free campaigns and plastic waste education, have
gained momentum, encouraging individuals and businesses to adopt more eco-friendly

The competition is open to GYM club members, whether individuals or groups from all public
sector universities with innovative plastic reuse ideas. The solution can be applied to any type
of plastic waste. The idea should be economically feasible, ecologically viable, socially
acceptable, and commercially scalable.


 To provide a platform for networking among stakeholders to share knowledge and skills
to combat pollution from plastic;
 To identify and support innovative and effective ways of reducing the plastic waste;
 To promote sustainable plastic waste management


 The competition is open to GYM club members whether individuals or groups

 Participants must submit/pitch their innovative plastic waste reusing to the focal person
of their respective university
 The proposal must be submitted before the deadline
 Oversight committee will initially evaluate the idea
 Oversight committee will share the best two ideas with HEC
 The proposals will be evaluated by a panel of judges based on innovation, potential
impact, feasibility, scalability, effectiveness, and viability
 The winners will be announced publicly, and the top three ideas will receive financial
and technical support
 There is no registration fee
 Late submissions will not be accepted

Evaluation Criteria

 Innovation and creativity of the idea

 Potential impact on waste reduction and resource efficiency
 Feasibility and scalability of the idea
 Economic feasibility and potential for commercialization
 Potential for social and environmental benefits

The top proposals will receive financial and technical support to develop and implement their

 1st prize is Rs. 50,000/-

 2nd prize is Rs. 30,000/-
 3rd Prize is Rs. 20,000/-
 Other participants would also receive E. Certificates from HEC/PMYP.


 Competition Launch: May 19, 2023

 Idea Submission Deadline to the Focal Person: May 30, 2023
 Proposal Evaluation Period: one day i.e. May 31, 2023 (FP will share the best idea with
HEC on the same day)
 HEC technical team will evaluate the best entry: June 1, 2023
 Announcement of Winners: June 5, 2023
 Contact Information: Focal person of each university
 HEC FP: submit the idea via email at

Note: This competition will solely focus on providing prize money to the winners and will not
cover any expenses incurred during the development of the proposed models or any other
associated costs. The prize money will be the sole form of financial support provided to the
selected winners to acknowledge and encourage their innovative efforts in the field of plastic
waste recycling.

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