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Workshop 2 – Case Study

Students: Isis Rojas 8-857-310

Sian Peñaloza 8-973-491

1. What benefits may Starwood Hotels derive from the introduction of touch-
screen technology, as noted in the case? What possible disruptions may
occur as a result? Provide several examples of each.

According to the case study, Starwood Hotels could benefit from the
introduction of touch-screen technology as it would enable customers to have
easy access to information and be more self-sufficient. This could lead to better
hospitality and customer satisfaction, as customers could make reservations for
activities and view maps and restaurant menus. Additionally, the hotel could
create an electronic schedule of daily activities and a photo album for customers
to view. However, disruptions may occur, for example, customers lack
information or do not know how to use the devices.

2. Bill Buxton of Microsoft stated that “[t]ouch now may be where the mouse
was in about 1983.” What do you make of his comments, and what do you
think it would take for touch technology to displace the WIMP interface?
Justify your answer.

We think that Bill Buxton's comment suggests that touch technology is still in its
early stages and has the potential to become as widely used as the mouse was in
the early 1980s. In other words, touch technology is still developing and has yet
to reach its full potential.
For touch technology to displace the WIMP interface, it needs to become more
reliable, be integrated into a wide range of devices and applications and be
designed with the user in mind so that it is intuitive and easy to use. This
requires careful consideration of the user's needs and preferences, as well as the
context in which the technology will be used. Touch interfaces should be
designed to be user-friendly, accessible, and customizable, so that they can be
adapted to different users and use cases. Overall, continued development,
integration, and user-centered design will be necessary for touch technology to
displace the WIMP interface.

3. Is advanced touch-screen technology really a solution in search of a

problem? Do you agree with this statement?

Touch-screen technology has numerous practical applications and benefits in

various industries, including improving efficiency, productivity, and user
experience. The example of the METRO Future Store in Rheinberg shows how
touch-screen technology can reduce risks and provide solutions to problems.
Therefore, we think that touch-screen technology is a valuable tool that has
contributed to making various tasks more efficient and effective and it can be
very helpful to find a solution to a certain problem.

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