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Term Definition

abduction kidnapping someone against their will

attempted murder trying to kill another person
break in Entering into a home/building illegally
An illegal entry into a building, with the intention of doing harm or
committing a crime
child abuse Treating a child badly
drug abuse Using illegal substances
hijacking Illegally taking control of a vehicle or aircraft by force
mugging Attack and rob a person in a public place
smuggling Illegal import or export of valuable goods
white collar crime financially motivated crime by a worker in an organisation
vandalism intentional damage or destruction to a building
the illegal transportation of people for slave labour or sexual
human trafficking
fraud deceiving someone for financial or personal gain
murder killing someone
arson deliberately setting fire to a property
organised crime crime committed by an organisation or gang
shoplifting taking products from a store without paying
manslaughter the unintentional murder of someone
hacking accessing data on a computer system without authorisation
imprisoning someone after they were falsely accused

 A thief => to steal => theft

He stole some money from his father 
 A burglar ==> burglary 
lưu ý: sự khác nhau giữa theft và burglary là burglary sẽ có hành động đột nhập vào
nhà người khác và trộm
My house was burgled by a burglar / a break in: cuộc đột nhập
 A robber => to rob => robbery: cướp
he was robbed of all their savings  
 A murderer => to murder => murder 
 A vandal => to vandalise => vandalism
he likes damaging or destroying public property: phá hoại tài sản công
 Reckless driving (bất cẩn), speeding
My teenage son was caught speeding - he was going 80 miles per hour in a 65-mph
 drinking / drunk driving
After 10 beers, William was arrested for drunk driving on his way hoem from the bar
 Cyber crime
 Indentity theft
 Credit card fraud
 Hacking ==> to hack 
People should be wary of cyber criminals who hack into their computers illegally on
a global scale
 Cyber bullying
 Sending someone a threatening text message is an example of cyber bullying  =>
cyber criminals
 Take sth seriously 
 Bullies put their victim’s photos on the internet without their knowledge
 Bank robbery
 Pickpocketing
a pickpocket has stolen his wallet 
 Bribery => corruption => to bribe 
 Tax evasion => tax evader => to avade tax
 Money laundering 
 Blackmail
 Domestic violence 
 Drug pushing
 Trafficking
 Shopliffter 
a shoplifter steals things from a shop
 To embezzle => embezzlement: biển thủ công quỷ
 To abide by the law = law-abiding citizens
 To fight crimes
 Antisocial behaviour: không phù hợp với thuần phong mỹ tục
 Motive for crime = động cơ gây án 
 Juvenile delinquency => juvenile offences: phạm tội ở thành niên => curb juvenile
delinquencies: kiềm hãm phạm tội thành niên
 A repeat offender: kẻ hay vào tù ra tội, phạm tội liên tục
 Armed and dangerous : nguy hiểm và có trang bị vũ trang
Do not approach the thief if you see him. He is considered armed and dangerous 
 Caught red-handed: bắt quả tang 
 Pile-up: tình trạng xe nối đuôi nhau
During the snowstorm, there was an eight-car pile-up on the highway
 Cultivate their skills and abilities: nâng cao năng lực
 a prison sentence (phr) = án tù
 lawbreaker / criminal / violator (n) = người phạm pháp
 proactive (adj) = chủ động
 merit (n) = mặt tốt, ưu điểm
 yield the best result (phr) = đem lại kết quả tốt nhất
 would-be (adj) = có ý định
 criminality (n) = tình hình tội phạm
 a deterrent to sth (phr) = sự ngăn chặn, phòng ngừa một điều gì đó
 infamous (adj) = tai tiếng
 convict (v) = (tòa) tuyên án phạt
 a preventative measure (phr) = giải pháp phòng ngừa / ngăn chặn
 the root cause (phr) = nguyên nhân gốc rễ, căn nguyên
 earn a living (phr) = kiếm đủ tiền để sống
 obey the law (phr) = tuân thủ pháp luật
 raise (sb’s) awareness of sth (phr) = nâng cao nhận thức (của ai về) điều gì
 a long-term impact (phr) = ảnh hưởng lâu dài
 shape sb’s behavior (phr) = điều chỉnh, thay đổi hành vi của ai
 the propensity for crime (phr) = thiên hướng phạm tội
 put sb in jail / behind bars (phr) = giam ai đó trong tù
 in the long run (phr) = về lâu dài
 Raise people’s awareness = to heighten people’s intellect
 the motivations for crime (phr) = động cơ phạm tội
 implement a solution (phr) = triển khai / áp dụng một giải pháp
 concurrently (adv) = đồng thời
 to be imprisoned: bị bỏ tù = to be condemned to jail
 assassinate (v): ám sát  =>assassination
 Illegality: Hành động bất hợp pháp
 Social endorsement: Sự ủng hộ từ xã hội
 Eliminate the problem from its root: Loại bỏ nguồn góc của vấn đề
 To be of necessity: Là một sự cần thiết không thể thiếu (nhấn mạnh)
 Social security: An ninh xã hội
 To arrest
My partner arrested the man who set fire to the building
 To be imprisoned: Bị bỏ tù
 Heinous actions: Hành động tội ác
 vocational training: học nghề
Instead of putting criminals in solitary confinement, the legal system should be set up in
such a way that it trains prisoners to gain qualifications that will help them survive
when they get out of prison 
 To be a deterrent against sth: Là một rào cản chống lại cái gì đó
 To be condemned to jail: Bị tống vào tù
 To serve as a remedy for the origin of crimes: Như là một liều thuốc cho nguồn gốc
của tội phạm
 To heighten people’s intellect: Nâng cao dân trí
 A civilized society: Một xã hội văn minh
 Vocational training: Học nghề
 Be vulnerable / susceptible to negative peer pressure 
Being online makes you instantly vulnerable, so you have to take the right precautions
to avoid falling victim to e-crimes 
 To dispel any ideas of committing crimes: Loại bỏ bất kì ý định muốn phạm tội

2. Ideas
 He was arrested for burglary 
 She was sentenced to 1 year in prison / she was sentence to dealth / she was
sentenced to 60 hours of community service
 For petty crimes, it is preferable to do community service instead of going to prison 
 Provide peace of mind
 Research familial history
 Criminal record
 Be wary of  
 It is advisable not to give away personal information online, unless you trust the
 Dishonesty and deception are very common online and more often than not, what
looks harmless on the surface may hide dangers that could ruin your life (trong đó
more often than not = often)
 The role of the prison is to protect innocent people from criminals and to rehabilitate
former prisoners back to the society in effective ways 
 Result of inappropriate parenting and a lack of childcare and crime education
 Eliminate the problem from its root
 Social security 
 To be a deterrent against sth 
 A civilized society
 Resentment or negative attitude towards study at school

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