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Corporation Rules and Procedures

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate

General Rules of Engagement 1

Corporation Sponsored Events 1
Special Exceptions 2
Non-Corporation Sponsored Event 2

Requesting SRP Payments 2

Battleship Achievement Program (BAP) 3

Monthly Profit Sharing Program 4

Income Streams 5
Station Facilities 5
Corporation Tax 5
Moon Tax 5
Market Sales 5
Fundraisers 6

Buy Back Program 6

Skill Book Library 6

Specified Order Deliveries 6

Deliveries 7

General Rules of Engagement

Corporation Sponsored Events
A Corporation Sponsored Event (CSE) is any event put on by TM&E Leadership with a
common goal relating to the benefit of the corp. This includes mining fleets, move ops,
corporation mission-running fleets, or corporation-led PVP roams.

During a Corporation Sponsored Event, it is important for the fleet members to consider
how their actions may affect the corporation. The attacking and destruction of
non-combat ships should be avoided at all costs during CSE’s unless it directly applies
to a specific mission. Examples of Non-Combat ships include: Mining Vessels, Hauling
Vessels, and ORE Fleet Support Vessels. During High-Security space operations, no
CSE ops should attack any capsuleer vessel unless a formal war declaration has been
made, or they are defending against an active gank attempt.

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate

Special Exceptions
If a PVP pilot leaves an enemy fleet and returns in a mining vessel, the dispatchment of
that ship is authorized to fulfil a friendly fleet member’s kill right.

If a known enemy cyno vessel is caught in the act of attempting to fly to a location to
drop a cyno, dispatchment is authorized.

Special considerations should be made to identify a target’s corporation and

background before the FC makes the decision to attack. Any capsuleer with a
corporation contact of +5 or greater should not be considered for an attack. Any
capsuleer belonging to a known high-security space wardecing corporation should not
be considered for an attack (i.e. BLACKFLAG, RIOT, etc.)

Non-Corporation Sponsored Event

A Non-Corporation Sponsored Event (Non-CSE) is any fleet or operation that may be
made up wholly or partially of TM&E members, but is not considered officially
sanctioned by the corporation.

During Non-CSE ops, it is the policy of TM&E to not prevent capsuleers from playing the
game in the way that they see fit. It is requested that the members consider the possible

consequences of their actions and consider any negative repercussions that may come
from their involvement. Capsuleers should not appear on the killboard of any
friendly-to-the-corporation players. Likewise, corporation members should not fleet up
with any players that belong to a corporation or alliance that TM&E (or our
alliance/holding alliance) is engaged in an active war with. This becomes a possibility
because our war-eligible alliance is separate from the main non-war-eligible alliance.

Requesting SRP Payments

The Ship Replacement Program (SRP) is established as a way to dampen the effects of
losing a ship while flying to the benefit of the corporation. SRP payments will only be
paid out when a corporation member loses their ship during a Corporation Sponsored
Event (CSE). The total amount of the payment may vary depending on the
circumstances. Corporation or Alliance doctrine ships that were distributed to the

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate
corporation member at no cost are not eligible for SRP payment. Battleships that were
distributed to corporation members through the BAP are not eligible for SRP payment.
Only corporation members are eligible to receive SRP payments.

Payments are authorized and distributed by the CEO or official Exchequer only. The
payment amount will be calculated depending on a couple of factors. If the items
dropped were able to be recovered by the losing pilot, then the value of the dropped
items is not factored into the calculated amount. When a pilot was not able to recover
their loot, the SRP payment will be the total amount of the ship and all of its items,
calculated through evepraisal at 100%, with location set to Jita, minus the payout value
from basic level ship insurance. Maximum SRP value may not exceed 500 million ISK.
This rule applies to any sub-capital ship during a CSE.

Capital ship SRP will be issued on a case-by-case basis depending upon the
corporations ability to pay, and may be less than what is calculated from the method
notated above. Capital ship pilots should check with the CEO or Exchequer before
committing their ship to a CSE.

Battleship Achievement Program (BAP)

The Battleship Achievement Program is a corporation program that aims to incentivize
the skilling of battleships in order to ensure a strong defensive fleet for the future.

Therefore, any member who sends a screenshot showing that all of the necessary skills
to operate a battleship have been trained will receive 1 of those battleships free of
charge from the corporation.

Members may only receive a single BAP battleship. Once a member has received a
BAP battleship, they are not allowed to receive a different battleship unless specifically
authorized by a Special Case Use BAP Authorization (SCUBA). SCUBA authority is
restricted to the CEO. BAP may be used on any battleship, assuming market availability.
BAP is limited to Tech I battleships. BAP will not be provided for Navy Issue, Black Ops,
or Marauder variants.

While the BAP can be used on any Tech I battleship, here is a list of recommended
ships in order to use based on alliance doctrine, corp doctrine, functionality, and

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate
-Typhoon (Heavy Missiles, Alliance Doctrine)
-Megathron (Large Hybrid Turrets)
-Dominix (Drones)
-Apocalypse (Large Energy Turrets)

In order to redeem your battleship

through the BAP, you must send a
screenshot of the requirements page of
that ship’s info window, proving that all
the skills are white and have been
trained. You must also have your
character's icon on the screen proving
that it is you. Here are a couple of

Monthly Profit Sharing Program

The corporation places its members first. They are the reason this corporation exists.
The members should also feel any success that the corporation experiences. Members
will receive a small ISK payout at the end of each month. 25% of the corporation’s
monthly profit will be distributed amongst active members during the past month. At the
beginning of each month, the corporation’s finances will be sent out in a mail to
annotate what the starting balance was, what the ending balance is, and what the
individual payout will be.

Any ISK that is deposited into the corporation account by the CEO from selling PLEX
will be considered a “Line of Credit” (LOC). This ISK was not made by the corporation
through sales or fees and cannot be considered profit. Corporation leadership must
make an active effort to pay back any of the LOC. The balance subtracted by the LOC
amount will be considered debt and reflected on the monthly balance statement. Rolling
debt will not affect monthly profit-sharing payment amounts, however, any ISK paid
towards returning the balance to full will decrease the corporation’s wallet balance
available for profit calculations.

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate

Income Streams
The corporation utilizes several avenues in order to raise corporation funds. Corporation
Funds are vital for the corp in order to provide profit shares, SRP payments, BAP ships,
and more.

Station Facilities
Current Corporation Athanors are non-public. This means that the only visitors are
corporation and alliance members. Reprocessing, clone bays, and other facilities that
charge fees are considered small income streams. All rates for these are set by the
CEO and may be raised or lowered depending on current requirements.

Future plans for engineering structures with market hubs will be open for public access.
This should be a more profitable income stream given the increase in visitor access.
This will also provide market tax paid to the corporation.

Corporation Tax
Corporation Tax rates provide a small percentage of any bounties and mission turn-in
payments that corporation members receive. This is a small amount of the corporation’s
income. Rating and Missions are a great way to passively help the corporation.

Moon Tax
Moon Tax is a percentage of the ore collected by miners given to the station owner to
help pay for fuel for the station. The ore is either reprocessed for minerals or sold as
raw ore for upfront ISK.

Market Sales
Market Sales are the primary method the corporation uses to make its ISK. Current
authorized corporation sellers are the CEO and the COO. Items that are deemed locally
profitable are sold in the Alliance-owned, MINER NEEDs station in Vay and the
Clellinon NPC station. Items deemed more profitable at a market hub are shipped to Jita
and sold there. The items sold are items that are manufactured by the corporation, as

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate
well as select items gathered through mission loot, and items sold to the corporation via
the Corporation Buy Back Program.

Periodically, specially orchestrated fundraising events may be held to boost corporation
funds. These may include raffles, tournaments, etc. Proceeds for these events will go
into the corporation master wallet.

Buy Back Program

The Corporation Buy Back Program is a way for members to receive a fast and easy
payment for the items and ore they collect. This is also a means for the corporation to
acquire ore, minerals, and building materials at a decent cost to continue manufacturing
items to sell at reasonable prices. Any corporation member may create a contract at the
Corporation’s HQ of Vay - Core Complexion Inc. for any items. They may set a contract
price of up to 90% of Jita buy value (calculated via The total cost of all
of the player’s contracts may not exceed 100 Million ISK in a calendar month. As the
buy back fund increases, this amount may be increased. Special conditions exist and
contracts that exceed this amount may be authorized by the CEO if the corporation is in
dire need of the items offered.

Skill Book Library

The corporation maintains a station container in Vay labeled “Skill Books”. In it, skill
books that corporation members receive as well as ones deemed important enough that
the corp has purchased extras for are stored there for any member with open assets
access to take. If you come into possession of skill books that you have already
injected, please consider donating them to the skill book library to help out a newer

Specified Order Deliveries

When an order is placed for goods to be delivered, here is the proper pricing method for
those orders:

Items will be sold at 5% Over Jita Sell price unless negotiations have been made.

Rev 1.0.1
Teague Munitions & Equipment Inc.
Vay - Core Complexion Inc.
Member of ForsakenSyndicate
Items requiring delivery will accrue fees depending on destination, jumps, and size.

Within region: +1% Fee

Within 10 Jumps: +2% Fee
Within 25 Jumps: +5% Fee
Within 40 Jumps: +10% Fee
40+ Jumps: +15% Fee

Destination requires entry into:

Known Dangerous High Sec: +5% Fee
Low Sec: +10% Fee
Null Sec: +25% Fee
Wormhole: +20% Fee

If cargo exceeds:
5,000m3: +1% Fee
10,000m3: +2% Fee
15,000m3: +5% Fee
30,000m3: +10% Fee
50,000m3: +15% Fee

Fees of a specific category do not stack.

All % are based on the original item price
before any additional fees have been

Quotes and Invoices will be provided to

customers in a similar format as shown:

Rev 1.0.1

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