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We should not judge women by what they wear. It is their right to make their own choices
without society judging them. Women are free to make their own choices in the clothes they
wear and it is not the decision of others to dictate or decide, what is considered appropriate in
society. We are free to decide what we wear, we are not prisoners or bound in chains. Women
should feel free to wear what they like and to express themselves through what they wear.

The problem is that our society holds some ridiculous beliefs around how revealing clothes
supposedly increase the risk of sexual assault.

First, we think that perpetrators are sex-crazed men who can’t control themselves at the mere
sight of a woman dressed in provocative clothes.

In reality, sexual violence is not about sex – that’s a myth!

So whether you’re wearing a short skirt or snow pants, it doesn’t make a difference, because
sexual assault is about exerting power and control over someone else.

Clothes are not a risk factor. The only risk factor is the presence of a rapist. And really, if the
issue was about perpetrators not being able control themselves around women dressed in
revealing clothing, then rates of sexual assault at beaches, pools, and fashion shows would be
out of control.

Second, there is a messed up idea that women dressing in revealing clothes are “asking for
it”. So what are the statistics about provocative dress and rape? The reality is that research
shows that most convicted rapists don’t remember what their victim was wearing. In fact, a
Federal Commission on Crime of Violence Study found that only 4.4% of all reported rapes
involved provocative behavior on the part of the victim – in murder cases 22% involved such
behavior (which could be as simple as a glance).

These numbers clearly show that what someone wears is not related to their chances of being
raped. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted – dresses are rarely more revealing than a
swimsuit, and everyone can agree that going to a swimming pool or the beach is not an
invitation for sexual assault. Women do not “ask” to be raped by their clothing choices, and
should never be considered an invitation for sexual assault – slutty or not.
Women, and men for that matter, dress in many different ways for many different reasons.
Even if someone is dressing sexy because they want to have sex, they still get the choice of
who and when. No one dresses sexy because they want to be raped. Men that believe a
woman is asking for it because of the way she dresses are just uneducated moronic idiots. She
is not to blame. There is NO excuse for RAPE. There never will be.

Years ago, women were required to wear skirts. This isn't a cultural requirement today. We
are living in the 21st century. In a modern age where we have freedom to do so many things.
Woman are not here to back up men that cannot control their sexual desires. We dont have to
look for anyone's approval on our dress code. Freedom of expression, freedom of choice. I
live in a modern country not in the stone age. If someone judges a woman, because of the
way she dresses and refuses to look deeper, as to who she is as a person, then that is a really
shallow narrow mindset. We are free, free to make our own choices and decisions in our own
lives. After all, men can do the same, can't woman? Its not our closets to be fixed, It’s mens’
dirty minds and people’s bigoted ideas on how people should conform to please others.

We can never take away the right of a person how she wants to represent herself in front of

whom but at least one should be well aware of what she might convey with the appearance.

And after knowing it if one wants to continue then that is none of others business to interfere.

This goes for men as well. Everyone, male and female, should have the freedom to wear what

they want, within reason, of course. Thank you.

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