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The history of Thanksgiving celebrations

Click on :

1 - Where did the Pilgrims leave from?


2- What was the name of the ship ? ……………………………………………

Click on :

Read the Introduction and the 1st part « The legend of the first Thanksgiving »
And answer these questions : (Lis l’introduction et la 1ere partie pour répondre à ces
questions )

3- Where and when did the Mayflower land?

Où et quand le Mayflower a -t-il accosté ?

4- Why was their first winter in the New World difficult? Pourquoi leur 1er hiver était-il
difficile ?


5- . Who helped them and how? Qui les a aidé et comment ?


6-. Why did the Pilgrims have a feast in autumn, 1621? Pourquoi ont-ils fait un festin an
autumn 1621 ?


Collège Saint John Perse
Thanksgiving Today

7- Who did they invite to the feast? Qui ont-ils invité ?


8- What did they eat at the feast? Qu’ont-ils mangé ?


Click on :

9- Where and When is it celebrated ?


10- What are the traditional events on that day ? Quels sont les événements traditionnels ce
jour là ? ……………………………………………………………………

Click on :

11- List what people eat traditionally. Liste ce que les gens mangent traditionnellement.

Collège Saint John Perse

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